Author Topic: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.  (Read 21219 times)


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2009, 03:30:48 pm »
what is his stance on the octuplet mom

Got Haggis?

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2009, 03:31:56 pm »


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2009, 03:32:06 pm »


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2009, 03:35:15 pm »
i love the "drudge makes shit up" line..
have you ever been on the site?...he links 99% of the time.

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2009, 03:35:30 pm »
Doesn't matter now....

FTA: "The measure was passed on a 246-183, with no Republican "yes" votes. It will now go to the Senate, where a vote is expected later Friday."

This is what Pelosi fails to understand; this morning on NPR, more than one GOP member in the House was talking about voting for the bill.  But because of the way this is handled, she loses all of them, so they can vote as a block and make a statement about their opposition to it.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2009, 03:54:02 pm »
i love the "drudge makes shit up" line..
have you ever been on the site?...he links 99% of the time.

Huh? He absolutely makes shit up! The guy is a friggin joke..

He'll take one line of an article that is all saying one thing and build that line to be the news.. then you read the article and its hardly even the 10th most important point.. Drudge makes his own news up!

He'll take a picture of a snow storm somewhere and then put up a picture of Gore and say "Gore speaks about Global Warming while Norway faces record ice storm!"

Its really a website for morons or people who enjoy it for comedic value. It is not a website for news

He is very particular about what he links to and his link will have a title to get you to go in reading it thinking what he wants you to think..

I'm really done with this thread but to give any credence to what Drudge says about Pelosi when he's been grinding that ax since she became Speaker is really ridiculous...

And what is Pelosi's crime?? That she managed to rally the house votes to support the stimulus??? Give me a break. Thats what a House Speaker does... Now if she'd failed to get the votes then yes she should resign.

Come on people.. stick to talking about music because the political commentary here is about third grade level.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2009, 03:58:14 pm »
Doesn't matter now....

FTA: "The measure was passed on a 246-183, with no Republican "yes" votes. It will now go to the Senate, where a vote is expected later Friday."

This is what Pelosi fails to understand; this morning on NPR, more than one GOP member in the House was talking about voting for the bill.  But because of the way this is handled, she loses all of them, so they can vote as a block and make a statement about their opposition to it.

What a joke! Pelosi needs to bend over backwards to get a few republicans to vote for the bill? They want their hand held!!!! wah wah you didn't treat us with respect! How about republicans actually put the interests of the country first here and stop being a bunch of crybabies??? Eh, gentleman the country is going to hell in a handbasket BECAUSE OF THE JOB YOU CLOWNS DID (where was your issue with spending between 2001-2008????)and the government needs to spend some money to prop things up.. This is pretty simple stuff.....

I'm outta here...

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2009, 04:01:33 pm »
i love the "drudge makes shit up" line..
have you ever been on the site?...he links 99% of the time.

Huh? He absolutely makes shit up! The guy is a friggin joke..

He'll take one line of an article that is all saying one thing and build that line to be the news.. then you read the article and its hardly even the 10th most important point.. Drudge makes his own news up!

He'll take a picture of a snow storm somewhere and then put up a picture of Gore and say "Gore speaks about Global Warming while Norway faces record ice storm!"

Its really a website for morons or people who enjoy it for comedic value. It is not a website for news

He is very particular about what he links to and his link will have a title to get you to go in reading it thinking what he wants you to think..

I'm really done with this thread but to give any credence to what Drudge says about Pelosi when he's been grinding that ax since she became Speaker is really ridiculous...

And what is Pelosi's crime?? That she managed to rally the house votes to support the stimulus??? Give me a break. Thats what a House Speaker does... Now if she'd failed to get the votes then yes she should resign.

Come on people.. stick to talking about music because the political commentary here is about third grade level.

Drudge crafts headlines.  That is not the same thing as "making shit up."  He's got an eye for stories within stories; whether or not you agree with his agenda is a different story.  He's absolutely got a purpose in doing what he does, but if you can't sort through that on your own, that's your problem.  It doesn't change the fact that he often sets the agenda for the rest of the news networks to follow - he gets the story hours, sometimes days before the networks get to it.

Pelosi's crime is that she has no concept of how what she does is perceived in the wider lens, and how her actions may be used against her by somebody EXACTLY like Drudge, or Rush, or Hannity, or O'Reilly, or any of the other GOP talking heads that reach audiences of millions.  To disregard how your message and image will be distorted by the people that disagree with you is a huge leadership failure, as this is how opposition is built against you.

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2009, 04:04:19 pm »
Doesn't matter now....

FTA: "The measure was passed on a 246-183, with no Republican "yes" votes. It will now go to the Senate, where a vote is expected later Friday."

This is what Pelosi fails to understand; this morning on NPR, more than one GOP member in the House was talking about voting for the bill.  But because of the way this is handled, she loses all of them, so they can vote as a block and make a statement about their opposition to it.

What a joke! Pelosi needs to bend over backwards to get a few republicans to vote for the bill? They want their hand held!!!! wah wah you didn't treat us with respect! How about republicans actually put the interests of the country first here and stop being a bunch of crybabies??? Eh, gentleman the country is going to hell in a handbasket BECAUSE OF THE JOB YOU CLOWNS DID (where was your issue with spending between 2001-2008????)and the government needs to spend some money to prop things up.. This is pretty simple stuff.....

I'm outta here...

Pelosi doesn't need to "bend over backwards."  She simply needed to allow debate and discussion to occur.  Republican congressmen and women from more liberal districts are under enormous pressure to support some measure of stimulus package.  If Pelosi had allowed them the time to consider what their constituents will say if they vote against the bill, she'd have picked up support that would have been important to both her and the President.  Instead, she's given them an EASY out to vote against it: "we didn't have time to review it."

I'm sorry, but that's idiotic.  While action is commendable, action without considering the potential consequences or REACTIONS is the sign of poor leadership.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2009, 04:20:12 pm »
Why single out Pelosi? Why not go after every single Member of Congress that has done a Congressional Delegation trip? These things are always scheduled when there is a recess, and one starts this weekend. You think that any Republican was going to stick around through tomorrow (Valentine's Day)? Sorry, but that's the reality of how this shit works. The secret is they all want to go home (or on their trips abroad) just as bad as Democrats. Besides, given the urgency of the economic conditions, don't you think it's sort of criminal to NOT do something? Anyone know more than 10 people that have been laid off in the last 6 months? I know of at least 17. That's not OK by me. The fact is that Obama and the Democrats are in control now, damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2009, 04:27:02 pm »
Why single out Pelosi? Why not go after every single Member of Congress that has done a Congressional Delegation trip? These things are always scheduled when there is a recess, and one starts this weekend. You think that any Republican was going to stick around through tomorrow (Valentine's Day)? Sorry, but that's the reality of how this shit works. The secret is they all want to go home (or on their trips abroad) just as bad as Democrats. Besides, given the urgency of the economic conditions, don't you think it's sort of criminal to NOT do something? Anyone know more than 10 people that have been laid off in the last 6 months? I know of at least 17. That's not OK by me. The fact is that Obama and the Democrats are in control now, damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Easy answer: I'm singling out Pelosi because she is in charge.  She sets the tone and the agenda.  If she says to be there through this weekend, and the GOP leaves, then she has the upper hand in the debate.  But this way?  She's a target of easy blame - not only for leaving town, but for the stimulus bill itself due to the manner in which she passed it.

I know plenty of people who have been laid off as well, and I don't like it either.  But allowing people the opportunity to review the bill is just common sense, as well as politically savvy to prevent the inevitable GOP outcry.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2009, 04:33:54 pm »
i think the easy answer is youre singling out pelosi because of a drudge siren

Sage 703

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2009, 04:39:20 pm »
My point:

Boehner never needed to have the opportunity to make this speech.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2009, 04:56:58 pm »
if all the people who love to argue politics would just go back to school, study economics/political science/philosophy/pyschology . . . . we would have a lot less bickering and a lot more action.  get out there and be apart of it; stop watching from the sidelines.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a grade A moron.
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2009, 05:47:52 pm »
If you really believe Republicans ALL EVERY SINGLE ONE voted against this stimulus bill because they didn't have time to review it you are very naive. This bill has been under discussion for weeks. They voted against it because they think its the politically expedient thing to do. They wanted time to drag out the process and weaken the bill if not kill it.

When a party all votes against it its not uncommon to come up with some excuse about "the process". Its a typical "I lost! It was unfair!" baloney.

Lets face it this has been under discussion for a while and its time to get something passed. More dithering just makes Obama look weak and makes the american people have even less confidence in whats going on (and the bill).

But whatever.. another republican administration messed things up and now the big boys will come out and clean it up. In a year or two the economy will be heading up and republicans will look like idiots. I mean if the economy does not rebound we'll just a need a bigger stimulus. The recipe for a recession or a depression is not to cut government spending!