I've had so many of these lately...
(1) When Hurley 'took control' of his problem with food and destroyed all the food he'd been hoarding, at Libby's urging. Okay, these folks are on a fucking ISLAND. Even with these rations they happened upon, they might be on the island for 20 years. Hurley should be drawn and quartered for squandering the only non-indigent food supply they have to count on. PLUS, he destroyed all that food he couldn't resist before new rations were dropped on the island. He had NO idea the existing rations weren't limited to what was down in the hatch.
(2) On The O.C., when every single one of them got their "college acceptance" letters on the exact same day. Uh, that does NOT happen. Nor does every college have their new students visiting day on the same day. Nor would a bunch of privileged private school kids all have applied to only one school each. My dad was furious with me when I only applied to four schools.
(3) Oh no, Lorelai and Luke might not get married?!? Hello, this couple has not had any heat between them all season long. It's insane. As writers, wouldn't you think, "hey, they're an engaged couple, maybe they should hug or smile at each other or something??" Ditto to both O.C. teenage couples. All the chemistry and heat just went away completely. So bizarre.