Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Most of his interviews tend to be.
that one eclipsed basically everything i've ever heard from him on the awkwardness scale
i really liked the show, but i'm such a fanboy that it's hard to have much objectivity ... i think i'd probably go along with the consensus here that this was great but last fall's was better
if i had to pick nits, it did seem like on a few songs that the samples weren't synced up right or that they were a bit muddled, and "pocketful of $$$" could have been much better ... but overall it was great
oh, some ridiculously fucked up girl to my left kept collapsing in the first half of the show (we were stage right, about 6 row back) ... after holding her up a couple of times she told me that "it's those damn pain-killers!" and i kind of washed my hands of the situation, i think a bouncer came by and snatched her out of the crowd eventually