Author Topic: Chocolate Rain  (Read 6120 times)


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Re: Chocolate Rain
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2007, 04:40:00 pm »


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Re: Chocolate Rain
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2007, 09:45:00 am »
See John Mayer's Response to Tay
 John Mayer's Chocolate Rain


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Re: Chocolate Rain
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2007, 02:36:00 pm »
How has no one posted this yet?
 f you've got a computer and a forward-happy friend or two, you're already hip to Tay Zonday and "Chocolate Rain", the twinkly, croaking hook-overload that's swept through the internet like a Ghirardelli thunderstorm over the last few weeks.
 One might have thought 2007's answer to William Hung was in danger of letting up, but not so: Girl Talk and Dan Deacon (clearly dudes with well-developed senses of irony and a penchant for goofy touring partners) have invited the M&M maestro to perform at their October 5 gig at First Avenue in Minneapolis.
 We're a little too WTF'ed out to make much sense of this, but we did recall that yesterday, Girl Talk posted a MySpace bulletin hinting at a "special guest" that he predicted would "probably sell a bunch of tickets" to the Minneapolis show. I naively assumed it would be Prince, though this, somehow, seems even more unlikely. Tay Zonday! That "Chocolate Rain" guy! Who could've guessed?
 Thanks to the Daily Swarm for the tip. Girl Talk and Dan Deacon dates after the jump. Alas, Tay Zonday has no more shows scheduled.