I thought the concert was pretty good. It was definitely one of the weirdest i've ever been to. The drummer, who was one of the best i've seen, stood up the entire show, jumping up and down banging on the drums. The guitarist had this sweet look to him where he was constantly jumping from foot to foot, lying on the ground, or singing into the microphone with such power it looked like he was trying to puke. And, Panda bear's vocals were incredible. He was perfectly on key the entire show, and his screaming (like on grass) was one of the coolest vocal tricks ever. I only knew a few of the songs, though, like purple bottle, grass, banshee beat, Kids on holiday. Those were definitely the highlights for me, especially purple bottle, which was incredible. Some of their newer (or older?) songs that nobody knew got long and hard to listen to after awhile, although some were really good. I think the audience was much more into it during the songs they knew, and it would have been a much better show if they played more of those. But, then again, where's the art in that?
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