Author Topic: Napster vanquished.  (Read 9846 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2004, 08:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by poorlulu:
  Markie posting under someone elses account alert!
 I didnt know you could put the tunes on your portable, without buying. That is super cool. But if I didn't know about it, well napster needs to spend money on marketing.
 Markie posting under someone elses account alert!
i was just about ask the same question before i was called to haul the trash to the curb...
 so napster is a bit like the library concept i keep yapping on about... for $10 i can listen to tracks from the napster library as long as there are tethered to either my pc or one of those mp3 players?  i got the impression you only had streaming access. are the tracks actually transferred to the pc?  what bitrate are the files encoded at.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2004, 08:57:00 pm »
also any word on if they'll support os x in the future?  unfortunately my windoze boxes would roll and die at this point if i tried to load xp on them...


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #47 on: February 19, 2004, 10:33:00 pm »
just buy the cd. damn you people are cheap. or just do it the illegal yet worry free way of copying someone elses cd. but id say around 13 bucks isnt too much to get the actualy cd. there are at least 3 plus sides to it...
 1)you dont gotta wait
 2)better quality
 3)you get the bonus stuff included on basically every cd these days


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #48 on: February 20, 2004, 02:05:00 am »
Originally posted by poorlulu, err Markie:
  Math, not add. Does not compute.
 RIAA or the record companies, surely the later. 20 something cents isnt so bad when you get millions of them. As long as it pays for marketing, as you say, then its free marketing for the whole apple brand.
 Don't take my word for it, ask your friend  Jobs.
Originally posted by poorlulu, err Markie:
 Bullshit. that is a very blinkered view. Based on ultimate storage capacity being the be-all and end all. Only people who post on internet chatboards really need to carry more than 100 CDs worth around at a time. If I had to get a new player if the old one died tomorrow. I would get the mini. I dont mind just putting 4gb on shuffle. 40gb is more annoying...Oh it goes on sale tomorrow and they have 100,000 pre-orders. So if that is all they sell, well it wont be a failure. Plus It is close to the $200 gift price point.......
You'd be a fool to buy it at that price, but then again, I always thought you weren't the smartest Brit I've ever met.  Is the spared quater of an inch-squared really all that important to you?  Maybe it's the pretty colors you like....oooohhh  pretty colors....ooooohhhhhh.
 Oh and news flash, just because you have 40 GB doesn't mean that you have to use all 40 GB.  Of course if you access to the entire library of iTunes, maybe you'd want 40 GBs, which brings me to.....
Originally posted by poorlulu, err Markie:
 I didnt know you could put the tunes on your portable, without buying. That is super cool. But if I didn't know about it, well napster needs to spend money on marketing.
No argument from me on the marketing of the subscription plan.  You're not the first person I've told that to that said "Wow, why don't they market that better"  The truth is, I don't know.  But I have reaffirmed the fact that you don't read much of what I write because I have said this about Napster at least 3 times in previous posts.
 And to answer Kosmo's questions:
 With Napster I can Stream, Download and listen to the entire Napster collection on up to four devices that support WMA-9 for $10 a month.  The only limitation is burning - no burning allowed.  As soon as I stop paying, the license to listen is revoked.  I must listen to 3 dozen new albums a month and buy about a dozen of them on CD afterwards.
 And it's not Napster that is the problem for the Mac OS.  The question is when is the Mac OS going to support WMA, or even more importantly, when is the iPod going to support WMA?  And the answer is...again, I don't know.
 If Markie's right, that iTunes is just a marketing ploy for the iPod, then why not support both WMA and AAC and have the best, most versatile portable Media player on the planet?  How long do you think it will take for other MP3 players to support the Open Source AAC?  Even Fred Anderson, Apple's Chief Financial Officer, feels the same way: The iTunes Music Store for Windows is thought to convince people to purchase iPods and -- over time -- Macintoshes.  Source for GGW   Oh I see, iTunes makes people buy iPods, which makes people buy Macs and it's all based on an Open Source.  When will they learn?    
 This "us against them mentality" with AAC is exactly why the Mac is regarded as a superior machine to the MS based models and has less than 10% market share.  The Ipod is on its way.  And believe me, if HP changes it's mind and supports AAC and WMA (as expected), it will surpass the iPod.
 However, if they want to have the best music store, then keep the iPod as is and burn in effigy as the rest of the competiition supports a different format that plays on about 200 different and competitvely priced MP3 players.  And nobody thinks this is the case.  Apple wants to sell computers, pure and simple.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #49 on: February 20, 2004, 08:11:00 am »
Originally posted by stdrocks44:
  just buy the cd. damn you people are cheap. or just do it the illegal yet worry free way of copying someone elses cd. but id say around 13 bucks isnt too much to get the actualy cd. there are at least 3 plus sides to it...
 1)you dont gotta wait
 2)better quality
 3)you get the bonus stuff included on basically every cd these days
i'm not being cheap i just want to stretch my money farther... being able to hear cds from the ease of my computer is something that strongly appeals to me.   the less i have to actaully  interact with people the better, especially the nut jobs here   :D  
 and damm microsloth and their pervasive technology and apple for thier me first attitude...


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #50 on: February 20, 2004, 11:32:00 am »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 [QB] ]No argument from me on the marketing of the subscription plan.  You're not the first person I've told that to that said "Wow, why don't they market that better"  The truth is, I don't know.  But I have reaffirmed the fact that you don't read much of what I write because I have said this about Napster at least 3 times in previous posts.

 No, as I understood it. You had access to the whole napster collection..... fine, good for you. What you had not made clear, at least to me, was you could put anything from the collection on to your portable device. Now that is super fucking cool.
 I am not sure where apple is going with itunes. I didnt think the original ipod was a good idea. I thought it was too expensive. But I was wrong. I think that makes me a poor judge of where they should go in the future.
 I would say that things are going well for them right now. Using itunes to strengthen brand identity is fine. Making little money from the store is a great idea, also. As it keeps starving artists off of Apples back. (But you did say 77 and 29 cents. That does not add up to 99cents. Where did you get those figures not in the article you linked)
 I think the mini is a great product. Its smaller so fits easier into a pocket, great for going running or to the gym...If I dont want to use the full 40gb, why waste money on the full 40GB. You are odd.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #51 on: February 20, 2004, 12:21:00 pm »
40gb is great not because you'll listen to that many songs very often, but on shuffle play the machine has such a great variety of songs to choose from, always surprising you.
 Also, it's great to have all (or most, in some cases) of your collection with you for all those times you suddenly really want to listen to one particular song or album.
 Arguments like "you'll never listen to 40gb anyway!" make me bristle.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2004, 12:27:00 pm »
Everyone has their own way. I have a 5gb ipod and I have about 10 must have albums on there. The rest is mostly new stuff or old stuff I never listened to when I bought it. That way it forces me to listen to my new records.
 But I only have a 40gb hard drive solely for music, it is full. I have been listening to that on shuffle the last couple of days and it has been quite good fun.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2004, 12:36:00 pm »
True that. For some people a few GB is probably plenty. You can cherry-pick your favorite songs from your collection and have a fun mix.
 But, a 40gb player that fits most of my collection lets me really appreciate all the things I've ignored in the past. On lots of albums I own I like a few songs but haven't gotten into the whole thing for whatever reason. In some cases of course I just don't like the rest, but in most cases I've found that hearing them in a new juxtaposition or in a new environment at a particular time has really opened my eyes to them. And I probably wouldn't have bothered pulling the individual albums off the shelf and listening to these songs I now love.
 And the "impulse ability" of having everything with you is great because of the way that things in everyday life trigger memories and associated songs. You never know when you'll suddenly really want to hear that old b-side you wouldn't have ever crammed on a small machine.
 Not that a small machine isn't perfect for some people, I just find the "no one needs that much room" argument not true.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2004, 12:47:00 pm »
On the train back from NYC a couple weeks back, I suddenly HAD to listen to Freedy Johnston.  Three albums worth.  What bliss that I had it with me.  I've got a 20 GB, and it's not enough.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2004, 01:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by bellenseb:
 Not that a small machine isn't perfect for some people, I just find the "no one needs that much room" argument not true.
Actually I know plenty of people who have less than 100 CDs......
 The rest of your post, I agree with.
 Oh Bags......
 Freedy Johnson, what were you thinking?


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #56 on: February 20, 2004, 01:15:00 pm »
 Yeah, totally, small machines are perfect for small collections too. I was just saying you often hear people say "NO one would need that much room", and how that wasn't true, even if you don't necessarily listen to every song on it very often.


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2004, 01:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:
Originally posted by bellenseb:
 Not that a small machine isn't perfect for some people, I just find the "no one needs that much room" argument not true.
Actually I
 Oh Bags......
 Freedy Johnson, what were you thinking? [/b]
Don't you denigrate.  We all have our singer/songwriter gulity pleasures.  I'll bet EVEN you.
 I love Duncan Sheik's first album too.  How 'bout that!?


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2004, 01:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by mark e smith:

 No, as I understood it. You had access to the whole napster collection..... fine, good for you. What you had not made clear, at least to me, was you could put anything from the collection on to your portable device. Now that is super fucking cool.
 I am not sure where apple is going with itunes. I didnt think the original ipod was a good idea. I thought it was too expensive. But I was wrong. I think that makes me a poor judge of where they should go in the future.
 I would say that things are going well for them right now. Using itunes to strengthen brand identity is fine. Making little money from the store is a great idea, also. As it keeps starving artists off of Apples back. (But you did say 77 and 29 cents. That does not add up to 99cents. Where did you get those figures not in the article you linked)
 I think the mini is a great product. Its smaller so fits easier into a pocket, great for going running or to the gym...If I dont want to use the full 40gb, why waste money on the full 40GB. You are odd. [/b]
Sorry, I didn't realize I typed 77 cents.  The RIAA won a case back in the end of 2002 that awarded them 70 cents per song.
 Yes, that's 70% of the money spent on a song goes to the RIAA.  Now, is it the same for an album?  I hope not, but I'm not sure because $9.95 an album for a 14 track album means 15 cents in revenue for iTunes/Napster, etc.  That's clearly a loss.
 As for the download part, see my third and sixth entry in this original Napster post:;f=1;t=005092
 You get up to four devices (though I haven't tested this yet).  Thus far, for $10 a month, my downloaded Napster files (up to at least 500,000 to choose from) work on my computer, Smackette's handheld via a SD Card, and my Napster player, but they play on any Windows Media Player 9 device, up to 4, as I'm told.  I've only tried 3 devices, so it works up to three.
 And I'm through talking about the Mini iPod.  If you like them great and good luck.  Since I no longer live in DC, I can't be the first one to say I told you so when you run out of room, but believe me, in the back of my head I'm just happy knowing that I told you so before you even bought the damn thing.  Make sure you get a pretty color though:
   <img src="" alt=" - " />


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Re: Napster vanquished.
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2004, 02:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by vansmack:
 Yes, that's 70% of the money spent on a song goes to the RIAA.  Now, is it the same for an album?  I hope not, but I'm not sure because $9.95 an album for a 14 track album means 15 cents in revenue for iTunes/Napster, etc.  That's clearly a loss.[/IMG]
I presume its 70%, but to the RIAA, and they divy it out to the record companies? that does not make sense. Surely its 70% to the record company? That is fine. That with me record companies get $7 an album. Not far off what they get for a regular CD I imagine. The status quo isnt disrupted too far.
 I have a 5gb ipod, (Pollards original player) it serves me fine. It is getting a bit crazy though. It doesnt like shuffle. It played 3 Franz Ferdinand songs in a row on shuffle then two national songs....
 We saw Freedy Johnston live. He was Ok, but it was a drunk crowd and he was having problems keeping peoples attention.