Author Topic: pitchfork roll call  (Read 2031 times)


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pitchfork roll call
« on: July 09, 2007, 03:12:00 pm »
who's in?
 I think i found a Friday ticket.
 If i'm never seen from again, I've been kidnapped by some guy from Wisconsin.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 03:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by tigers scare me:
  who's in?
 I think i found a Friday ticket.
 If i'm never seen from again, I've been kidnapped by some guy from Wisconsin.
That's great, I was going to contact you before I left because it looks like I may have an extra after all, so text me if this guy flakes, I'll be in town by 4pm.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 03:31:00 pm »
I'll be there.  
 Probably for all of Friday, most of Saturday, and only the Malkmus through New Pornographers block on Sunday (sorry De La Soul).


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 03:41:00 pm »
 aces- i'mma sending you a PM rightnow.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 05:12:00 pm »
 i have an extra too for friday night if anyone's interested..


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2007, 08:04:00 am »
Have fun!  I really wish I was going...


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 01:04:00 pm »
can anyone school me on these:
 Ken Vandermark's Powerhouse Sound
 William Parker Quartet
 Professor Murder
 Oxford Collapse
 Fred Lonberg-Holm's Lightbox Orchestra
 Craig Taborn's Junk Magic


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2007, 03:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  can anyone school me on these:
 Ken Vandermark's Powerhouse Sound
 William Parker Quartet
 Professor Murder
 Oxford Collapse
 Fred Lonberg-Holm's Lightbox Orchestra
 Craig Taborn's Junk Magic
if its any help to you - OxC are a local band. play with WAS quite a bit. You can see them in brooklyn (or the city) enough. but they are really worth checking out. I love them.  From their myspace page: "i miss the early 00's post-rock and noise scene, those bands were alot more fun to go see live than all this new shit. i'd rather watch Das Oath over the Oxford Collapse any day of the fucking week. i already have Archers Of Loaf records. fuck indie rock and it's epic return. i already lived that bullshit. i need blood on the dance floor at ear splitting volume. what the world needs now is a Jesus Lizard reunion." - A. JERCHOFF
 ive also heard great things about professor murder, and someone (Dave - guy with dyed hair) was talking about seeing them on friday at F&M. Totally forgot what was said - but I recall good things. I could prob find some songs and send them to you if that would help if youre already in chicago?
 if not - come to spoon. there'll be a lot of us there.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2007, 01:16:00 pm »
just curious to see what the others thought..
 me: the festival didn't really get going for me til about 345p on sunday (starting with us overhearing Nomo while we ate.. and wandering over and being pleasantly surprised. nice little by-accident discovery for me). then we grabbed a good spot to watch jamie lidell, which was brilliant. probably my favorite set of the weekend. other highlights for me were stephen malkmus's loose, lowkey set... and de la absolutely killing it to close the whole thing.
 sonic youth i thought put on a great show... but some asshole decided to just mic the kick drum on the outer head and not inside to pick up the attack, thus rendering the kick a triggerable 808. cool for hip-hop.. not so much for daydream nation. it bugged the inner audiophile nerd in me the entire set.
 i wish i could make that McCarren Pool show next weekend... for those of you that it's a possibility, go!
 i won't even go into the mess that was GZA's set.. biggest concertgoing letdown of my life.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2007, 03:02:00 pm »
I didn't stay the whole time every day and enjoyed the bands that I expected to (Battles, Mastodon, and especially Malkmus), but I think I had a better time last year.  I think I liked more bands in last year's lineup.  Also, a lot more pot heads.  Boo pot heads.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2007, 03:40:00 pm »
Originally posted by SalParadise:
  just curious to see what the others thought..
 me: the festival didn't really get going for me til about 345p on sunday (starting with us overhearing Nomo while we ate.. and wandering over and being pleasantly surprised. nice little by-accident discovery for me). then we grabbed a good spot to watch jamie lidell, which was brilliant. probably my favorite set of the weekend. other highlights for me were stephen malkmus's loose, lowkey set... and de la absolutely killing it to close the whole thing.
 sonic youth i thought put on a great show... but some asshole decided to just mic the kick drum on the outer head and not inside to pick up the attack, thus rendering the kick a triggerable 808. cool for hip-hop.. not so much for daydream nation. it bugged the inner audiophile nerd in me the entire set.
 i wish i could make that McCarren Pool show next weekend... for those of you that it's a possibility, go!
 i won't even go into the mess that was GZA's set.. biggest concertgoing letdown of my life.
This review is so spot on I can't really add much other than I thought both The Twilight Sad and Voxtrot were very good...if you were there early enough to see them.  Not usually my thing, but I made an extra effort to not poo poo on festivals starting early/ending early as much as I usually do and I was rewarded.  
 And GZA should have kept his ass in Amsterdam or wherever the hell Wutang was, there are probably other reasons why there hasn't been a hip hop Don't Look Back before but that train wreck certainly didn't help.  Maybe De La should have done 3 Feet High and Rising as the Don't Look Back....I'm hoping I get my faith back in live hip hop (being a little older I remember when most artists were broke and actually rapped about relevant shit) during Rock the Bells at the end of the month, but if not RATM will have to save the day.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2007, 04:23:00 pm »
i kinda thought jamie lidell was annoying.
 fave moment: Brian McMahan all but deep throating the mic during 'good morning captain'.
 malkmus, clipse much better than i thought.
 i was surprised by the sea and cake's set. more rocky, less jazzy. looking forward to their new record. of montreal didn't play the one song of theirs i like. and i'm leery of bands with goofy antics and not much to back it up.
 weirdest moment: i was leaving during the new pornographers (i thought their new stuff was ok, but not exciting)and someone hi-fived me.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2007, 08:01:00 pm »
why was the GZA set such a trainwreck?  him doing liquid swords almost got me on a plane.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2007, 09:26:00 pm »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  why was the GZA set such a trainwreck?  him doing liquid swords almost got me on a plane.
Maybe if he faithfully did Liquid Swords the outcome would have been different, however it was a loose rendition with nary a song done in its entirety and with a lot of superfluous shit thrown in.  I'm not frowning upon some improvisation, and freshening up, but it just didn't have any flow or energy, and when he started mixing in Wu Tang stuff just to get people ( a crowd I'm fairly certain for the most part was not listening to the album when it originally surfaced) into it, it was just kind of sad.
 De La on the other hand (and to some extent Clipse) was throughly professional, and brought it like they always do.  Some things (and some artist especially in hip hop) just don't translate well in large live settings, this was one of them and it was all that big an occassion, I really wanted to like it but the night was a dud until SY took the stage (Slint had really serious sound problems, GZA wasn't loud enough in addition to the other issues, and depending on where you were for SY the sound was kind of whack too.)  They worked out the kinks by the weekend for the most part.


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Re: pitchfork roll call
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2007, 01:24:00 am »
Originally posted by manimtired:
  why was the GZA set such a trainwreck?  him doing liquid swords almost got me on a plane.
*inhales* (c) ace ventura
 not so much GZA's fault, but basically everything poor about live hip hop managed to seep its way into this performance.
 i knew we were off to a bad start when the intro with the little girl talking was already playing (like at volume 3 out of 10) while the event MC was still doing the intro before GZA came out onstage. fuck. that. i wanted cheering.. lights... fireworks... horns of valhalla blaring from the heavens..... *and then* (with volume at 11):
 "when i was little, my father was famous...."
 but that's personal and shouldn't even count as a real gripe. gripes:
 1. his hype men kinda ruined it. i don't care if they're hype before and after a song, but when your hype man basically does all your punchlines and adlibs the last 3 words of your rhyme, it's a group effort. so that means Dreddy Kruger and GZA are now billed as "GZA doing Liquid Swords." i hate you Dreddy Kruger.
 2. if you're gonna snag a DJ to perform your legendary and acclaimed album start to finish with you in front of thousands of people, make sure he's a fucking pro at pressing a fucking button. dude cut the track short about 3 times, thus prompting complaints from everyone on stage, and furthermore starting the track over again. now i don't really care about that. i can hear Shadowboxin again. i'm cool. in fact, i'll let it slide. but you know what you can do that i won't let slide? turn them mid's high and the highs low and the lows mid and do an Arsenio fist pump during your shitty mixing job. just terrible.
 nice to see the Clipse had a DJ that wasn't tom hanks w/ shaky hand syndrome in Saving Private Ryan.
 3. FINISH THE FUCKING SONG. between that and the overall volume being all over the place.. you could barely really get into a song. why do rappers love finishing their tracks after one verse and a chorus? oh nevermind. i just realized why they do that. so they can end their set short by 15 minutes... i wanted to see Liquid Swords. not some new mixtape bullshit mashed up with a verse from Beneath the Surface, a couple Wu-Tang Forever cuts and then a freestyle you wrote that actually takes a few oneliners from various Legend tracks.
 4. when your performer is taking the time to screen a call on his cell mid-song, that's not a good sign. i actually saw Wu-Tang back in '99, and GZA was the laziest, no-stage-presence-having, "i don't feel like being here" cat out of the 8. i should've expected this... but i gave benefit of the doubt since it was a solo show.. and he was performing his classic. but never again.