Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Haha no not that bad.
The postal code is a mess, though.
I'm calling them first thing on monday.
None of my European friends from Sweden to Estonia had a problem getting tickets other than the first round sell out. Then our insider friend let us know to be on some other website by a given time for tickets to new shows to be released. Again, none of the Europeans had problems.
It was once you crossed the Atlantic where the problems hit. Some got tickets while others got very strange problems. A couple of them got confirmation letters addressed to a Mr. McCartney, neither of which have that name. The weirdest one was when one friend got shut out of the first London show so tried again. Still no luck. Then he gets this email addressed to a Mr. McCartney confirming his tickets to the Manchester show of which he did not try for nor can he attend.
As much as I would love to see the London show, I am glad that I am not involved in this mess. I'll just wait for Stateside.