My experience as the de facto leader of allows me particular insight into this situation.
(1) Unless I am gravely mistaken, J-Money is an African-American girl, now in her early-to-mid 20's, who spent the better part of 10,000 posts on posting god-damn Taking Back Sunday lyrics back and forth with this other girl named Sarah. She was generally regarded one of the stupidest members in the history of a very, very stupid message board, and the fact the Washington Post is citing them as an authority is pretty LOL-worthy.
(2) Whenever a messageboard or news outlet steals a "story" from your messageboard, the proper response IS ALWAYS flooding them into oblivion. As such, I expect there to be some really nasty things posted in the comments section of the WPost's "story" when I get back. If you all need assistance coordinating such an attack, my PM box is always empty.