NME's Top 10 Funniest Band Moments of TV. This is FANTASTIC! If you don't find at least one of these clips amusing, then you're dead. They have to be funnier than "Spamalot."
Considering this is British TV where's The Stone Roses on "The Late Show" having their power cut and Ian Brown yelling "Amateurs!"? Or when The Bee Gees were on the Clive Anderson show and he mentions that at one point they were called "Les Tosseurs." The band laugh and then Clive says "Well, you have always been tossers to me" which causes the band to walk off?
The above list is great. What a gorgeous version of "Jeane" (why the hell isn't that on ANY of 640 Smiths compilations?) Lily Allen showing off her superfluous nipple.
There's nothing quite like someone British yelling "GET IT OUT!"