Originally posted by nkotb:
I'm working on deciding which new system I should pick up, and the Wii is the likely front-runner. Still, without Rock Band, I feel empty
Just so you know, I was on the fence about wii vs 360 for a long time. Around August I was nearly 99% decided that it was going to be the wii. Then I started thinking about all of the cool non-video game features of the 360 - downloadable content, HD output, HD-DVD capabilities, rentable movies, external hard drives, Media Server etc - and coupled that with the list of games that were available between the two and was back to deciding which camp to be in. After playing Rock Band over Xmas in So Cal, I bought both the 360 and Rock Band on the way back to SF.
I think it's a matter of time before the wii controller aspects make their way to other consoles. For the wii to catchup to the 360, it's a lot more than a firmware upgrade. It's an entire hardware upgrade or entirely new model altogether.
That's just my two cents.