now, when i read this story about this fifteen year old in newark who shot and killed three other kids, execution style . . . for nothing more than money, i first think about how someone's going to jump on the rap music/pro-violence influence, to come up with some sort of an honest, rationale here. who knows what truly motivates a person of any colour to act in such disregard of our human moralities. christians do it every day in small, thought out steps, though, so the concept is a complex one. but what can be really done about this generation who does seem to wallow in acting like rock stars who don't give a fuck about anything. i love their "hat turned sideways" markings. i saw a usa today poll stating that teenagers would stop talking on cell phones while driving, if they lost their licence because of it. fitting punishment corrects the problem. now, if kids commit horrible crimes such as the one in newark, then the parents are to blame for being shitbag life models who don't deserve the blessing of children, if they can't even raise them with the basic knowledge of right and wrong. the parents becomes liable, just as the kid. if the parent faces the arm of the law, the parent might rethink how the kid acts out his life under their roof, or hopefully to not even have them at all. sometimes the china idea of one child only is needed to control this tilting maze. or perhaps we are too far gone by now anyway. there's a article in the new rolling stone that ponders the "rap is dead" belief, that is very interesting. fity scent wants to debate kanye about something because their new albums fall out on the same date.