Author Topic: Top 40 living directors  (Read 13113 times)


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2003, 03:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
  Scorcese should be lower. I guess I was one of the few who thought 'Gangs Of New York' was an overambitious, overlong, muddled dissapointment.
So?  That doesn't take away from Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver or the King of Comedy.  
 After Hours may be the movie I hate most in the universe, but Scorsese is still a master.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2003, 03:22:00 pm »
posted by ggw
 If any artist in my record collection is a fugitive child molester, I'll happily burn their discs.
In that case, go ahead and burn your Michael Jackson CDs.. your Who/Pete Townsend CDs... and all those CDs by bands whose members have sex with underage women.   :p


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2003, 03:24:00 pm »
What is the allure of Kevin Smith?  I'm not criticizing here; I just genuinely don't understand why he's regarded so highly in film circles.  Don't get me wrong here; Clerks was laugh-out-loud funny, and the absurdity of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and Dogma made them enjoyable films, but I don't see where the reverance comes from.  And this is from someone who gets and chuckles at every geeky comic book and movie joke he throws into his movies. Case in point, nothing cracks me up more than Bob saying "No Ticket" after tossing the angels from the train in Dogma.  I just don't see where he's anywhere near deserving of being considered a great director.  Any help, Bags?
Originally posted by Bagster:
  Where the f*ck is Kevin Smith.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2003, 03:26:00 pm »
posted by Bagster
 So? That doesn't take away from Goodfellas, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver or the King of Comedy.
 After Hours may be the movie I hate most in the universe, but Scorsese is still a master.
Yep, he's still a master. I'm hoping his next one, 'The Aviator', turns out good.   :cool:


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2003, 03:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 In that case, go ahead and burn your Michael Jackson CDs..
What Michael Jackson CDs?
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 your Who/Pete Townsend CDs...
Cleared of possessing child pornography.  Not even close to the same thing.
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 and all those CDs by bands whose members have sex with underage women.
What bands have given young girls quaaludes and then sodomized them?  Gary Glitter maybe?

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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2003, 03:27:00 pm »
it's nice to see that one of the actors from markie's favorite film,  Johnny Mnemonic, made it.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2003, 03:29:00 pm »
John Woo!  Either an oversight or his recent Hollywood crap got him blackballed from the list but the Killer and Hard Boiled should give him a lifetime pass onto these lists.

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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2003, 03:33:00 pm »
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 The Wachowski brothers don't belong in that list
Don't you mean sister?


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2003, 03:34:00 pm »
posted by ggw
 Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 In that case, go ahead and burn your Michael Jackson CDs..
 What Michael Jackson CDs?
Don't act innocent.   :p  
posted by ggw
 Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 your Who/Pete Townsend CDs...
 Cleared of possessing child pornography. Not even close to the same thing.
Yeah, he was doing 'research'... yeahhhhhhhh, right.   :p  
posted by ggw
 Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 and all those CDs by bands whose members have sex with underage women.
 What bands have given young girls quaaludes and then sodomized them? Gary Glitter maybe?
The laundry list of bands who take advantage of their underage groupies is too long to list.   :p


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2003, 03:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 Yeah, he was doing 'research'... yeahhhhhhhh, right.
Not only was he not convicted of child molestation, he wasn't even charged with molestation.  Or even investigated for it.  Apples and oranges.  Actually, more like apples and staplers....
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 The laundry list of bands who take advantage of their underage groupies is too long to list.
Can't you name even one artist that was convicted (or even charged) with forcibly sodomizing a minor and then fled to escape prosecution?


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #40 on: November 14, 2003, 03:57:00 pm »
You know what, you're probably right.  I just LOVE him, everything about him.  I want to marry him (if I can't have Grohl).
 But, I also feel he has helmed a type of rebelious indie comedies that had been wanting -- irreverant and laugh out loud funny, but smart.  'Cuz most other comedies that are supposed to be that funny are usually way to stupid for me to even sit through.  I appreciate the ability to go to a screwball comedy and not be embarrassed.
Originally posted by nkotbie:
  What is the allure of Kevin Smith?  I'm not criticizing here; I just genuinely don't understand why he's regarded so highly in film circles.  Don't get me wrong here; Clerks was laugh-out-loud funny, and the absurdity of Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and Dogma made them enjoyable films, but I don't see where the reverance comes from.  And this is from someone who gets and chuckles at every geeky comic book and movie joke he throws into his movies. Case in point, nothing cracks me up more than Bob saying "No Ticket" after tossing the angels from the train in Dogma.  I just don't see where he's anywhere near deserving of being considered a great director.  Any help, Bags?
Originally posted by Bagster:
  Where the f*ck is Kevin Smith.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #41 on: November 14, 2003, 04:00:00 pm »
posted by ggw
 Can't you name even one artist that was convicted (or even charged) with forcibly sodomizing a minor and then fled to escape prosecution?
Michael Jackson... R Kelly.
 How about Jerry Lee Lewis.. who married his 14 year old cousin?
 Wasn't Chuck Berry convicted once of 'taking a minor over state lines'... something which sounds like an euphemism for sex with a minor?
 ggw, my ultimate point is this. You are acting all incensed over Polanski when the whole issue of sex with minors and the criminality of it can be applied to a wide variety of artists. Your self-righteous anger seems misdirected. If you're going to crusade against one artist for his indiscretion, you need to apply that policy to others also.   :cool:


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #42 on: November 14, 2003, 04:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bagster:
  You know what, you're probably right.  I just LOVE him, everything about him.  I want to marry him (if I can't have Grohl).
I wonder if he puts the toilet seat down, rinses his whiskers out of the sink and gives good head? Find these things out before you commit, Bags.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2003, 04:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by PR_GMR:
 Michael Jackson... R Kelly.
Where have they fled?
 I wouldn't own any of their work either.
How about Jerry Lee Lewis.. who married his 14 year old cousin?
Legal.  Sick, but legal.  He's not a fugitive.
Wasn't Chuck Berry convicted once of 'taking a minor over state lines'... something which sounds like an euphemism for sex with a minor?
Convicted and went to jail.  Did his time and moved on.  Rape wasn't involved.
ggw, my ultimate point is this. You are acting all incensed over Polanski when the whole issue of sex with minors and the criminality of it can be applied to a wide variety of artists. Your self-righteous anger seems misdirected. If you're going to crusade against one artist for his indiscretion, you need to apply that policy to others also.     :cool:  
"sex with minors and the criminality of it"
 "his indiscretion"
 You can't even bring yourself to say it.
 Polanski was convicted of drugging and raping a 13-year old and then fled the country.  Your spirited defense of his actions makes me wonder if you haven't committed similar "indiscretions."
 It's not self-righteous anger, it's intellectual curiosity at the way people exonerate somebody because of some abstract notion of the "artiste."
 Really, if Polanski was a plumber, a car mechanic, a politician, or a CEO, you wouldn't be acting as though he were innocent.


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Re: Top 40 living directors
« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2003, 04:22:00 pm »
I can live with all/any/none of it.    ;)  
Originally posted by Celeste:
Originally posted by Bagster:
  You know what, you're probably right.  I just LOVE him, everything about him.  I want to marry him (if I can't have Grohl).
I wonder if he puts the toilet seat down, rinses his whiskers out of the sink and gives good head? Find these things out before you commit, Bags. [/b]