ok, this never works, but it's always worth a shot:
if someone displays attention seeking behavior, the best thing to do is to deny them that attention. don't click on the threads they post. don't read the posts they make in other threads. most importantly, don't respond to them. ever. at all. not even once. it won't help. i promise. you will not win. even if you think you've got the zinger of a lifetime, you will not win. as soon as you respond to them, they win. just don't do it.
really. it is that simple. i will never understand why people get so worked up over posts on a website.
i did not see the threads in question before they were deleted, but i have received complaints via pm. working the regulars into a frenzy is not a punishable offense, but i have addressed some other issues with the poster in question regarding inappropriate behavior.
the last member banned was not banned because he mouthed off to moderators. he was banned because of inappropriate behavior and a refusal to respond to polite requests to modify said behavior.
to sum up: you are in control. don't let someone else push your buttons and get you all riled up over something as silly as a post on a website. if you don't grant them that power over you, you take away exactly what they are seeking. if you really are that easily manipulated, just don't read the posts. period. trust me on this one.