thoughts and comments on lolla day 3:
due to various family snafus and the need to get the girlfriend to the airport, i didn't make it to grant park until iggy came on. pissed me off, i was looking forward to catching rodrigo y gabriela and wouldn't have minded a lil'dose of blue october's brand of pop songs. grr.
iggy was a ton of fun, not quite as much as at the club earlier this year (obviously) but he and the crowd were feeding off each other. the stooges were a huge draw, having got there just after they started it was near impossible to fight my way to the front as i would have liked to do. mike watt still makes the most ridiculous faces when he plays bass.
"best performance of the day" might have to go to my mom. yup, mommy saw that the GF left her bracelet behind and decided she wanted to check out the show. i was afraid that iggy might be a bit much for her, but other than his dropping a few F-bomb she was really impressed at his energy. next up was peter bjorn and john who were quite good, better than at coachella. something went wrong with the PA during their third or fourth song and it went silent. disappointed, we moved on to !!! and proceeded to dance like sillies. at some point PBJ's audio probs were worked out and they started up again. i trekked back to catch the rest of their set (including a rendition of "young folks" that appeared to include live whistling) while mom decided that !!! was more her groove - made me feel old. after nic & co finished up, mom had had her dose and headed home.
my plan was to check out some modest mouse but i was intercepted by flosstradamus' DJ set - which utterly ruled. their basslines were very reminiscent of daft punk at times, remix/mashup highlights included "baby got back", "don't stop believing", "jump around" and some jay-z tunes that made half the crowd go ape-shit. powerful stuff, punters danced up a storm. i tore my self away long enough to confirm that they were putting on a better show than MM, then returned. if MMJ was closer i would have ran over to check out some of that, but they were at the opposite end of the festival.
i caught a few songs by cafe tacuba - latino punk rawk! crowd was probably the craziest i saw at lolla. while fun, i left after 3 songs in order to grab a last drink and get myself in position for pearl jam. the sight of ~50k (?) people gathered in the main field in preparation for PJ was a very impressive sight. i managed to grab a spot close to the soundboard.
PJ started off strong but floundered by the end. it was a good enough show but not great, not how i would have chosen to end the festival. the fireworks going off behind the stage were fun. they finished off with ben harper joining them for a disjointed version of neil young's "rocking in the free world"... meh.
festival high point: daft punk. simply amazing. i'm now seriously considering vegoose if only to see them again. other highlights were muse, flosstradamus, regina spector and the rapture.
main complaint was bleed between stages, which could be easily solved by having fewer filler acts and thus needing fewer stages. also, the corporate vibe of lolla kinda bugged. seems as if everything was "brought to you by" some company. somehow other big festivals manage to keep sponsorship tasteful and subtle.
overall i think i liked coachella a tad better but it's a tough call - i had a great time at lolla too. the chicago skyline makes for an amazing backdrop.
one thing that made my lolla experience unforgettable: coming home every night to home cooking

home-made carrot cake, home-made keylime pie, mom's cookies... *siiigh*