Author Topic: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...  (Read 2032136 times)

ratioci nation

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #870 on: July 09, 2008, 07:15:00 pm »
you can have multi room viewing on your FIOS dvr if you pay for it, basically if you dont pay for it you see the option in your menu but it does nothing when you choose it
 as a current FIOS customer and former comcast customer, I am not blown away, mostly I dont like their dvr interface (probably just used to the comcast one), I dont like that you cant have your phone also ring on your cell phone and that you cant be emailed your voicemail (like vonage), and I dont think the internet connection is all that fast


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #871 on: July 09, 2008, 07:34:00 pm »
my issue with streaming music around my house is that i need my main iTunes library to recognize when i've played / how many times i've played songs in order for my smart playlists to work ... i'm sure i can get this somehow by making a home media server, but i haven't put in the energy yet
 having my desktop hooked up to my receiver/speakers is the easiest way for now ... having an ipod dock in a another room works great as well, once you sync your ipod back up iTunes recognizes what was played


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #872 on: July 09, 2008, 07:59:00 pm »
DIGITAL REVOLUTION: Shut up about the Home Server, already!
 I won??t.  Be lucky you don??t live near me because everyday I??ve discovered something new that I feel the need to tell you about it.  Even the stupid stuff.
 So it??s about April/May in the Smackie Digital Revolution 2008 and the desktop is on its way out of the living room (along with the desk and in comes a new paint job and curtains ?? see, I told you smackette didn??t mean gadgets).   I??ve got the 360 hooked up to the stereo (optically, I might add, which is important because I don??t want to always have the TV on when all I want to do is listen to music), but I have three different databases of music, photos and video files.  I also tried to wirelessly stream an HD version of the FA Cup semi-finals to my front room which was a major failure (802.11g secured, for those interested).  Couple that with my music collection at the office and I??m in total disarray.  I want to listen to this, but it??s on that computer.  Mom wants that picture but it??s at home.  We??ve all been there.
 Ever since I saw the demo of the Windows Home Server, I??ve wanted one.   Don??t be scared off by the server part ?? this is super friendly and very easy to use.  While my favorite aspect of the server was to have one shared storage location for all my media (175 GB of music) that all of the other computers could access, it??s been the rest of the features that makes the jump worth it.  
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">It automatically backs up my collection on the fly (using a new technology in Windows Disk Management ?? not the difficult server stuff that plagues Win Servers ?? no RAID, no mirroring software).</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">It automatically backs up every computer on my network (even wakes up the computers on in the middle of the night, backs up only the files that have changed, then puts them back to sleep).</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">I have Remote Access to my server (read: all of my files) and all of my computers on the network.</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">It creates my own personal web site for photo sharing and (eventually) blogging.</font></li>
  • <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">And here??s the best part: I have controlled access to all of my music from any computer that has an internet connection!  Oh, and my photos and video too, but who cares, we??re music people.</font></li>
<font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">
       Problem is, I implemented the $400 gadget rule.  There are a few out-of-the-box options that are recommended for the super-novice user.  HP has two Media Smart Servers available that sell for about $549-$749.  They add some really slick features, especially for iTunes that aren??t available on Do-it-Yourself models.  I??ve waited since October for the price to come down to but by June 1, I moved on to a different solution, but that will be for tomorrow.  "Closer to the Heart" came out on Rock Band last night and I'm getting the band together...


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #873 on: July 09, 2008, 08:01:00 pm »


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #874 on: July 10, 2008, 12:21:00 pm »
I love it when we have a discussion here, and then the next weeks issue of the Economist is dedicated to the same topic.  My favorite part was when they referred to the G8 as the "G7 Democracies plus Russia"
 From the Briefing Section (for those not familiar with the Economist, the briefing section is research and background):
 Who runs the world?
 Wrestling for influence
 Jul 3rd 2008
 From The Economist print edition
 The post-war global institutions have largely worked well. But rising countries and growing threats are challenging their pre-eminence
 THE powerful, like the victorious, do not just write history. They grab the seats at the top tables, from the United Nations Security Council to the boards of the big international economic and financial institutions. They collude behind closed doors. They decide who can join their cosy clubs and expect the rest of the world to obey the instructions they hand down.
 That is how many outsiders, not just in the poor world, will see the summit that takes place from July 7th to 9th of the G8, the closest the world has to an informal (ie, self-appointed) steering group. Leaders of seven of the world??s richest democracies, plus oil-and gas-fired Russia, gather this year in Toyako, on Hokkaido in northern Japan, to ruminate on climate change, rising food and energy prices, and the best way to combat global scourges from disease to nuclear proliferation.
 From the Leaders section (think opinion):
 What a way to run the world
 Global institutions are an outdated muddle; the rise of Asia makes their reform a priority for the West
 CLUBS are all too often full of people prattling on about things they no longer know about. On July 7th the leaders of the group that allegedly runs the world??the G7 democracies plus Russia??gather in Japan to review the world economy. But what is the point of their discussing the oil price without Saudi Arabia, the world??s biggest producer? Or waffling about the dollar without China, which holds so many American Treasury bills? Or slapping sanctions on Robert Mugabe, with no African present? Or talking about global warming, AIDS or inflation without anybody from the emerging world? Cigar smoke and ignorance are in the air.
 The G8 is not the only global club that looks old and impotent (see article). The UN Security Council has told Iran to stop enriching uranium, without much effect. The nuclear non-proliferation regime is in tatters. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the fireman in previous financial crises, has been a bystander during the credit crunch. The World Trade Organisation??s Doha round is stuck. Of course, some bodies, such as the venerable Bank for International Settlements (see article), still do a fine job. But as global problems proliferate and information whips round the world ever faster, the organisational response looks ever shabbier, slower and feebler. The world??s governing bodies need to change.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #875 on: July 10, 2008, 12:44:00 pm »
So those that know me know that I either have a Mountain Dew or a beer in my hand (and occasionally on weekends when I??m taking myself too seriously, a glass of wine) at all times.  My Dew addiction is so bad, that Smackette gave me one of her Starbuck coffee mugs to pour the Dew into because she was convinced that people would take me more seriously if I didn??t look like I was always drinking a soda.  As usual, she was right, although I still maintain growing the permanent 5 O??clock shadow has helped as well.
 This summer Mountain Dew released three new flavors designed by Dew drinkers ?? however, only one will survive after the voting at  After launching a successful international campaign to get ??Live Wire? to be a permanent fixture, I was going to sit this one out.  But luckily for me, the liquor store I stop at to pick up a sandwich on my way to the beach for lunch (don??t hate me because I eat lunch at the beach 2-3 times a week, hate me because I??m beautiful) had all three new flavors in stock.
    <img src="" alt=" - " />
 First up for Review:  REVOLUTION
 ??Dew Infused with Wild Berry Fruit Flavor and Ginseng?
 One of my biggest fears of these new flavors was that they were going to be too sweet.  One was raspberry, one was strawberry, and this was the wild berry variety.  I must say, this one is very tame.  I??ve noticed that the most recent Dew varietals have come with a bit of an aftertaste that is not present on the original masterpiece, so eloquently encapsulated in the Mountain Dew Rock by Beck.  This one is the same ?? it must be the Ginseng (which is a cop out for I have no f??in clue why it has the after taste).  The light taste combined with the fizzy start make it taste more like a berry flavored seltzer water than a Mountain Dew.  I rather enjoyed it this morning.
 It??s going to be tough for the other ones to beat this one out.  It??s better than Code Red, but is still behind Live Wire and the original.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #876 on: July 10, 2008, 03:01:00 pm »
so smackie will you have the Do Not Disturb sign out on the 22nd when the U2 remastered CDs with bonus tracks come out?
 and no i'm not ignoring your white papers just been a bit preoccupied this week...


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #877 on: July 10, 2008, 03:11:00 pm »
Oh, iTunes 7.7 just came out!  That can mean only one thing!!!
 Oh, a new phone.  Nevermind.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #878 on: July 10, 2008, 03:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo:
  so smackie will you have the Do Not Disturb sign out on the 22nd when the U2 remastered CDs with bonus tracks come out?
Well, I no longer buy CDs, but I still took the day off.  I'll figure something out.  
 I'm thinking me and the Director should meet half way, take over the DJ booth at a gentleman's club see what happens with the remasters....


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #879 on: July 10, 2008, 03:26:00 pm »
i like how 'where the streets have no name' is basically the entire republic of ireland
 i did get to see the crazy u2 street with all the graffiti though


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #880 on: July 10, 2008, 05:14:00 pm »
DIGITAL REVOLUTION: Tell me more about the Home Server, already!
 Ok, so now I??ve been waiting 6+ months for the price of a home server to come down.  Why do I feel like a home server should be around $400?  Well, it??s simple really.  It doesn??t do much besides store files.
 There??s no mouse or keyboard.  There??s no video card for graphics or sound card for high audio.  It??s a basically a 500GB external drive ($100) with an operating system ($150) hooked up to a CPU ($65) with RAM ($30) and a network card ($15).  That??s $370 in my book, and I??ll throw in $30 for putting it all together.  $400.
 So in my ongoing quest to fully understand the OS before I buy my HP Media Smart server, I stumbled onto instructions to build your own $400 Home Server.  PERFECT!  I??ve built computers before, but Donavan West did an amazing job of step by step instructions that any monkey can follow.  So I went about collecting my parts that Donavan recommended.  At this point I feel the need to point out that I have many hookups at Microsoft and that I didn??t pay the $150 for the OS (more like $30 in exchange for building one for her after I get it all worked out ?? seemed like a deal to me).  So instead, I reinvested in my server by doubling the RAM (2GB) and adding dual eSATA HDDs (1TB total).
 One quick thing.  As Sonick pointed out in a different thread, I??m a bit of an enviro.  I recycle and drive a Prius, but I??m not crazy.  I don??t climb trees about to be cut down and I won??t make too many performance sacrifices for my entertainment unit.  But I did try to go green where I could.  I bought a CPU that is the size of a toaster that uses 1/3 less power than most CPUs.  I bought Western Digital Green drives that remove the heads (needles) from the drives when not in use, saving energy.  I needed to go to a gig switch rather than the usual 10/100 for HD content, but I did so by buying a D-link green switch that parks the ports when the computer is not turned on.  Generally, these things cost a little more, but I??ll get the money back in my saved electricity bills (or so the hope goes).  The whole concept of the server is to not only have one storage location, but to also save power by not needing to power on multiple computers/laptops/monitors etc. all the time.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #881 on: July 10, 2008, 05:30:00 pm »
Prius huh....were are you going to dump that huge battery in a few years?

Venerable Bede

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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #882 on: July 10, 2008, 05:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
   But I did try to go green where I could. Generally, these things cost a little more, but I??ll get the money back in my saved electricity bills (or so the hope goes).  
ha ha. . .i'll see what i can do about that. . .


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #883 on: July 10, 2008, 05:34:00 pm »
Originally posted by 47 YEAR OLD VIRGIN:
  Prius huh....were are you going to dump that huge battery in a few years?
In one of the many caverns created beneath the North Sea that is empty now that all the oil is gone.
 I'll put it right next to your carbon.


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Re: Things Smackie Thinks You Need to Know...
« Reply #884 on: July 10, 2008, 05:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
  ha ha. . .i'll see what i can do about that. . .
No matter what you do (and I'm afraid you'll do a lot), it won't change the fact that if I use less wattage, I'll be charged less money.