Saw the Stone Roses play what is now the 9:30 club. They were brilliant (this was the second coming tour). They did an acoustic set in the middle, played top notch for 1 1/2 hours (no opener) then no encore. I didn't feel cheated in the least. They could play live, if you can't hear the vocals don't blame the band it is either (a) sound guy's fault or (b) where you are standing.
Sex Pistols was because I could never have been there the first time. They played tight here, were having fun, and of course you don't expect the audience of 30-somethings or higher to have the engergy of 16-18 year olds. Heard about the blind date show, people thought it was Hootie and so started to boo and the rest. Not their crowd.
I don't expect to relive the day with a reunion show, anyone who does will usually be bummed.
Oh, and I would go to a Happy Mondays reunion. Bez would have to be there though.