Originally posted by xneverwherex:
even doing that on the first ones it still says img_6006. perhaps some pics do have it labeled. and yes, the spree on page 3 of photos are labeled accordingly. but thanks for the heads up, although i did know that
sorry, my bad - i didn't realize that you were talking about the flickr links, i thought you were asking about the 5 pix embedded in the actual write-up. silly me :p feel free to ask here, i'm sure someone will know who is who.
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
and sweetcell - those filler acts you spoke of - were some of the best acts out there. the bmi stage hardly bled into the other ones, but regardless that was where some of the best (and smallest) bands could be heard. id hardly consider getting rid of them, but maybe the scheduling is what needs to be worked on. some of the best bands out there could be heard on the really tiny stages. the biggest snafu was putting cold war kids on the adidas stage (or whichever small stage it was). that was awful!
yeah, CWK on the Citi stage was a mistake, crazy crowded for their set. the BMI and moto mindfielf stages was well-placed with trees to block some sounds, but the other small ones (citi and playstation) were at times useless unless you were close up and right in front of the PA. i have no doubt that some of the "smaller"/earlier in the day bands kicked it, but a lot of them blew or were uninteresting. IMHO, and feel free to disaggree, they need to cut back - get rid of citi and playstation. implied is having less bands play. and again, personally, if i had to chose which bands to cut to make a more compact schedule i'd trim away at the top of the schedule, not the bottom.
bleeding was a generalized problem - i remember clearly hearing interpol's kick drum during muse's set, and they were at opposite sides of the venue! a solution there, potentially, would be to angle at&t the budlight stages to they're in the opposite corners of the adidas and myspace stages, which would eliminate the straight-shot sound corridor that the two main stages had between each other.
typing all those corporate names to describe the stages bugs me.