Author Topic: Republican teabaggers  (Read 32995 times)


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2009, 01:24:56 pm »

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2009, 07:04:19 pm »
I think we can all get behind protesting this:

How Barack Obama resurrected The Dead

By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press Writer John Rogers, Associated Press Writer ? Fri Apr 17, 6:43 am ET

LOS ANGELES ? He's still got a little work to do on the economy, but already President Barack Obama has accomplished at least one task that had appeared all but impossible just a year ago: He's put The Dead back on the road.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2009, 08:07:19 pm »
if you want to protest something involving obama, how about this.

obama ran on the platform that he was gonna clean up washington: "no more business as usual."  plus he was going to get to the bottom of the guantan. bay torture scandal and lay down the law.  he won with ideas such as these.  well the cia was busted, documents were released, and what they did involving torture and war crimes was deemed illegal.  but they were left off the hook by the white house.  obama looked the other way when it came to the great americans committing these atrocities.  business as usual, mister president.  go stick your hope and change up your ass, you controlled robot.  after ww2, we went so hard after japan we nearly broke the damn country . . . but when god bless americans do those same things . . . oh nevermind, jesus obama is there to save the day, for the corrupt.  fuck anybody that supports him.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2009, 09:20:54 pm »
 Obama is a hell of a poker player. . . .and he's got a huge stack . . .and knows how to bully the table . . .

and seriously, what f*ck is wrong with the republican party?? i used to at least respect them, but they are just a f*cking loose fraternity of clowns right now . . . any organization that puts f*cking Michael Steele in a leadership position after making Sarah Palin the VP nominee and can't fight back when Rahm manipulates the media into making a story of Rush being the real leader is f*cking retarded.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2009, 03:10:32 pm »
I sincerely believe that a successful Democracy requires a strong opposition.  So yes, on one level I relish the Republicans making total douches of themselves with these "tea parties" (which were anything but grassroots).  I think they actually scared away even more sensible Americans than they already have by coming closer than ever to openly embracing the far right/libertaranoid/militia agenda that gave us Timothy McVeigh in the 1990s.   But it is also sad for our country.  I think Obama has shown potential to be a great president -- but I don't feel the same way about Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her flock.    I think the Democrats could end up hurting themselves when they should be consolidating power and getting some important things done.   

And yet, the Republicans as a party are not fit for national office of any sort right now.  We don't need a third party -- we need a replacement for the GOP that offers sensible, non-religious, non hate-based conservatism (and also understands the modern economic principle that deficits are generally bad, but you don't cut spending and essential services in a recession.)



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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2009, 03:46:20 pm »
I think they actually scared away even more sensible Americans than they already have by coming closer than ever to openly embracing the far right/libertaranoid/militia. 

you do realize that a significant number of those people you're referencing are likely to agree with the left totally on a number of issues they find important... civil liberties, anti- bush's wiretapping, ending wars and "police actions",etc,  albeit for different reasons-but it sounds like you still see them as worse than what we just had for 8 years.

it's always kind of bugged me that gov't is allowed to run ever increasing defecits year after year as the debt grows... regardless of economic conditions, no other entity(individual, company) is allowed to exist unchanged in that situation. why is it a terrible idea to reduce the burden the productive economy has to shoulder to support the government?


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #51 on: April 19, 2009, 07:27:34 pm »

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #53 on: April 20, 2009, 04:22:23 pm »
I sincerely believe that a successful Democracy requires a strong opposition.  So yes, on one level I relish the Republicans making total douches of themselves with these "tea parties" (which were anything but grassroots).  I think they actually scared away even more sensible Americans than they already have by coming closer than ever to openly embracing the far right/libertaranoid/militia agenda that gave us Timothy McVeigh in the 1990s.   

51% of americans have favorable view of the tea parties

other nuggets:

just 13% of the political elite offered even a somewhat favorable assessment while 81% said the opposite. Among the Political Class, not a single survey respondent said they had a Very Favorable opinion of the events while 60% shared a Very Unfavorable assessment.

One-in-four adults (25%) say they personally know someone who attended a tea party protest. That figure includes just one percent (1%) of those in the Political Class.

While 83% of Republicans and a plurality (49%) of unaffiliated Americans have a favorable view of the tea party protests, only 28% of Democrats say the same.

A majority (54%) of Mainstream Democrats had a favorable opinion of the tea parties.

Those last two points are interesting. . .I'm guessing there is a distinction between mainstream democrats and "political class" democrats.


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #54 on: April 20, 2009, 04:36:49 pm »
he said sensible americans, not rasmussen responders


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #55 on: April 20, 2009, 04:37:58 pm »
what makes you think they are all republicans

"Republicans were far more interested in the protests than others. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans followed news reports, with 50% following Very Closely. By comparison, just 47% of Democrats and 50% of adults not affiliated with either major party say they followed the reports at least somewhat closely.


While 83% of Republicans and a plurality (49%) of unaffiliated Americans have a favorable view of the tea party protests, only 28% of Democrats say the same."

Venerable Bede

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2009, 04:51:39 pm »
what makes you think they are all republicans

"Republicans were far more interested in the protests than others. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans followed news reports, with 50% following Very Closely. By comparison, just 47% of Democrats and 50% of adults not affiliated with either major party say they followed the reports at least somewhat closely.


While 83% of Republicans and a plurality (49%) of unaffiliated Americans have a favorable view of the tea party protests, only 28% of Democrats say the same."

and what's your point?  i think this simply shows my point that they weren't all republicans.   


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #57 on: April 20, 2009, 06:00:13 pm »
all republicans?  probably not.  mostly republican?  probably so.  would this have any legs without republicans?  not a chance.

to me, the tea-bag protests are in large part anti-obama protests and have less to do with calls for tax reform and government spending (look how many holes can be poked in their complaints) - same way that any controversial action on bush's part would have the anti-bushies out in force (whether they cared about the exact topic of protest or not).

for the record, i have a favorable view of the tea-bag protests - entertaining as hell!

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2009, 08:36:44 am »
is "Political Class" Rasmussen's term for the intelligent and reasonably-educated?

Looks like the Teabaggers are coming back in the fall to continue the hallowed right-wing tradition of trying to manipulate the memory of 9/11 for short-term political gain...

« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 09:00:43 am by Doctor Doom »


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Re: Republican teabaggers
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2009, 10:06:48 am »
related (IMO) story:

Why Republicans are devouring one book

"I think it?s conclusive when you read the book, although I don?t believe she said so, that the New Deal was actually a bad deal, and today we have a president who believes that the New Deal was a good deal, and would have been a far better deal if FDR would have spent a lot more money,? Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said.