In spite of all of this talk of Rams Head in Baltimore, we could be missing the start of something great.
Club Sonar, which WAS an all dance (rave) club and is now morphing to a rave/hip-hop/indie dance club and now has a concert hall attached to it.
the whole club holds over 1000 and i would say the concert area holds over 500 (maybe more)
Its only 4 blocks from Power Plant, but safe enough from the Power plant bars to not attract too many goofballs.
this fall they had Talib Kweli and future shows include....Le Tigre, Mos Def and Alter Bridge.
Maybe not your cup of tea, but not bands that would play anywhere else in Baltimore.
Don't know about sound and stuff yet, but the owner of the club has been a long time promoter in the rave scene and his events have been hailed as some of the best ever, production wise...
The best club venue in Baltimore, could just be turning into the best concert venue in town as well.