Hmm. Well, I have both a TV room and a parlor and the parlor is where I generally listen to music, it's where I keep my CDs and vinyl.
In my TV room, on the rare occasions I listen to music, I have my entire collection digitized and play them thru the TiVo which has a music app, through my TV's speakers currently. (I know, you're clutching your pearls.) Ideally, I would like to be able to play actual CDs and vinyl in the TV room as well through a soundsystem. I would like my TV/blu-ray to feed into the soundsystem as well. It is a very oddly shaped room and I cannot drill so ideally wireless. This does not need to be anywhere close to a top of the line setup, as I am surviving on TV speakers currently.
EDIT: To clarify, I'm only interested in updating the TV room. The parlor's sound setup is already great.