Author Topic: V Fest  (Read 16846 times)

Seth Hurwitz

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V Fest
« on: August 06, 2007, 10:29:00 am »


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 10:48:00 am »
My first reaction was how impressive the "greening" efforts were. From the biodiesel generators to the volunteers separating compost from recycling from actual trash, the results were pretty impressive for a festival that large. I hope other big events adopt this model.
 While there wasn't any one band I was extra excited to see, I was surprised by how many I actually liked. Saturday highlights were Cheap Trick (who were better than I've ever seen them), Modest Mouse, and Shout Out Out Out Out. Disappointments were Amy Winehouse (I like her music but thought her set was decidedly blah) and Fountains of Wayne (who were a little sluggish and played too early in the day for my taste).
 Sunday's highlight was clearly the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I hadn't seen them since their Black Cat days. I was impressed by their ability to work a big crowd. I thought they'd suffer outside of a smaller venue but that was clearly not the case. Wu Tang Clan were a big hit and I liked Panic At The Disco a lot more than I thought I would. Bad Brains underwhelmed.
 The layout for this year was decent. There were plenty of vendors and the only really painful lines were for water refilling stations. There should have been much more access to free water in weather like that.
 But everything considered, I went in with moderate expectations, but came away very pleased.

miss pretentious

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Re: V Fest
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 10:58:00 am »
i can honestly say i had a blast, everyone was super friendly and the waterfountain refilling stations were heaven sent. everything was spaced well and i never had any downtime. there was always something to do even if there were bands playing i didn't care to see.
 anyhow, this was just my experience from the weekend...
 SATURDAY: i played uber-fan and during paulo nutini was able to score a prime on the rail, nearly middle spot that i held onto for the remainder of the day. so although i missed everything on the north stage, i was pumped for everything on the south stage - peter, bjorn and john (although um... where's john and who was that dude on drums?), lcd soundsystem was fucking solid and it was nice to see james murphy on the up and up since during his club appearance earlier this year he wasn't 100 percent. i don't think i can ever say enough about tv on the radio so it goes without saying i was pleased. i was warned from the start that modest mouse's stage show was just meh. i was super pleased with the assortment of songs and was amped that they opened with 'paper thin walls.'
 SUNDAY: it was a completely different animal. i swore to myself i would check everything out and i did. i watched a little bit of nearly everything and was glad i did. i even got the my hair done in a nice little amywinehouse-esque beehive when i didn't care to sit through panic! at the disco. there is just something about having my teased and sprayed to the max while listening to bad brains in the background - i highly suggest it. also, despite sweetcell's warning, i skipped the majority of the pumpkins for M.I.A and was glad i did. also, the rally on the way out of pimlico? classic.
 highlights for me? tv on the radio. CSS with the shrubs. the yeah yeah yeahs (karen o is nuts). the wu-tang clan (there is just something about watching richard branson bob his head to 'ain't nothin' to fuck with on the jumbo-tron) and M.I.A. also... the gnomes. i like them a lot.
 the meh list? modest mouse. spoon (i was really looking forward to this, i think i'd like them better in a club setting).
 my biggest complaint (which really seth has no control over)? i bought a t-shirt for my mother (yeah, the olive v fest shirt with the line-up) and the screenprinting on it was pretty messy. there are black splotches on the back of it that of course i didn't notice until i was out the gate. i bought it at the end and stuffed it in my bag. oh well.
 overall i was highly pleased and am really sore today at work. i'm hobbling around like an 80-year-old but it was totally worth it for the amount of ass shaking, jumping and photo taking i did.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2007, 11:11:00 am »
Almost forgot a couple of things...
 EVERYBODY WAS SUPER FRIENDLY EVEN THOUGH IT WAS 900 DEGREES! Every staff person, volunteer, vendor, etc. was extremely upbeat even while we were all melting. I haven't seen that many smiles at a festival before.
 And the sound was terrific. Whoever pulled this off, deserves a prize. Every band sounded great.

miss pretentious

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Re: V Fest
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2007, 11:18:00 am »
Originally posted by Lamb007:
  Almost forgot a couple of things...
 EVERYBODY WAS SUPER FRIENDLY EVEN THOUGH IT WAS 900 DEGREES! Every staff person, volunteer, vendor, etc. was extremely upbeat even while we were all melting. I haven't seen that many smiles at a festival before.
i agree. even on the way out... staff folks were like high-fiving people. everyone seemed to be treated very very well and i never had a run-in at all - granted i didn't drink and know how to handle myself in public - so i can't say everyone had the same positive experience...

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: V Fest
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2007, 11:21:00 am »
I turned up only attending Sunday. Well put together, everyone was really cool. Started out in the rave tent, then saw half of Regina Spektor, half of Matisyahu, all of Spoon, some of EITS, ate lunch during P!@tD, then got up front for YYS, Intrpol and the Mighty SP. Great show despite the heat. Got my picture taken with Richard Branson.
 Only complaints: not enough water fountains. Seriously, there was a 20 minute wait anytime I went to one. Also, ev after being there, I have no idea why  would've paid for VIP.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2007, 11:30:00 am »
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Lamb007:
  Almost forgot a couple of things...
 EVERYBODY WAS SUPER FRIENDLY EVEN THOUGH IT WAS 900 DEGREES! Every staff person, volunteer, vendor, etc. was extremely upbeat even while we were all melting. I haven't seen that many smiles at a festival before.
i agree. even on the way out... staff folks were like high-fiving people. everyone seemed to be treated very very well and i never had a run-in at all - granted i didn't drink and know how to handle myself in public - so i can't say everyone had the same positive experience... [/b]
I actually had no problems either.  I usually don't like large crowds like that because they normally are heavily populated with problem children.  This festival was a little different.  Everyone I ran into was very friendly.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 11:44:00 am »
I kind of felt like I was at Bonaroo Lite (which wasn't a bad thing).  Smaller; instead of farmland and campsites outside the festival, there was a city; the crowd was expectedly more bro/frat boy; among other things...
 But all the things I love about Bonnaroo were present as well... good bands, great sound, friendly people, good food, interesting other things to do... like "incredibly strange wrestling", "green" efforts, etc.
 I think my biggest surprise was how easy the Metro was to access the festival.  The MTA employees were very friendly and helpful.
 Overall, I was pleasantly surprised with the festival.  I think beforehand I was kinda thinking... it's going to be a pain in the ass to get there, and it's going to be like an hfstival, but with some bands I really want to see... but it didn't end up being like that at all.  I think the only thing that would keep me from coming back year after year is the price.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 12:18:00 pm »
Were the VIP tickets worth the additional $$?


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 12:23:00 pm »
 cheap trick, ben harper, beastie boys, police, pumpkins.  
 i never left the north stage, except for a remarkably small number of ejections for a show that size.
 it's been a rough couple of weeks.  time for rest.  anybody that wants to rub my feet for me, come to kensington.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2007, 12:50:00 pm »
how long did explosions in the sky play for?

miss pretentious

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Re: V Fest
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2007, 12:55:00 pm »
Originally posted by danknugz:
  how long did explosions in the sky play for?
i think 55 minutes... which is like what, 3 songs?


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2007, 01:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shemp:
  Were the VIP tickets worth the additional $$?
It depends on how much $ you have to spend. Frankly, after having done years of festivals in brutal heat, pouring rain, packed in the pit like sardines, waiting in lines forever just to get some really lousy food or overpriced drinks...I'm done with it. We only go to a few festivals every year and when we do, we get the VIP tix.
 We never waited in line for anything, there was an air conditioned retreat in the grandstand, and the VIP viewing area for the North stage was amazing - we had plenty of "personal space" even during the busiest sets. The view and sound from there was perfect. The shaded VIP lounges were a great idea, but the execution could have been improved on. Oh, and did I mention the air conditioned washrooms? No more portapotties for this aging hipster!!
 Having said that, there were some glitches with the VIP areas. They weren't really serious but when you shell out $450/person, you expect a lot.
 Overall, I don't think I got $450 worth but I'd rather overpay and be comfortable than endure a whole weekend of heat, lineups, and annoyances.

Cash is King

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Re: V Fest
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2007, 01:20:00 pm »
-Sunday was better then Saturday.
 -Heat was UNGODLY on Saturday.
 -Didn't really like the "Abortions Good, Ant-Abortions Evil" videos running between bands. I mean, will there be Abortion Tents next year to accompany the videos??
 -I LOVED the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. Not the best band there, but probably the best performance that I saw.
 -Bad Brains were good. Especially for a fan that has always wanted to see them.
 -Amy Winehouse just kind of went thru the motions. Not a bad voice, but didn't need to see her to enjoy it.
 -Spoon was ok.
 -Everybody seemed to enjoy Incubus, although not my cup of tea. Girls LOVED them.
 -Police were good, not great. Didn't like the way they played Roxanne. I wouldn't mind how they changed the songs had they not changed SO MANY of them. Really liked "So Lonely.'
 -I thought the Pumpkins were really good. Would have liked to hear them play "Disarm", but other then that, i thought they picked a really good set list. And mixed it up between slow and harder songs real good. Crowd was just horrible by that point, which sucked.
 -Beastie Boys showed up big time.  Their instrumental stuff kind of slowed things down, but when they picked it up, they rocked out. I'm not even that big of a Beastie Boys fan, but i thought there set was really good.
 -Interpol wasn't bad, just not my kind of band. Especially after YYY's and Smashing Pumpkins, didn't really like it.
 -Ben Harper isn't my kind of band either, but I must say, for what they do, they are damn good.
 -Fratellis were ok. I think they would be better in a club enivorment.
 Overall I had a GREAT TIME. I would say that, from what i saw, the Highlites were Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Beastie Boys, and the Pumpkins. You booked a great group of artists. Some of them sucked, but that isn't your fault. You went out and got the best group you could. How they played once they got there is out of your control. I LOVED how smooth the shuttle/metro system was. Seriously, you and Baltimore did a great job. Still didn't see anything there that would justify VIP. Maybe next year do a VIP, rock the bells type thing. where VIP memembers get the close area to the stage? that would help stop the drunk frat boys from just bulldogging everybody so they could be front row. I went last year, went this year, and based on those two years, I will certainly be back next year.


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Re: V Fest
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2007, 01:22:00 pm »
I had a blast. First festival and it was awesome.  Hardly and lines at all.  Crabcakes were out of this world. Parking had no problem and had no problem getting out.
 CSS was the best!! Those shrubs were perfect for them. F*** united airlines..haha  I have some pictures of them and video.  
  then i went to matis..however u spell was hot but I enjoyed his set.
   spoon..yeah yeah yeahs, I really enjoyed interpol, although i got rained on...and on.
  Smashing pumpkins for hald a set..then went to see MIA...i've seen her before and I just think I was too tired.  She was okay, not a fan of the new songs. Loved the old ones.
   So much fun!!!
 Love the text messages across the screen.