Author Topic: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down  (Read 14015 times)


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22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« on: February 18, 2004, 11:23:00 am »
From:  Spledidezine
 My sadness over the bovine slaughter induced by mad-cow hysteria moved me to compile this list of some of rock's sacred-cow albums whose importance may have been overstated over the years.
 Jane's Addiction's Nothing's Shocking
 King poseur Perry Farrell has much to answer for for spawning arty punk-metal -- namely the whole nu-metal genre and legions of bad tattoos and piercings. He is to music what Pete Rose is to baseball: a nemesis who disgraced his chosen field and who should therefore be banished from it for life.
 Bob Marley's Legend
 How many white guys with dredlocks do you need to see before you're convinced that this album should be forever banned? Don't try playing this in your dorm room, because it won't make anyone believe you're enlightened or broad minded. Also, there's a reason why those who love reggae are always stoned.
 The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
 While every album by The Beatles should be considered essential for anyone interested in rock, Sgt. Pepper too often stands in as the only one to have. But it's full of dated whimsy, and it's really an inferior version of Magical Mystery Tour, which is ten times more psychedelic and has better songs.
 Marvin Gaye's What's Goin' On
 More dorm-room music for those who want to impress others with how hip and open-minded they are, while actually playing it extremely safe. None of these songs would be out of place in a smooth jazz set, and its expressions of political outrage seem woefully understated.
 Radiohead's OK Computer
 Emo for adults.
 Captain Beefheart's Trout Mask Replica
 Does anyone actually like spazzy pseudo-jazz wanking? I tried for a long time, figuring that everyone else couldn't possibly be pretending, but now I'm not so sure. I think people stopped questioning it was a "masterpiece" when they realized they'd never understand it, and didn't want to waste any more precious time trying.
 Beck's Odelay
 How come so many of us were taken in by this guy? Why are his serial plagiarisms passed off as creative syntheses? How embarrassing is it when he says "I got two turntables and a microphone"?
 The Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin
 Alternative rock's answer to Supertramp.
 Moby's Play
 Yes, yes, yes, it sounds great, but credit some of America's greatest gospel and blues artists for singing this stuff or Alan Lomax for finding it. All Moby did was add some electronic squiggles -- and it took a couple of years (and the release of the pretty much identical 18) for most people to catch on.
 The Rapture's Echoes
 Sure, it's fun to make Robert Smith dance, but was it really the best record of last year? Not unless you have a cowbell fetish.
 Nirvana's Nevermind
 I love Nevermind, it changed everything music meant to me. Still, in the spirit of pure nihilism and kicking dead horses, there was nothing even remotely revolutionary about it. There was nothing poetic or insightful about Cobain's lyrics. What was he responsible for? Turning self-loathing into a marketable commodity? Fuck him! Everything Nirvana did had been done by the Pixies or proper punk bands that toiled in obscurity before Kurt ever even picked up a guitar. And the cherry to top this runny shit sundae: wait until thousands of fucked-in-the-head kids hang on your every word, then kill yourself. Asshole.
 The Band's The Last Waltz
 Forget the blow in Neil Young's nose hairs and Martin Scorcese following Robbie Robertson with the camera like a punch drunk Teen Beat editor -- musically, this is one of the Greatest Band Ever to Come Down From Canada's least inspiring live documents, excepting the soul-shattering version of "The Weight" featuring the Staples Singers. Robbie Robertson had his microphone turned off, but that didn't stop him from singing into it anyway, and Levon Helm looks and plays like he's about to eliminate his own map. As a film, it's a masterful look into the unnecessary dissolution of a whole for the sake of one, and it's nice to see Van Morrison at the end of his prime, but the soundtrack fails to capture the spark of this essential band's legacy. Better than almost anything else released in the mid '70s, but an inadequate representation of one of rock's most dynamic and influential bands.
 The Sex Pistols' Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols
 I like this album, and I really like "Submission" and Pretty Vacant", but why do people say that punk started here? What about the Damned's Damned Damned Damned? What about the New York Dolls' self-titled (released in 1973, thank you very much)?
 Mother Love Bone's Mother Love Bone
 Has anyone ever made it past "Stardog Champion"? Another example of death-equals-hype.
 Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
 In addition to establishing Wilco as the perfect token indie rock band for your iPod, this album bubbles over with that whole "producer as a fifth member" mentality. If you want to listen to Jim O'Rourke make quirky noises, buy one of his solo albums or check out his collaborations with Sonic Youth -- both of those are a hell of a lot more interesting than hearing him tinker with a bunch of slightly better-than-average pop songs.
 Blur's Parklife
 It's almost obscene that a fey, instrumentally-thin pop album like this could be considered one of '90s Brit rock's crowning achievements. Ride, The Verve, and Supergrass all one-upped this one.
 Tom Waits's Rain Dogs
 Waits has put out his share of incredible albums, but this sounds like the score to cartoon about pirates.
 Minor Threat's Out of Step
 Play as fast as you can for 45 seconds, scream too fast to be understood, and whatever you do, don't change the tempo! Don't worry about the songs coming off as sloppy and boring -- as long as you sound "raw" and let people know that you don't like conservative politicians, your weakness will be construed as "passion"!
 The MC5's Kick Out the Jams
 As the template for the entire proto-garage movement, this album has spawned countless bands unfit to carry Fred "Sonic" Smith's jock. That said, it's a fine album, and certainly the best of their career, but when you see people like Andrew Firestone (the Bachelor) and Jennifer Aniston sporting 5-attire, it's time to slip the needle into the arm and pronounce the trend officially dead.
 The Clash's The Clash
 Everyone tells me to listen to the first album. I think it stinks. I've heard halftime high school marching bands rock harder and play better songs.
 X's Los Angeles
 Uggh! Art rock comes in many guises and this bit of overblown poetry wank is one of the most insidious. I don't like Patti Smith either.
 Anything by The Doors
 The Doors are one of the worst things to ever happen to rock and roll and might be as overrated as The Beatles. They are definitely worse than The Beatles. At least The Beatles started out cool.


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
Janes Addiction, Bob Marley, Nirvana, Sgt. Pepper, The Doors....I couldn't agree more.


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2004, 11:31:00 am »
people are SO bitter.  i suppose this person still thinks the Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" is a classic.


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2004, 11:47:00 am »
I dont think the reviewer likes anything......
 The reviews of the Beatles and Beefheart were spot on though.


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2004, 11:57:00 am »
The problem I have with this guy is that, while I agree with about half of it, he keeps referring to the 'other bands that did it first' -- like the Pixies (instead of Nirvana) and the Damned and New York Dolls (instead of Sex Pistols).  Well, though shit.  Those "cooler" bands made a great impact with a much smaller audience.  Their audience were other musicians that took the lesson and hit big with it.  Sorry, but Nirvana and Sex Pistols brought the new genres to the masses, and that's a point you can't overlook.  Even in your pitchfork, splendidezine little world.
 Spot on re: the Doors.  Though I don't know how mcuh credit they really get anymore...


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2004, 12:04:00 pm »
I've got eight of these!  Agree with some of his points, disagree with others.
 Agree with:
 Sgt. Pepper
 Trout Mask Replica  
 Mother Love Bone
 Disagree with:
 What's Goin On
 Never Mind the Bollocks
 Soft Bulletin (although I though the Supertramp comparison was hilarious)
 OK Computer
 The Clash

Richard D Taylor

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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2004, 12:05:00 pm »
Interesting comments.  I don't agree with everything stated, but I'm all about making burgers from sacred cows---I think too many people latch on to universal praise for an album and then feel afraid to speak out on how they really feel...


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2004, 12:14:00 pm »
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is hardly a sacred cow. Many Wilco fans didn't even like it.
 I'd add Lou Reed and any Velvet Underground shit to the list...


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2004, 12:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by Ball Lover:
  I'd add Lou Reed and any Velvet Underground shit to the list...
Those sound like fightin' words!  ;)


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2004, 12:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by Ball Lover:
  Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is hardly a sacred cow. Many Wilco fans didn't even like it.
not many Radiohead fans think OK Computer is thier best work either. But they both got a LOT more fans since those records.


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2004, 12:41:00 pm »
As for the Damned, sure they released their damned damned damned album first, but they were completely ripping off the sex pistols who werent quite together enough to get their album out quickly. No way are the sex pistols derivitive of the Damned. The NY dolls on the other hand......

Sir HC

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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2004, 12:50:00 pm »
I hate lists like this because they serve no purpose but to stir up the mud for a slinging fest.
 Some of those listed I like some I hate.  Problem is that most have to be viewed in the context of the times.
 I heard Nothing Shocking when it first came out at the local record store.  No one knew who they were, and they started "Summertime roll".  I bought a copy right then even though it meant skipping a meal as a college student.  I don't listen to it now, and don't see it as a sacred cow by anyone, but it has its moments.
 I guess as a list for incoming freshmen in college it is useful, but beyond that, it is just an opinion from someone who seems to have more than one asshole.

Sir HC

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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2004, 12:52:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
  As for the Damned, sure they released their damned damned damned album first, but they were completely ripping off the sex pistols who werent quite together enough to get their album out quickly. No way are the sex pistols derivitive of the Damned. The NY dolls on the other hand......
But he completely skips the Ramones with his Sex Pistols rant!


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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2004, 01:05:00 pm »
even if you dont like reggae  i think you have to like "Legend"  i think that was probably the worst one.  Sacred Cow, maybe not, but a bad record?  please.

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Re: 22 Musical Sacred Cows that Need to be Put Down
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2004, 01:06:00 pm »
Why does ggw have a penchant for anal-retentive lists?
      <img src="" alt=" - " />
 Maybe his logic circuits need an upgrade?  Perhaps he could consider changing careers? A job as a flower aranger might be more suited to his temperment.
  <img src="!AtYSwGerHdZsdtM3bngWLZAGNmuT5QuvAMOeV7kCI1diIvFx9ec3wCyLGWWj4m4VSQrFDV2lMSUTrL80H1G3Dy3FCuyhqGKtS!WMo9M/qmzomb.jpg?dc=4675459648598007754" alt=" - " />