Author Topic: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!  (Read 12344 times)

Venerable Bede

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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2008, 07:08:55 pm »
could you please point me to some of this evidence?  i'm not quite following what you're saying, maybe this evidence will help.  drinking zero calorie soda all day long = consuming zero calories.  my personal experience tells me that diet sodas actually help fight obesity since they fill the stomach and give the physical sensation of having a full belly.  a diet coke totally helps me plow through those noon-to-2:00 meetings, otherwise i'd be having hunger pangs. 
This article notes:

"Do unhealthy people drink diet soda? Does diet soda make people unhealthy?

Those are some of the questions raised by a surprising new study that links consumption of soft drinks -- both the sugared and diet variety -- with a higher risk for a range of obesity-related health problems. High consumption of regular soda, which contains about 150 calories a can, has previously been linked with obesity and diabetes in kids and teens, as well as high blood pressure in adults. But the finding that diet-soda drinkers faced similar health risks is unexpected, because the zero-calorie drinks are often touted as a way to help people prevent weight gain and related health problems."

and i don't think that liquids have the effect you think they do on how full you feel- i had found an article about that, but i can't find it right now.

anyway. . .the point is that its the other effects of diet soda on the body that is the problem, not necessarily the caloric consumption.



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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2008, 07:19:35 pm »
while that article contained some of the taxes - it left half the meat off of it. there will also be a tax to go to the movies, to see sports events (which arent inflated enough apparently) and also an 'e-tax' or is that 'i-tax' which will tax your itunes downloads. Im not sure what else im leaving off the list, but its all consuming.

and for today's news:

Fare hike horror OK?d; next, last stop Albany
Enraged rider arrested as he tries to hurl shoe at MTA chief?s head
by patrick arden / metro new york

> email this to a friend
DEC 18, 2008

Inspired by a now-famous Iraqi reporter, an angry subway rider reached for his shoe at yesterday?s MTA board meeting, just before the agency approved a 2009 budget with service cuts and a whopping 23 percent fare hike.

?Where?s Elliot Sander?? asked Stephen Millies, 54, an Amtrak worker from Jackson Heights who noted the MTA boss took home more than $300,000 last year. ?This shoe?s for you.?

He was led away in handcuffs without throwing the shoe, but Millies voiced a message that was not radically different from the 21 other public speakers who addressed the board before its vote.

Lynne Serpe of Astoria was upset by the elimination of the W subway line, but she was fuming about the ?absolutely appalling? 150 percent increase in Access-a-Ride fares. Her father has dialysis three times a week.

Sander had called the new budget ?draconian,? ?very harsh? and ?extremely painful.?

?I understand the anger,? he said yesterday. ?We do not want to have to implement such difficult service cuts and fare increases, but our $1.2 billion deficit leaves us with no choice.?

Sander vowed to lobby state lawmakers to enact the funding ideas of a panel led by former MTA chair Richard Ravitch, and he called on riders to do the same.

The recommendations would lower the fare hike and avoid the service cuts, but they include an unpopular payroll tax and bridge tolls.



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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2008, 07:23:23 pm »
I've seen that study, which is a very weak correlation, not a causation.  I get the point - that you need to be careful to keep an overall healthy diet and not think drinking diet soda means you can then down a bucket of Krispy Kremes, even if you really feel like a sweet treat...

I wish there were more low-calorie, less-boring-than-water choices available more widely (like those naturally favored zero calorie seltzers) but in the meantime, if you are conscious of keeping to an overall healthy diet I don't see how diet soda is bad, and certainly not how it is worse than regular.

The only potentially interesting tidbit in that story is the allusion to the connection between caramel color and insulin (not a factor for a Diet Dew fiend!) and if there was a rigorous study to that effect I would love to see it (and I bet if it was valid we would see more Diet Pepsi Clear on the market...)

Venerable Bede

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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2008, 07:44:21 pm »
I've seen that study, which is a very weak correlation, not a causation.  I get the point - that you need to be careful to keep an overall healthy diet and not think drinking diet soda means you can then down a bucket of Krispy Kremes, even if you really feel like a sweet treat...

I wish there were more low-calorie, less-boring-than-water choices available more widely (like those naturally favored zero calorie seltzers) but in the meantime, if you are conscious of keeping to an overall healthy diet I don't see how diet soda is bad, and certainly not how it is worse than regular.

The only potentially interesting tidbit in that story is the allusion to the connection between caramel color and insulin (not a factor for a Diet Dew fiend!) and if there was a rigorous study to that effect I would love to see it (and I bet if it was valid we would see more Diet Pepsi Clear on the market...)

that's fair enough- i only really wanted to point out that thinking that drinking diet soda automatically means one is being healthy isn't necessarily accurate.  and that as long as you aren't guzzling down 6 of them a day, i don't really think there is that much of a difference on the body between diet and regular- if you like the taste of diet, then go for it.  personally, i can't stomach the taste of diet coke (or any diet sodas for that matter), so my 1-ish coke a day is fine. 


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2008, 09:38:36 pm »

Governor Paterson proposes 'Obesity Tax,' a tax on non-diet sodas

Paterson's budget also calls for a 3% cut in education spending, a $620-a-year tuition hike at SUNY and a $600 increase at CUNY - and about $3.5 billion in health care cuts, a source said.


Way to go Nanny! Poison our bodies while limiting our health care while dumbing us down even further so we are too stupid to know any better.  ::)

Bede is absolutely, 100% correct!!!

Controlling your intake of sugar is one thing. Consuming poisons in it's place is a whole other issue. Don't pre-embalm yourself with that toxic garbage. Instead, choose to control your intake of various foods.

Also, it's not the nanny state government's place, or anyone else's, to go hog wild taxing every and anything, including cow farts. Stop playing along with their mind games by thinking we are getting away with something because it's not taxed...yet.

Originally, the FDA was going to ban the use of aspertame because it is so deadly but guess who stepped in to cast his controlling vote to get it approved. That crazy ass war mongering hawk Donald Rumsfeld.

Here's a link for you Bede:
(Cheers with a sugared cola of your choice.)

Click here.

New York, I love you but I can't afford you anymore. Time for New Jersey and the surrounding states to pick up their infra-structure to service those of us who can't afford you or refuse to be sucked dry by your excessive taxes. This could be a win for your neighbors.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 11:30:02 pm by Jaguar »


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2008, 11:21:13 pm »
Thanks Jaguar, I was going to say something similar, but my hatred of diet products is borderline fanatical.  I would have said something more along the lines of "DIET SODA WILL KILL YOU" and left it at that.  I can't believe how blindly people swallow the stuff.

Soda in general is just BAD.  It needs to be treated like a dessert item, at minimum; I get a craving every now and then, but if possible I stave it off with a Perrier or a glass of added-sugarless juice (NO SWEETENERS!).  (Although I also get fanatical about pulp-free orange juice.  It's just not natural, I'm telling you.)

And I'm not a health nut, whatsoever...but this stuff is serious chemical warfare on your body, diet or not.


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2008, 03:02:02 am »
as long as you aren't guzzling down 6 of them a day, i don't really think there is that much of a difference on the body between diet and regular

there is a difference - it's about 200 calories per 16 oz drink.  that's an easy 400 to 600 calories a day right there. the pounds are sure to follow.

i remember reading a study which noted that kids don't get satiated by soda - they will eat as much food with it as without.  the calories from the soda do nothing to satisfy kids, and thus kids could cut their caloric intake - without noticing it - by simply cutting out the sugar bubbles.


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2008, 05:33:45 am »
I want a flat fat-tax, none of this soda nonsense. Everyone gets on a scale at a government office and every pound over 105 for women and 165 for men is a $250 liability. We'd become the greatest civilization on earth.

i want you to come try to collect my taxes. 

Venerable Bede

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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2008, 03:19:24 pm »
as long as you aren't guzzling down 6 of them a day, i don't really think there is that much of a difference on the body between diet and regular

there is a difference - it's about 200 calories per 16 oz drink.  that's an easy 400 to 600 calories a day right there. the pounds are sure to follow.

i remember reading a study which noted that kids don't get satiated by soda - they will eat as much food with it as without.  the calories from the soda do nothing to satisfy kids, and thus kids could cut their caloric intake - without noticing it - by simply cutting out the sugar bubbles.
right, soda is simply empty calories. . .but it's the effect of sugar in the soda and the artificial sweetener in the diet soda on the body that i'm pointing out.  thinking that diet soda is ok because there isn't any calories fails to take into account the potential for other problems resulting from the artificial sweetener.  but, like i said, if we're only talking about 1 can a day, i don't think it's a big deal either way....

we just have different priorities. . .i can live with the extra 140 calories i get from a can of regular coke (and, reluctantly, the corn syrup), instead of consuming some sweetener made in the lab that may or may not cause other problems, not to mention the difference in taste.  it's also why i refuse to use margarine. . .but i think we already had that conversation....

samantha. . .sorry, but i am a pulp free oj kind of guy. . .when i get to the bottom of my glass, i don't want that mush of pulp to be my final taste.


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2008, 03:41:03 pm »
Yeah, but he's 19.  Lets see how he holds up when he's almost 35.

I dunno I'm pretty scrawny too and I'm older than 35...


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2008, 06:52:23 pm »
soda makes you feel young again, thereby making it a-ok.  and five keeps the neighborhood alive.

Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2008, 08:15:22 pm »
You're an idiot. 165 for a man and 105 for a woman are not equivalent. If my wife weighed 105, she'd be dead.

I want a flat fat-tax, none of this soda nonsense. Everyone gets on a scale at a government office and every pound over 105 for women and 165 for men is a $250 liability. We'd become the greatest civilization on earth.


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2008, 10:52:20 am »
i just want to apologize if i made it seem to anyone that i was extremely passionate on this taxing soda issue. I just thought it was an interesting article.

  I know they tax lots of stuff these days that are "bad for you" and I sometimes muse at the extremely overweight person who tells me that smoking is bad for me.


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2021, 12:24:43 pm »
Lame idea.  I'm pretty sure I'm the skinniest guy on this board and I've never touched a diet soda, mostly because I've never had to and it tastes like crap.

Now tie it to a scale or BMI and I'll sign on.

How did Vansmack know that diet soda tastes like crap if he's never had it?


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Re: Fat Tax people, its brilliant!
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2021, 12:35:20 pm »