Author Topic: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall  (Read 3815 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2006, 03:25:00 pm »
well the process varies... but at the moment no new djs are being added to the roster.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2006, 03:40:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  well the process varies... but at the moment no new djs are being added to the roster.
Don't worry, I didn't want to do it, I was just asking.

Darth Ed

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2006, 03:50:00 pm »
I'll be there! I really like the Magic Numbers CD and their "Hymn for Her" EP even moreso. I'm less enamored with The Elected CD, but I like it too. I'm looking forward to seeing both bands perform live. I do wish the concert wasn't the same night as The Gossip concert at the Black Cat though. I love The Gossip, but their latest album is disappointing, so I'm going with the 9:30 Club show instead.
 I'm definitely interested in meeting up with others from the forum tonight. I've met Bags and I bought a Cedars EP from Fico and that's about it. Kosmo and I live a few blocks from each other, and we've never met, so let's rectify that. Where are we meeting? I'm not clear on where the "south booth" is. Is that upstairs near the DJ?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2006, 03:53:00 pm »
that should be sound booth...


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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2006, 04:29:00 pm »
The three tours I was most excited about this spring (Jenny Lewis, The Gossip, and The Magic Numbers) all hit DC on the same night. The plan is to hit the Birchmere and the Black Cat tonight and catch the Numbers at TLA Saturday night. Thank God Philly is close by.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2006, 01:30:00 am »
Short Attention Span Review
 Magic Number B+
 The Elected B-
 Audience D-
 Seriously was the Black Cat sold out or something? The volume of chatter almost drown the MNs out during the quiet bits of which there were numerous... Just because a group has a sense of dynamics doesn't automatically grant the right to chatter.  Tis nice to know there are bands that do not require my ears to bleed for the sake of their art, shame the audience didn't return the favor.  Maybe they'll play the Sushmere next time...

Darth Ed

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2006, 02:41:00 am »
The Elected were less country than their latest album conveyed, I thought, but they were fairly boring up until the song which culminated their set, a rocking sonic epic that glistened with quasi-improv guitar playing. Almost White Stripes-esque, which is a big compliment from me. If the rest of their performance and their album, for that matter, came close to that level of intensity, I would like them a lot more.
 But I was really there for the Magic Numbers. About one third of the way through the Magic Numbers' set, I was feeling underwhelmed and my attention started to wander. Then, they played "Hymn for Her," which is my favorite MN song by far, and that brought me back. From that song on, the set just got stronger and more fun. Overall, had a great time and agree with the Kosmo's grades for the most part. I'd probably give the Magic Numbers an extra plus though or a star for their collective forehead.
 It was great to finally meet you, Kosmo, and Tom Servo as well. And, Bags, always a pleasure... Sorry, I didn't catch anyone else's names/handles....

you be betty

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2006, 07:19:00 am »
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
  The Elected were less country than their latest album conveyed, I thought, but they were fairly boring up until the song which culminated their set, a rocking sonic epic that glistened with quasi-improv guitar playing. Almost White Stripes-esque, which is a big compliment from me. If the rest of their performance and their album, for that matter, came close to that level of intensity, I would like them a lot more.
 But I was really there for the Magic Numbers. About one third of the way through the Magic Numbers' set, I was feeling underwhelmed and my attention started to wander. Then, they played "Hymn for Her," which is my favorite MN song by far, and that brought me back. From that song on, the set just got stronger and more fun. Overall, had a great time and agree with the Kosmo's grades for the most part. I'd probably give the Magic Numbers an extra plus though or a star for their collective forehead.
 It was great to finally meet you, Kosmo, and Tom Servo as well. And, Bags, always a pleasure... Sorry, I didn't catch anyone else's names/handles....
Blake is a really, really incredible guitarist.  and it's pretty awesome when you are able to see him go off like that.  so, interesting feedback...
 out of curiosity only, does anyone know/remember who was playing drums and bass with the Elected last night?  a few of them had been playing with Jenny on Letterman the other night, so i am just curious...


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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2006, 09:39:00 am »
Seriously was the Black Cat sold out or something? The volume of chatter almost drown the MNs out during the quiet bits of which there were numerous... Just because a group has a sense of dynamics doesn't automatically grant the right to chatter. Tis nice to know there are bands that do not require my ears to bleed for the sake of their art, shame the audience didn't return the favor. Maybe they'll play the Sushmere next time...  
I was sitting next to this pair in the back--I honestly have to wonder whether or not they paid their money to actually see the show or just to find a place to sit and yap until they could go someplace else to drink.  At one point, I remember one of the staff having to go back along the VIP row to tell them to keep it down.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2006, 10:02:00 am »
The Magic Numbers's set could have been 15 minutes shorter, not that there was anything wrong with their performance, but there was a long stretch of mellow stuff between the opening number and the end.  They should be either out on co-headlining tour with a solid hour set or playing venues more suited to their quieter material.  The bands new stuff sounded great  and clearily they enjoy playing live.  Will probably give them a miss live until a second release comes out.  I left during the third song of the encore "Wheels on Fire" did they play longer?
 I know there was some buy the CD get two tickets free for the show del, but doubt that would have brought in that many yackers...  It was weird the audience in the front really responsed to the opening number singing and dancing along and then settled in to soak in the band's songs.  Whereas there was this ring of people around them chattering away once the opening number finished.


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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2006, 11:58:00 am »
I left at about the same time you did.  I hoped they might do that cover of "Crazy In Love" I'd seen them  do once upon a time, but I was done after "Wheels on Fire" honestly.  I really enjoyed their set, save for the constant conversation provided by the couple next to me.  It would've been easier to ignore if the girl hadn't punctuated every sentence by flailing her hands, which made it even more distracting.    
 That stretch of mellow songs did me in for a little while, I'll admit, but they started to mix it up more afterwards so I got right back into it.


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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2006, 12:01:00 pm »
I think there is something wrong with me...Caught their show at SxSW -- just didn't feel it.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2006, 12:01:00 pm »
It would have been nice to see this show at the Birchmere, earlier start seats.... To bad they don't have a dance floor off to the side in the main room for those moments when do want to bob a little.

Darth Ed

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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2006, 12:25:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
 I left during the third song of the encore "Wheels on Fire" did they play longer?
You missed one more song. The last one was a lot of fun and had a lot of audience involvement in terms of rhythmic clapping. Very satisfying.


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Re: Magic Numbers / The Elected Rollcall
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2006, 12:25:00 pm »
I thought the Elected sounded great, especially the last number.  I was surprised by how much of a showman Blake was.  It is hard to imagine him playing second fiddle in Rilo Kiley. I would have loved to hear them play a few more, especially stuff off "Me First".  Although biased, I thought they were the better band last night.
 The middle of the Magic Numbers set really sagged.  Although their music is pleasant, it is very formulaic.  With the exception of adding the gloc on a few songs (something they seemed really proud of), the instrumentation rarely changed.  I was impressed with his guitar work, though; he made it look effortless...I would love to have had the guitar a bit more forward in the sound.  They just don't have the energy to fill a venue of that size.
 As far as talking, I have have come to expect and accept talking near the upper bar (where I seem to see most shows from these days).  People are always going to talk at shows, the least they can do is go to the back of the Club to do so.  However, it doesn't excuse obnoxious behavior and I certainly threw a few glances last night.  It seems to be a bigger problem with inexpensive shows for bands that are receiving a bit of buzz and have an AOR (Paste Magazine, KEXP) type sound.