Author Topic: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans  (Read 6366 times)

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2007, 07:49:00 pm »


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2007, 07:56:00 pm »
I live in Silver Spring, just minutes from the proposed location and frankly the idea of $8 Million of taxpayer money going to fund some corporate chain, deep pockets venue makes my blood boil.

Roger Music

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2007, 06:16:00 pm »
11-30-07 IFI Music Press Release
 Following is the Official Press Release of Institute For Independent Music concerning the matter of a live music venue in Silver Spring, MD.
 We are encouraging you to please copy and paste the following Press Release along with the unity statement provided. Fill in your information where noted and send it the email addresses that follow. To be informed about what is happening, please read the article posted below all of the email information.
 This is a major concern for the Indie Music Community. We should make an effort, when at all possible, to support our independently owned and locally operated production companies. Live Nation is a spin-off company of Clear Channel. Please help us in this matter by making your voice heard.
 Official Statement to Copy and Paste in Email:
 I/We (        insert name               ) agree with and support the official position of IFI Music concerning the matter of a live music venue in Montgomery County, MD.
 I.M.P. Productions and 9:30 Club have set a standard of music venue production that has received acknowledgments of professionalism and integrity across the country. They have continually shown consistent and encouraging support to both local and national Indie Music Artists and have done so keeping an integrity that has created only positive experiences for those Artists. The Institute for Independent Music, inc. (IFI Music), a 501c3 non-profit organization established here in Silver Spring, Maryland for the support, promotion and unity of the International Indie Music Community, appeals to County Executive Isiah Leggett, Lee Development Group and all others involved in the process to re-open discussions regarding the property at the old JCPenney site, allowing I.M.P. Productions to formally present an alternative proposal to establish a venue in said location. It is the belief of IFI Music that the interests of Montgomery County, the State of Maryland AND all local and national Indie and Mainstream music Artists are best served in the hands of locally owned and operated I.M.P. Productions. IFI Music will use all of its resources and network to encourage the support of this appeal in the hopes that Mr. Leggett and those involved will do the right thing and halt any further talks or movement with Live Nation until the proposal of I.M.P. Productions, along with any other interested parties, has been given a fair and thorough chance in a competitive bidding process so that Montgomery County may get the best possible partner for this venture.
 Please copy and paste this statement into an email and send it to the following addresses:


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2007, 10:16:00 pm »
can they do all ages shows in silver spring if they serve alcohol?


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2007, 11:25:00 pm »
which do you prefer?  a national entertainment conglomerate injecting competition into a small market or having a local oligopoly grow even stronger?  however you choose to spin it, this is a dance-off between two relatively big parties.
 county officials should open up the process to encourage other bidders and make it auction-like, ie give the chance live nation to make an even better counterproposal and seth the chance to countercounterpropose... for the best deal for taxpayers.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2007, 12:10:00 am »
Originally posted by 930clubber:
  which do you prefer?  a national entertainment conglomerate injecting competition into a small market or having a local oligopoly grow even stronger?  however you choose to spin it, this is a dance-off between two relatively big parties.
Dude, we're not logical around here. Take this reasoning elsewhere!   :mad:

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2007, 07:56:00 am »
you  know...
 I'm really not saying "choose me, choose me!"
 the point is it shouldn't be handed to anyone...there should be a process
 if, ultimately, after that, people decide it's better to have someone else do it for whatever reason, I won't like it but I won't cry foul
 but I am telling you guys...people start fighting over bands, tickets go up


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2007, 08:15:00 am »
The Institute for Independent Music has a quick and easy way to voice your support to open the process and take bids from all companies.  Check it out - and send it to everyone you know.  It takes 3 seconds, tops.


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2007, 05:05:00 pm »
Halliburton in Iraq shows how imperious democratic governments can be in contracting with the private sector.  It wasn't until years after the first contracts when the Dems came to regained power in Congress that checks began to applied.
 Ticket prices could go up, or more bands will fill the capacity.
 M.I.A. played 930 for $25.  She played the Wiltern in LA a few weeks earlier for the same ticket price despite that market being much, much larger and having more venues.  More venues bid for more bands, ie more venues is a signal for bands making  tour dates to consider DC when they otherwise might not.
 I'm not in the biz, but I have a feeling that pollstar data subscriptions make all venue operators part of a global pricing village.
 But as Seth says, let the chips fall where they may, but let it be the result of a process, preferably a good one.
Originally posted by Seth Hurwitz:
  you  know...
 I'm really not saying "choose me, choose me!"
 the point is it shouldn't be handed to anyone...there should be a process
 if, ultimately, after that, people decide it's better to have someone else do it for whatever reason, I won't like it but I won't cry foul
 but I am telling you guys...people start fighting over bands, tickets go up


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2007, 05:55:00 pm »
but I am telling you guys...people start fighting over bands, tickets go up
That's the one thing I disagree with.  
 Supply and demand rules. Whatever the audience will pay, that's how prices are set now and that's how prices will be set if there were more venues competing.


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2007, 06:07:00 pm »
I think you have to look at supply and demand differently.  The clubs are demanding and the bands are supplying.  If the demand increases (because there are more clubs) while supply holds steady (because the supply of bands does not increase) then the price goes up.
 Ticket prices don't reflect the demand of concertgoers.  If they did, scalping wouldn't really exist.
Originally posted by Stairmaster E:
but I am telling you guys...people start fighting over bands, tickets go up
That's the one thing I disagree with.  
 Supply and demand rules. Whatever the audience will pay, that's how prices are set now and that's how prices will be set if there were more venues competing. [/b]


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2007, 06:16:00 pm »
depends on how you slice supply.  a very unique act  -- small supply -- might see itself benefiting from higher ticket prices via bidding from more venues.  but how many acts are unique in that way?
 again, M.I.A. sold out in DC for $25.  tix sold for a show the same month in LA, a market at least five times our size, for exactly the same price.  how do you armchair economists explain that?

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2007, 09:52:00 am »
M.I.A.'s agent & manager are intelligent
 the vast majority are not
 go look at the ticket prices at the Ram's Head...these are the results of bands deciding to play Baltimore because they were offered so much they couldn't say no and, when they looked at the ticket prices on the offer, decided that it didn't matter


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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2007, 10:46:00 am »
 If the demand increases (because there are more clubs) while supply holds steady (because the supply of bands does not increase) then the price goes up.
You mean the price goes up for the venue, but only if they're bidding on the same acts. Doesn't change tix prices though. If they can charge $10 more and people will pay it, they will anyway.
 In practice, the venue can't stay in business if they keep bidding higher than what they foresee breaking even on, except maybe for an occassional prestige event. And the prices are already set at that level. It isn't an exact science, but obviously someone is making an educated guess about the maximum they can charge without turning away very many people who'd want to go.

 Ticket prices don't reflect the demand of concertgoers.  If they did, scalping wouldn't really exist.
No, if there's a lot of scalping for a show, it just means that the educated guess by the person setting the ticket price was low. So if there were a lot of quick sold-outs on a tour, prices may be set higher on the next one to cash in on the high demand

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Critics Question the Fillmore Plans
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2007, 11:51:00 am »
Even if ticket prices don't rise, i'm willing to bet that service fees will be higher, extra venue fees, and a barrage of sponsorship will greet people attending shows at this club.  Will they even bother to operate a box office during the day selling tickets without the surchanges.  Remember this is the outfit that would charge the Ticketmaster fees for same day ticket sales at Merriweather.