if you want to protest something involving obama, how about this.
obama ran on the platform that he was gonna clean up washington: "no more business as usual." plus he was going to get to the bottom of the guantan. bay torture scandal and lay down the law. he won with ideas such as these. well the cia was busted, documents were released, and what they did involving torture and war crimes was deemed illegal. but they were left off the hook by the white house. obama looked the other way when it came to the great americans committing these atrocities. business as usual, mister president. go stick your hope and change up your ass, you controlled robot. after ww2, we went so hard after japan we nearly broke the damn country . . . but when god bless americans do those same things . . . oh nevermind, jesus obama is there to save the day, for the corrupt. fuck anybody that supports him.