Author Topic: Bloc Party  (Read 4213 times)


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Bloc Party
« on: March 23, 2009, 12:10:35 am »
Not sure if anyone was at the show tonight, but saw them in Philly and DC this weekend and honestly, it was two of the best shows I've seen in long time. Say what you will about the last two albums, they are an incredible live band, especially in the smaller venue. Would see them on this tour again in a second...


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 08:05:07 am »
Agreed completely.  By far best show I've seen in a loooong time.. granted I don't get out much these days.  A whole fistful of energy was on that stage lastnight.  The new album translated pretty well live, they lean on backing tracks a bit too much.. but it really didn't detract from the show at all.

We got some real treats last night.. the once and future king, tulips?!?! seriously. 

At the very least one should go see bloc party to make sure whether or not they have epilepsy.  My fiancee hates concerts.. often gets dizzy and feels faint, usually due to the heat, crowd, claustrophobia aspect of them, but somewhat suspects it was the lights at them.  Well, she survived bloc party lastnight, safe to say she does not have epilepsy.

Thanks a ton Seth.  If/when they come back to DC,  you've got to have them for multiple nights.


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 08:48:12 am »
great show. incredible LD setup.

Vas Deferens

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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 09:21:21 am »
I wouldn't go so far as saying they were incredible, but I did like about 7 songs esp. Tulips. I still prefer bands with singers that can enunciate words, not babble them...


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 11:40:14 am »
Yeah...I thought they were just pretty good, too.


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2009, 12:40:19 pm »
Really enjoyed the show last night.  Longwave too.  Was really surprised by them.

Was a tad disappointed they didn't play "Waiting on the 7.18."  But the Portis jersey was best.

Photos from last night's show here:


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2009, 01:48:46 pm »
I think it has to either be stylistic thing or you just aren't that big a fan of the band, cause I really can't imagine them playing a better show. More energy, more lights, more songs you like?

I'm curious, what could have turned pretty good into incredible?


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2009, 02:22:47 pm »
I thought it was great but a hair short of mind blowing. Not sure what it was...(I think azag and wanderlust see so many shows they have heavy hitters to compare?;)) BC is definitely better than most other bands out there right now, especially in their own sound and energy, so don't grade too hard.;P)

The crowd definitely helped the mood and covered any lapse in greatness.  I didn't think of the mumbling, but now that you mention it, a few of the songs lacked crispness and where I felt it fell short...lost under the band? Or, perhaps b/c he was having a "6"?;))  Other than this, I had a ball. I think the band is fun & are amazing players. Thanks to the crowd, we had some great songs too.

Thanks again, Seth for nabbing them after a long Euro tour. We were very lucky to have one of the few US dates & I really appreciate it! However, the club was "just right" as far as capacity. Man, it could have been slightly better - a hundred less would have been perfect for breathability, dancing and actually reaching the bar. (Plus, some rudies won't let you through for water when it's this tight! I had to step out once air.) Definitely a night of Twister.
At least everyone was so into it - and I think they definitely appreciated us.

...The light show during BC was so much better than Longwave's. Their lights were a massive interrogation or an alien landing, which is too long on the spotlights and headache riddled. Longwave - didn't have much of an opinion, but I didn't dislike them. I was surprised b/c of the negative things I had heard. I'd have to listen to their recordings. Vocals sound muted or don't fit the music, not sure. Solid band, though.

leafblower - thanks for the pix - I think I saw you w/ your equipment. And your line re: the lead singer of Longwave - I thought he was the love child of Chris Martin and Carrot Top. ;)
(OT: reviewing your other photos on your site -- amazing photo of Radiohead.)

Thanks again, Seth. And, looking forward to seeing them at the club for the next album - perhaps as one asked, for two nights?!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 02:28:17 pm by Spring Tee »


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2009, 03:57:35 pm »
It definitely had more to do with my not being a huge fan/not being super familiar with their material than anything. So it wasn't them, it was me. Joe walked out calling it "great." I hope my nay-saying didn't sway him. :)


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2009, 04:00:02 pm »
I think it has to either be stylistic thing or you just aren't that big a fan of the band, cause I really can't imagine them playing a better show. More energy, more lights, more songs you like?

I'm curious, what could have turned pretty good into incredible?
The setlist. I think they've only improved as musicians. Kele's voice had more range than I had seen before, but there were about 5 or so songs that just left me flat. Few slow ones from Weekend in the City, they left off a few from Intimacy that I liked. No 'So Here We Are'. It being a Sunday. etc, etc...

Overall an excellent show. I've seen a pretty transcendent show of theirs and it simply didn't live up. Might have been my expectations were too high. Overall a solid show.


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2009, 04:02:11 pm »
Just as I thought...Joe loves shows until he gets on the board to post.  Someone on here has to be the village nay-sayer.  And since Rhett has mellowed in his old age and post-having a child, someone has to do it.

Joe walked out calling it "great." I hope my nay-saying didn't sway him. :)

Vas Deferens

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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2009, 04:11:08 pm »
there was some great songs during the 2nd half...

and I did like the light show, but really his voice is what keeps them from being a truly great live band. Azaghal and I both agree, and I brought it up on the way home...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 04:13:41 pm by wanderlust j. sweetcheex »


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2009, 08:28:08 am »
Yeah, you did. This is true.


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2009, 10:14:59 am »
I was very impressed.  I've seen Bloc Party at the Black Cat and also at Brixton Academy in '05, and I thought there was no way a 9:30 Club crowd in '09 would rise to that level of excitement and energy.  Honestly, it came close.  I have never heard a 9:30 club audience as loud as what it was following "Helicopter".  Bloc Party's performance overall was pretty darn good, and I really liked the banter with the crowd.  I'm over the moon that we managed to convince them to play Tulips.  A couple songs weren't quite on target though, Talons stands out in my mind as one such.  I still enjoy the first album the most out of the three, but any doubts I had about Bloc Party still bringing the intensity are out the window. 


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Re: Bloc Party
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2009, 10:40:30 am »
You should have seen the crowd in Philly. At least an order of magnitude crazier, including full on mosh pits for many songs and substantial crowd surfing by people on the crowd -- but not Kele. I don't blame him, they might have torn him apart.

I was very impressed.  I've seen Bloc Party at the Black Cat and also at Brixton Academy in '05, and I thought there was no way a 9:30 Club crowd in '09 would rise to that level of excitement and energy.  Honestly, it came close.  I have never heard a 9:30 club audience as loud as what it was following "Helicopter".