Author Topic: My unbearable HFS experience  (Read 13431 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2005, 04:19:00 am »
what are you people doing up at this hour?


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2005, 08:47:00 am »
So Echo did play... must have missed that one song set debacle while trying to hydrate after interpol.  I could not have left the stadium for more than 10 minutes.  So much for posted set times.  And yes, festivals are usually an interesting experience, but taking even that into account... this was terrible.   And NY Dolls might just have been a bunch of Stones (or worse yet... Aerosmith) songs, 'cause that's is all they sounded like.  I didn't see much glam, just a long time drug user that looked ready to go six feet under.  They were tight and fairly energetic, but you had to be at least a passing fan to respect/enjoy the set.  Social D was good, but weather started to play a part by this point.  I'm not saying the day/night was not without its moments.  But the time/patience/money investment was not even close to the pleasure of these few moments.  Just one last point before I depart:  The set times/stage.  I understand a lot of factors exist in placing bands on stages at times, but if enjoyment/convenience was the only consideration... this festival was criminal.  I can go into huge detail, but focus on only two points.  1) Balance the stages.  Louis xiv, bravery, echo, possibly even interpol and garbage needed the B stage.  Stereophonics and Sum 41 would have been fine on the Main stage.  That was the beauty of HFS's past, getting close to good bands without the teenage crowd surfers.  The effects of these decisions can not be underestimated.  And Secondly:  The closing main stage.  I would think it wise to ween the crowd leaving.  Think the Cure after Offspring/ Oakenfold after Eminem.  In either case, the last band was not a "must see" for everyone.  Just switching Foo Fighters and Coldplay would have achieved this.  Or better yet (IMHO) put Good Charlotte last.  The set cornered people like me, then throw in a little weather, and I was gone too early.  I cried foul when I saw the times, but all this makes it brutally obvious that its not Coachella... but why can't it at least get closer?


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2005, 09:24:00 am »
I was comparing the lineup to the poll. It looks like the lineup could've been based on the responses.  Maybe that's why it was so random.  
 I agree with everyone's post above but we got what we paid for--we only paid $40.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
There were the same typical problems you have at any stadium show but yeah, the price was only $40.  I paid ridiculous amounts of money for overpriced mediocre food and endured 3 hours of rain and the Good Charlotte set.
 But to me it was totally worth it.  I think Garbage, NY Dolls, Social D. and Coldplay all played amazing sets.  And Billy Idol rocked the place--it was great to see him smiling and feeding off the crowd.

Bombay Chutney

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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2005, 09:50:00 am »
Originally posted by myuman:
     And NY Dolls might just have been a bunch of Stones (or worse yet... Aerosmith) songs, 'cause that's is all they sounded like.  I didn't see much glam, just a long time drug user that looked ready to go six feet under.  
They've been compared to The Stones since day one.  And you could easily argue that Aerosmith stole a lot from The Dolls.  I didn't see the festival, but I saw The Dolls at a club on Friday.  David is in great shape and looks terrific. I wish I had a six-pack like his.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
New York Dolls were really really bad.  Dont get the hype.  Dont get it at all.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2005, 11:30:00 am »
all these reviews make me so glad i went and saw springsteen last night instead. so so glad.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2005, 11:33:00 am »
Originally posted by myuman:
  ....Baltimore is a slight notch above my local landfill when it comes to visually pleasing.  Maybe this is over the top, but everytime I venture inside city limits, filthy always seems not far from being uttered.  
 ... I suffered through Jimmy's Chicken Shacks set while waiting.... Interpol started great, then... just as they were hitting stride, they were gone... not to return.  I kid you not... 20 minutes....This is not the coachella on the clock crew.....I thought it was fine, but...  Time to grab a three or four dollar water (depending on where you shopped)....
 Sure I found one... but this is an outfit that makes no attempt to secure the safety of anyone that would like to get within 50 metres of the stage and actually listen to music (without being abused by moshers/surfers during Interpol of all bands) or clear the line of females out of the men's room, but those soda/water caps have to stay!    So now everyone is moving toward one concourse.  Just one big pain. many tailbone tattoos, nose rings, stoned looks... I had had enough.  It was time to sell this loosing stock.... I was in need of convenience, and this experience needed to be forgotten.
 For the love of Christ, please tell me which of the following you DID NOT see coming when you decided to go see this show.  I mean, which of these came as a shocker to you?
 a) A Baltimore that is  filthy
 b) A "Jimmy's Chicken Shack" show that might not be up to par with respectable music standards
 c) Overpriced food and drink at a football stadium
 d) Short sets at an all day festival featuring 15 bands
 e) Moshing and surfers at a show sponsored by a commercial rock station
 f) Nose rings and alcohol abuse at a show that features music that is clearly appealling to the teenage and 20's demographic.
 Don't complain.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
Originally posted by PigIron:
 Nose rings and alcohol abuse at a show that features music that is clearly appealling to the teenage and 20's demographic.
Do you mean Interpol, Echo, NY Dolls, Social D, Coldplay?  Don't get me wrong... I hear your point... and boy did I pay this time for my oversight.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2005, 11:49:00 am »
My day at the HFSTIVAL:
 I made it to the stadium at 12:15 p.m. I made it to see The Bravery. I wasn't a big fan of their music, but they did put on a good show. After 'An Honest Mistake,' I caught Citizen Cope at the Street Stage. I enjoyed his set.  After 'Bullet And A Target,' I made back to the main stage to catch Louis XIV. Just before they played 'Finding Out True Love Is Blind,' I had a feeling the craziness was coming, and I was right. First, it was the exposed breasts. Just when the band was about to sing the fisrt lyric of the hit single, people were slam dancing. I've seen this band before, and they are not the type of band you slam dance to.
 After that, I hit the street stage to catch Jimmy's Chicken Shack. I was in time to catch their favorites like 'What Did I Do Right,' 'Quitter' and 'High.' I also saw th guitarist madden made a guest appearance. After that, I stayed to see Stereophonics. They put on a great show. I was only able to catch 5 songs.
 After that, I headed over to the main stage to catch Interpol. I also only able to catch the final few songs of them. I returned to the Street Stage to see Pepper. I stayed for 20 minutes of their set before I went back to the main stage. I found out Garbage was coming up. No one inform those returning to the main stage that Echo & The Bunnyman cut their set way short. Garbage come on, and they rocked the house. Shirley and company put on a show. The next band was the New York Dolls. They rocked the house, and the crowd loved it. After Them, it was Social Distortion. Mike Ness and company made their performance an unforgettable one.
 After their set, the rain come down. When Good Charlotte was about to perform, the craziness was unleashed. Slam dancing, crowd surfing, moments of exposed flash was everywhere during GC set. The rain stopped after GC was done. Billy Idol came up, and he his body hasn't aged a bit. He still have the confidence and on satge charisma that made him a hit in the 1980's/early 1990's. I felt his set was the longest of the festival.
 After his set was over, the rain pours down harder; I saw thunder and lighting in the distance and headed inside the stadium. The severe weather ended before 9:30 p.m. I went into the stadium to catch Coldplay. Chris Martin and company put a stellar show. However, I was wondering why people were crowd surfing to this group. C'mon People! Save that stuff for The Foo Fighters. Speaking of them, They came on at 10:30 p.m. They put on a kick ass show. The only drawbacks were their set was too short, and they didn't play Best Of You, their new single.
 I had a good time at the show. I dealt with overzealous crowd surfers, bad views, 2 guys hitting on me, and the weather. I noticed that people recognize the Taking Back Sunday t-shirt I wore.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
  please please
 if they  have another one of theses godawful sorry excuse of a concert ever again, and i express interest in going....shoot me
  the HFStival is the devil.  its terribe, it was a nightmare.
   i would have been better off giving the $200 i spent there to a homeless crackhead.
I concur; it was the march of the teenage zombies...what a freak show, with a horrible sound system and not much frivolity...and stadium/parking staff who could not care less.  
 The after party at Rams Head was more amusing since most of the bands and all of the audience were S*faced.  Washington Social Club, Louis XIV and the Bravery put on a good show considering their earlier sets at HFS, the late hour, and huge quantities of bad food and booze.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2005, 12:46:00 pm »
Guess I'll add my $.02...
 The thing that struck the most about it this year was the angry vibe I got from my fellow concertgoers.  I've been going off and on since 1995 and I've always had a decent enough time.  Drink a few overpriced beers and soak up some sun.   This year seemed to be dominated by the alcohol-weed-testosterone fueled meatheads.  Watching these groups of guys in their standard issue outfits (wispy mustache/goatee, sideways baseball cap, wifebeater, baggy shorts down to the mid-calves with boxers sticking out the top) was like seeing a cross between "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Cops".  Mix that in with a bunch of girls who obviously never got enough attention from their fathers.  It was like the System of a Down thread came to life before my very eyes.
 That being said there were some musical highlights...
 Stereophonics - solid as always.  (BTW, who was the dickhead DJ who introduced them?  He made a lovely comment about how the new 99.1 employees are responsible for the landscaping around stadium.)
 Social D - never seen them before.  Good stuff.
 Billy Idol - lots of fun.
 Coldplay - fantastic.  The heir apparent to the U2-stadium rock crown.
 I thought the Foos were OK, but not as good as I've seen them before.  They seemed to be going through the motions a bit.  Dave's voice sounded a little scratchy when he was talking.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by PigIron:
 a) A Baltimore that is  filthy
blah blah blah yourself. that stadium is MUCH nicer than RFK in DC AND the neighborhood surrounding the stadiums is no different.
   i guess you live in NW cause DC is pretty filthy in most places too. wherever govt buildings arent.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2005, 01:28:00 pm »
This was my last HFStival... I went from 95-2002 and this year.  It seems to get rougher and rougher up front every year, even during mellow bands like coldplay.  During Foo Fighters, my girlfriend took one too many feet to the head and was pulled out by security.  I followed.  During the process, my shoe came off... I don't think someone pulled it off, it just got stuck on the bar.  Anyways, the 'backstage' security was very nice and let me through to get to her.  After the show, when I went to reclaim my shoe, the big black guy up front (who was bothering other innocent people during coldplay), jumped over the railing and kicked me as I was putting my shoe back on...  So I responded 'Thanks for kicking me' while I was tieing my shoe and he started giving me all this shit for putting my shoe on...  So I guess at HFStival, if your shoe comes off... You are not allowed to put it back on.  I called the guy a genieus (I can't spell) and he started threatening me as I walked away.  Other than that, people in the stands seemed nice, but upfront just gets more unsafe every year.  This isn't really a suprise, but the security up front is pretty worthless.


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Re: My unbearable HFS experience
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2005, 01:52:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
 [They've been compared to The Stones since day one.  And you could easily argue that Aerosmith stole a lot from The Dolls.  I didn't see the festival, but I saw The Dolls at a club on Friday.  David is in great shape and looks terrific. I wish I had a six-pack like his. [/QB]
How long was the club set?I'm seriously considering Cleveland's show tomorrow.