Author Topic: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.  (Read 21202 times)

Sage 703

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Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« on: February 13, 2009, 01:24:00 pm »

She needs to go.

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 01:33:37 pm »
Point of reference (at least for today's news - there are plenty of reasons to dislike Pelosi), via Drudge:

Fri Feb 13 2009 09:18:52 ET

Rep. John Culberson, TX claims the "stimulus" bill must be urgently voted on today -- because Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leaving at 6:00 PM for an 8 day trip to Europe!

Culberson made the charge on Houston's KSEV radio.

Pelosi is hoping to lead a delegation to Europe; there's a meeting with the Pope and an award from an Italian legislative group.

Calls to Pelosi's spokesman went unreturned.

In the rushing, Democrats have now broken their promise to have the public see the $790 billion bill for 48 hours before any vote.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) predicted that none of his Senate colleagues would 'have the chance' to read the entire final version of the 1,071-page bill before it comes up for a final vote.



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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 01:37:01 pm »
drudge zonging pelosi? no way


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2009, 01:37:55 pm »
Haha.  You read drudge.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2009, 01:39:47 pm »
is there a chance you thought anything was going to change in dc?

but hey, atleast she does not have this kid's problem

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2009, 01:41:38 pm »
I do.  I still think Drudge is generally better than most other sources at getting the story first, and breaking news.

My dislike of Pelosi is rooted in a lot of things, and this story cements it (now, if Drudge is wrong, fair enough - but I doubt it).  She doesn't seem to have any grasp of how things are going to be perceived, or spun against her.

Why not let this bill sit over the weekend so people can review it?  The market will be closed, and they can just as easily vote on Monday and avoid the criticism that they're rushing it through at the end of the week.

The fact that there is even a MURMUR of her pushing this through so she can leave the country is an inexcusable PR nightmare.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2009, 01:47:16 pm »


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2009, 01:55:23 pm »
yes. ty. lol.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2009, 01:56:46 pm »


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2009, 03:02:34 pm »
Drudge is a disgrace.

I read it for comedic value...

Someone above wrote "If Drudge is wrong.."

"If Drudge is wrong"??? The guy makes a living making shit up!

I think Pelosi is doing a great job.. If anyone needs to go its Reid.

Need to review this bill??

Its a spending bill!!!!!!!!!! The republicans don't like spending except when they are in power and it involves wars and tax cuts for the wealthy! Then they LOVE spending. Now, thanks in large part to their spending and otherwise running the economy into the ground now we are in a big recession. What do you do in times of recession/depression when consumer/business spending is down? Well, if you CAN the government tries to pick up the slack (duh)... If you can't then you get Argentina and a great depression.. I saw that.. 30% unemployment..its not fun...

Its very popular and very easy to rail against "spending"- particularly by republicans who had no problems doing the spending earlier- but whats the other option? Sitting back and just seeing the economy contract further leading to more unemployment

And its really disingenous to say "we need the weekend to look at it, where' the harm in that?" We know exactly what will happen if they get the weekend: they will tear it apart and try to build opposition against it on the part of the public.

NO. Obama has more than done what he could to bring the republicans in on this (half the "spending" is tax cuts for pete's sake). Fuck them. THey lost.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2009, 03:22:45 pm »
My immediate response to this thread...

Haha.  You read drudge.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2009, 03:23:30 pm »

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2009, 03:25:12 pm »
Drudge is a disgrace.

I read it for comedic value...

Someone above wrote "If Drudge is wrong.."

"If Drudge is wrong"??? The guy makes a living making shit up!

I think Pelosi is doing a great job.. If anyone needs to go its Reid.

Need to review this bill??

Its a spending bill!!!!!!!!!! The republicans don't like spending except when they are in power and it involves wars and tax cuts for the wealthy! Then they LOVE spending. Now, thanks in large part to their spending and otherwise running the economy into the ground now we are in a big recession. What do you do in times of recession/depression when consumer/business spending is down? Well, if you CAN the government tries to pick up the slack (duh)... If you can't then you get Argentina and a great depression.. I saw that.. 30% unemployment..its not fun...

Its very popular and very easy to rail against "spending"- particularly by republicans who had no problems doing the spending earlier- but whats the other option? Sitting back and just seeing the economy contract further leading to more unemployment

And its really disingenous to say "we need the weekend to look at it, where' the harm in that?" We know exactly what will happen if they get the weekend: they will tear it apart and try to build opposition against it on the part of the public.

NO. Obama has more than done what he could to bring the republicans in on this (half the "spending" is tax cuts for pete's sake). Fuck them. THey lost.

First, Drudge is one of the more powerful people in the modern media.  Like it or not, it is the truth.  And Drudge simply does not make a living "making shit up."  His site RARELY has original material; it serves as an aggregate source for news on the web.  So I don't know what you're talking about.

Second: I didn't rail against spending, nor did I rail against the bill.  I'm railing against Pelosi.  She seems to have zero concept of how what she does will be perceived by the public and her opponents.  Maybe it is a great bill - but she shouldn't go to Europe immediately after passing it.  I mean, come on - that's common sense.  Whether she is right or wrong isn't my point: my point is how what she is doing will be used against her, the Democrats, and the President.

And as for this point:

"its really disingenous to say "we need the weekend to look at it, where' the harm in that?" We know exactly what will happen if they get the weekend: they will tear it apart and try to build opposition against it on the part of the public.

That's due process, friend (not to mention, was the promise of the caucus and the President).  That's how the government was intended to work.  Reading legislation is a rather base expectation to have of our elected officials - who, by the way, still answer to the public that might be against it.

Sorry for expecting there to be some kind of review process before we spend $800 billion.