Author Topic: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist  (Read 4727 times)


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 01:10:00 pm »
Wow, I thought the crowd was the most annoying part of the show, but maybe I'm just not up on that whole frat-boy-finger-pointy thing that they do.  Thought it was kind of ironic, or maybe just sad, that all the poseurs and hangers-on were earnestly rocking out to songs that mostly speak about how much poseurs and hangers-on suck.  Or maybe I'm just bitter that I had to wait 15 minutes for a beer because some shrieking banshee girls in front of me were arguing with the bartender over how many kamikaze shots they had ordered (if you have to ask...)
 I agree that both bands were good, and that the sound was a bit suck, esp. for Spinto.  Would like to see Spinto headline a smaller venue - they had great energy and some pretty good songs.


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 01:30:00 pm »
Arctic Monkeys had an extremely crisp/tight sound from the mid-left of the downstairs.  One of the better shows I've seen at 930/BC in quite a while.  Too bad the NPR stream didn't come out that way...

Tom Servo

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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 02:32:00 pm »
I'm not sure if I've ever seen divergence on pretty much every aspect of a show.  Come on, I need consensus here people.    
 Just kidding, it's good to hear the different perspectives.  I'm not really getting into the CD on the first few listens but I did want to see the show to see if they were a better live act.  I need to pay attention to those announcements next time before it sells out...


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2006, 02:46:00 pm »
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 But, I was very pleasantly surprised. For a band that's existed for barely a year, they are very tight. The rhythm section had some serious punch, but the guitar melodies came through well. Plus the singer has the whole Ian Brown 'nonchalant frontman' thing down well, while also being a pretty hot guitarist. I thought it was impressive, especially for a band that's still developing.
I agree with Relaxer -- it was a tight 45 minute set, and I was pleasantly surprised by the band and the crowd.  Very enthusiastic crowd, singing much of the lyrics loudly in unison and dancing, jumping, punching the sky.  Don't know how you can call them poseurs when they clearly know and love the album.  I got the album right before the show, so only heard it once before I saw them, but I think I will enjoy the album more now that I've got their performance in mind.
 As for sound, seemed fine to me, but I wasn't expecting clarity because I was standing right in front of the stage right speakers.  But I could hear all the instruments and vocals well...
 Missed Spinto and all the DJ set as I got in to the club about 3 mintues before AM started -- flight in to Dulles arrived 45 minutes late, so I was glad to see the band also ran 15 minutes late.
 Also got to watch Lance converse with a dark haired lovely, oh, and Seth.   ;)


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2006, 03:22:00 pm »
i really like the video for "i bet you look good on the dancefloor", reminds me of an old jam video or some other early 80s thing


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2006, 03:28:00 pm »
I listened to it live via NPR and it was very cool to hear so many people singing the words to so many songs.  Sound was not nearly as good as others I've streamed live (Secret Machines and MMJ).  
 NPR host said they never do encores.  I wonder if it's lack of material or the "Leave them wanting more" thing?


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2006, 03:39:00 pm »
Noel Gallagher - We always get people moaning after gigs going, "You guys didn't do an encore." It's like, so, you know. "You only played for an hour or something." It's like, so, what more did you want for ten dollars or however much it is, you know what I mean? What did you want, blood?


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2006, 05:21:00 pm »
Hmm, bit of a good point about a certain few guys smack in the center of the crowd a few rows back... Believe it or not they were at their worst moshing-type behavior  exactly at the moment when Alex was singing these lyrics...
 Calm down temper temper, you shouldn't get so annoyed
 You're acting like a silly little boy
 They wanted to be men and do some fighting in the street
 No surrender, no chance of retreat


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2006, 05:30:00 pm »
Don't bother with the NPR's unlistenable for the most part. Guitars sound passable but everything else is mush...vocal can't be heard at all.
I just listened to the stream, and I actually thought it was extremely easy to hear and the vocals were crisp. You could hear the crowd screaming in bits, and, unfotunately, the frat boy chanting. I was front and center and was constantly being shoved by those boys, who appeared to come out of nowhere. I'm covered in bruises, but I'm not complaining.
 I expected more rabid fangirls! Guess not, this time.
 I found myself laughing along with the Spinto Band. I've only heard "Oh Mandy" and enjoyed that, but found it average. They were engaging and much more energetic than the Monkeys, to say the least; but the Monkeys put on a great show. I was amazed at the number of people who were shouting along the lyrics like I was. Everyone was smiling (except Alex, of course) and all in all, enjoyable.
 Ah, and, the setlist was nice. Especially "Good Weekend" is fucking awesome and I was pleased to hear A'Rebours, though I know many wouldn't agree.
 And that means the Monkeys chose that Timberlake song? Efpff.


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2006, 05:35:00 pm »
Originally posted by cannons_at_dawn:
You could hear the crowd screaming in bits, and, unfotunately, the frat boy chanting. That got me extremely angry.[/b]
Those weren't frat boys -- they were the dudes from Sheffield, doing Sheffield chants.  Hooligans, not Alpha Epselons.   ;)


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2006, 05:40:00 pm »
Those weren't frat boys -- they were the dudes from Sheffield, doing Sheffield chants. Hooligans, not Alpha Epselons.
Oh! I was wondering if the Monkeys knew them - they seemed to answer to them. I couldn't really hear an accent, one of them tried to take my jacket. Drunk off their asses  :)


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2006, 05:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by kled:
 [QB] Wow, I thought the crowd was the most annoying part of the show, but maybe I'm just not up on that whole frat-boy-finger-pointy thing that they do.  Thought it was kind of ironic, or maybe just sad, that all the poseurs and hangers-on were earnestly rocking out to songs that mostly speak about how much poseurs and hangers-on suck.  Or maybe I'm just bitter that I had to wait 15 minutes for a beer because some shrieking banshee girls in front of me were arguing with the bartender over how many kamikaze shots they had ordered (if you have to ask...)
 I came here to post this - quit reading my mind. I've had the demos for about 6 months, then bought the album on release and really couldn't see what all the hype was about so I thought I would see them live. My opinion....meh. They were pretty tight but it all tended to blur into one sound about 5 songs in. DJ, I'd like to dedicate "Rock n' Roll Lifestyle" by Cake to the crowd last night.


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2006, 06:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by pmacwill:
  Arctic Monkeys had an extremely crisp/tight sound from the mid-left of the downstairs.  One of the better shows I've seen at 930/BC in quite a while.  Too bad the NPR stream didn't come out that way...
Actually the stream is not that bad...there's a short in the speaker jack on my docking station that was giving the stream this wierd reverb-y effect washing out everything but the sounds ok audio wise.


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2006, 02:11:00 am »
i thought the spinto band put on a better show than the monkeys. they're going places.


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Re: Artic Monkeys DJ Setlist
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2006, 11:56:00 am »