Author Topic: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot  (Read 9150 times)


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2007, 12:12:00 pm »
Originally posted by econo:
  Has Keillor said anything about it?
Originally posted by Brandon Brendall, the thief:
  I'm sure he'll blame Bush and the war, just like the Democratic senators from Minnesota, despite the fact that the state's waste of their own revenue on bailing out pension fund liabilties ($972 million), seldom-used rail lines ($97 million), theaters ($12 million), bear exhibits at a zoo ($30 million), ethanol subsidies to an industry already experiencing a 300% increase in profit ($34 million), and viking ships ($1 million), and their waste of the nearly half a billion in federal transportation earmarks on things like nature trails mostly in sparsely populated areas ($48 million) and the University of Minnesota system ($19 million) is  well documented.
Jesse "The Body" Ventura would have never let shit like this happen . . .


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2007, 01:06:00 pm »
<img src="" alt=" - " />
 "I ain't got time for bridge collapse."
Originally posted by TheDirector217:
 Jesse "The Body" Ventura would have never let shit like this happen . . .


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2007, 01:22:00 pm »
I'm sure he'll blame Bush and the war, just like the Democratic senators from Minnesota
For the record, Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota is Repugnican. But Al Franken of SNL is looking good to take his seat next year


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2007, 02:07:00 pm »
Originally posted by nkotb:


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2007, 02:44:00 pm »
Originally posted by bnyced0:
 I'm confused, who exactly interjected Bush into the conversation, albeit to seemingly to take a shot at political incompetence (amongst the Dems presumably) in Minnesota?
I never placed blame on the dems.  However, the dems from Minnesota have been making comments in the media like:
 "We've spent $500 billion in Iraq and we have bridges falling down in this country.  I see a connection between messed-up priorities." (Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-MN)
 "[Bush] failed to support a robust investment in surface transportation." (Rep, James Oberstar, D-MN-8)
 This despite the fact that the state of Minnesota has been wasting millions of their own tax revenue on frivolous crap like seldom-used rail lines, theaters, bear exhibits at a zoo, ethanol subsidies to an industry already experiencing a 300% increase in profit, and other corporate welfare, and freakin' viking ships, and then wasting millions more of the more than generous share of federal transportation dollars they have received on more frivolities, when they should be using it for critical transportation needs.
 Rep. Oberstar even sent out a press release a month ago bragging about a recent transportation and housing appropriations bill where $12 million was earmarked for Minnesota: $10 million for a rail line that already received over $100 million from the state and the federal government, and $2 million for new bike and walking paths.  Then he has the nerve to turn around and say that the federal government isn't giving his state enough money for critical repairs?
 My point (and it's kind of sad that I have to explain this), is that there is more than enough money out there for critical transportation needs in each state and from the federal government, and when politicians look to blame someone for a tragedy and claim they need more of your money to fix the issue, you should take a good hard look at what is happening with the billions of tax dollars that are already there.
 Minnesota, it seems, has been especially wasteful, and it is particularly hypocrtical for its politicians to try to blame Bush and bring up Iraq and priorities, when they are the ones responsible for allocating the loads of available money to political pet projects...and nature trails, rather than the critical needs of the roads and bridges.
 Speaking of "priorities," all of the $48 million earmarked for Minnesota nature trails in the 2005 federal transportation bill were listed as "high priority," and $13.8 million of these were in Oberstar's district.  Think about that for a minute.


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2007, 02:47:00 pm »
Originally posted by Stairmaster E:
I'm sure he'll blame Bush and the war, just like the Democratic senators from Minnesota
For the record, Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota is Repugnican. But Al Franken of SNL is looking good to take his seat next year [/b]
For the record, I never said "the entire Minnesota congressional delegation."
 PS I am a fan of Al Franken.


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2007, 08:12:00 am »
Speaking of arrogant politicians looking to blame someone for a tragedy and claiming they need more of your money to fix the issue...did anyone read the cover story in this morning's Express where Alaskan Republican Congressman Don Young says "We have to, as a Congress, grasp this problem.  And yes, I would even suggest, fund this problem with a tax."
 This, the same money grubbing asshole whose state took home $1 billion in pork from the 2005 federal transportation bill (that's roughly $1,595.07 per Alaskan), including a $231 million bridge in Anchorage that would be named for himself.  Not included in the earmarks was the $223 million for the "bridge to nowhere" going to an island of 50 people, which by technicality was specifically defunded, but the money was still sent to the general Alaskan package and will be used for this bridge.
 Minneota, by the way, received $449 million in earmarks, roughly $91.27 per person there, much of which, as mentioned, was also wasted on "high priority" pet projects.
 I don't know about you, but I don't want my taxes raised to help pay for outlandish pet projects in Alaska (who, by the way, has the lowest state tax burden in the nation), and nature trails in Minnesota.  Eliminate things like that and the arrogant politicians that allow them to happen first, then use the loads of money already available on critical repairs.  No tax increase is needed, by far.

Venerable Bede

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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2007, 02:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by Brandon Brendall, the thief:
 I don't know about you, but I don't want my taxes raised to help pay for outlandish pet projects in Alaska (who, by the way, has the lowest state tax burden in the nation), and nature trails in Minnesota.  Eliminate things like that and the arrogant politicians that allow them to happen first, then use the loads of money already available on critical repairs.  No tax increase is needed, by far.
geez, who do you work for, jeff flake?


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2007, 02:21:00 pm »
While I don't work for the man (or any politican for that matter), I will say that Jeff Flake is pretty badass.


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2007, 10:07:00 pm »
Originally posted by Brandon Brendall, the thief:
  Again, none of which has anything to do with the money the states waste on frivlous crap when they should be paying for road and bridge repair.
 Back on topic, plz.
no, the topic was Americans are Fat.

Justin Tonation

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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2021, 04:41:36 pm »
While I don't work for the man (or any politican for that matter), I will say that Jeff Flake is pretty badass.

I wonder if Alex still thinks Jeff Flake is pretty badass?

And this seems like the right thread to post this pic:


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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2021, 05:20:09 pm »
Anyone who has driven that stretch on 295 knows it’s pretty dire

Somewhat abandoned really

Justin Tonation

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Re: they've discovered why the bridge collapsed in Minnesot
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2021, 05:41:00 pm »
The gentrifiers have barely begun to establish themselves in Anacostia. They're probably waiting to see what happens with RFK.
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