Author Topic: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.  (Read 3266 times)


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Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« on: December 19, 2007, 10:21:00 am »
Did they change the ending of "I Am Legend" from the book when they made it into a movie?  I read the book.  I don't see "Fresh Prince" movies.  He's an awful actor.
 Apparently, the changed (or added to) the ending of "The Mist" when they made that into a movie.  Even though I hate Stephen King, I  think I read "The Mist."  People stuck in a supermarket, right?  Sometimes you do stuff in high school because everyone else does.  Reading Stephen King is one of those things.  I really think he's as bad a writer as Will Smith is an actor.
 What are some others?
 "The Firm" movie has a COMPLETELY different ending doesn't it?
 "Fight Club" (natch.)
 Can anyone think of any others?  Hopefully, a lot of spoilers can be revealed in this thread.  I LOVE spoilers.  I love  I've even written one of the spoilers.
 In 2007, as long as you've:
 1.)  Seen the trailer.
 2.)  Know what happens at the end.
 I think you've "seen the movie."


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 10:32:00 am »
how do know that stephen king is a bad writer, unless you've read a plethora of his work to prove/disprove it?  how is will smith considered a bad actor unless you've sat down to watch a slew of his films to judge the skills in which he does/doesn't emote?  or are you, just like the zombies of a high school world, swayed by the mere opinions of others in some attempt at the art of fitting in. (natch?)


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 10:35:00 am »
Remember the ending of the book, and how it made the title make sense?  Yeah, that didn't do that in the movie.  Bummer.
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
  Did they change the ending of "I Am Legend" from the book when they made it into a movie?  I read the book.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2007, 10:36:00 am »
Lets change the title of this topic to,
 "threads most people couldn't give a flying fuck about"

Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 10:49:00 am »
The Beach was a pretty enjoyable read. But the movie, starring Leo, was horrible and untrue to the book.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2007, 10:49:00 am »
Originally posted by walkonby:
  how do know that stephen king is a bad writer, unless you've read a plethora of his work to prove/disprove it?  how is will smith considered a bad actor unless you've sat down to watch a slew of his films to judge the skills in which he does/doesn't emote?  or are you, just like the zombies of a high school world, swayed by the mere opinions of others in some attempt at the art of fitting in. (natch?)
I've read enough Stephen King books/stories to know he's a bad writer.  I've seen/listened to enough Will Smith product to know he's a "triple threat" at NOTHING.
 You don't have to be standing in a pile of shit to know it stinks.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2007, 10:51:00 am »
Oh, how could I forget?  A change which totally changes the context of the film!
 "The Natural!"
 P.S.  In the book, he strikes out.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2007, 10:52:00 am »
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Remember the ending of the book, and how it made the title make sense?  Yeah, that didn't do that in the movie.  Bummer.
But was there at least some fresh, hip-hoppish-but-not-quite Will Smith song like "Wild, Wild West?"

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2007, 11:14:00 am »
I'm guessin' most people attending movies haven't read the book it's based on and don't care if it changed or not.  It's so rare to see a Hollywood movie that doesn't have some sort of happy ending.  Many moviegoers also appear to need some sort of closure.  There were a number of people annoyed with the way "No Country For Old Men" ended.  
 According to Kosmette, they completely dropped the ending of the totally crap Golden Compass so there was no cliff hanger.  Guess to many people don't understand what a trilogy means.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2007, 11:17:00 am »
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 Sometimes you do stuff in high school because everyone else does.  Reading Stephen King is one of those things.
Sounds like you ran with a rough crowd.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2007, 11:26:00 am »
You don't have to be standing in a pile of shit to know it stinks.
 yes i know, i can smell it from here.


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2007, 11:38:00 am »
I least I could've laughed at that.  Unfortunately I just walked out bummed...and a little tipsy, since I saw it at the Majestic in Old Town.
 On a related note, I found that I love the ability to drink and watch a movie in a theater.
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 But was there at least some fresh, hip-hoppish-but-not-quite Will Smith song like "Wild, Wild West?"

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2007, 11:45:00 am »
How about movies based on true events but are complete bullshit compared to the actual event it portrays?
 I'll start....


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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2007, 11:59:00 am »
Originally posted by Brain Walrus:
  How about movies based on true events but are complete bullshit compared to the actual event it portrays?
 I'll start....
Wait a minute.  That's my HERITAGE!  Wait, you're telling me a film set in the 13th century Scotland may not be 100% accurate?  You think MAYBE Mel Gibson would take some creative liberties?
 What specific parts of "Braveheart" irritated you?  The general anti-English bent?  Come on....
 You'll always have Morrissey...

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Movies in which they changed the ending from the book.
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2007, 01:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by Brain Walrus:
  How about movies based on true events but are complete bullshit compared to the actual event it portrays?
 I'll start....
Wait a minute.  That's my HERITAGE!  Wait, you're telling me a film set in the 13th century Scotland may not be 100% accurate?  You think MAYBE Mel Gibson would take some creative liberties?
 What specific parts of "Braveheart" irritated you?  The general anti-English bent?  Come on....
 You'll always have Morrissey...
 Brian [/b]
Historical inaccuracies
 Braveheart has been described as a film which "almost totally sacrifices historical accuracy for epic adventure"[1]. For example, the movie portrays Wallace's largely Lowland Scots men as wearing kilts, whereas Lowlanders did not wear kilts. Wallace is "seen in popular imagination"[1] as a commoner, although he was actually the son of a knight. Edward I, portrayed as a cruel king in the film, was vicious in his conquest of Wales and Scotland, but the film goes much further than even Blind Harry's semi-fictional Wallace (a major source[1]). There is no record of Edward invoking prima noctes during the war (the right of nobles to a peasant's bride's bed on wedding night). Wallace's affair with Isabella is demonstrably false for at least three reasons: Isabella was ten years old when Wallace died, she did not bear her first son until seven years after Wallace's death, and she did not come to England until three years after his execution. The portrayal of Robert the Bruce's wavering in support between Wallace and Edward is also inaccurate, and bears no resemblence to "the legendary image of Bruce"[1]. Stirling Bridge, which featured centrally in the battle of the same name[2], is missing from the film portrayal[3]