Author Topic: a widespread panic at dar  (Read 1725 times)


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a widespread panic at dar
« on: December 23, 2004, 12:51:00 pm »
thank god; finally a band that can literally rock the f*ck out of that place.  the staff never knows what hits them when the boys from athens take the hall over.
 "we're used to bands like wilco, where everyone stands and sits when they are told to." - unnamed employee at dar


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Re: a widespread panic at dar
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2004, 12:31:00 am »
moe. did a pretty good job at tearing DAR up a couple months ago. Not the best moe. show I've seen but it kept me movin for the most part. WSP never did anything for me though.


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Re: a widespread panic at dar
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2004, 01:00:00 pm »
moe usually rocks any place they play; hands down.  the show at pier six with new earth mud, which by the way, is a group who may never be seen again, since chris r. might get b. crowes back together, and particle, was killer a time on the baltimore harbor.
 give widespread a chance at dar; you might change your mind.  the show is 4/19/05, and worth the entry fee.  plus, widespread is one of the few groups out there who succesfully does what they can to avoid ticketbastard at all costs.


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Re: a widespread panic at dar
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2004, 03:18:00 pm »
Yeah I was at that pier 6 show also. Definitely a great time. Best moe. show I saw this year had to have been 2/7/04 though. Meat>time ed>head to close set 2....The ultimate mindfuck. 2004 was moe.'s best year yet imo and I only see them getting better. How much is it for wsp? I may check them out just to give them a live chance. I've only heard shows on disc and maybe the live experience will change my mind.


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Re: a widespread panic at dar
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2004, 12:54:00 am »
a live spread show will change the tune of most sceptics.  ticket info for the show is usually best aquired through the band's website, but they haven't released the info yet on the upcoming tour.  tickets are usually not that bad in $, depending on the venue.  i would say fourty for dar, through ticketbastard, and definetely cheaper through their site.