Author Topic: Animal Collective Roll Call  (Read 12105 times)


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2009, 10:41:39 am »
i managed to grab the limited cover the windows and the walls lp which has been sold out on almost every online retailer! didn't have money for way their crept :(

overall the show was better then last nights. chocolate girl sounded fantastic with the 930 speakers and the inclusion of banshee beat, although half the fucking tempo, was awesome.

but yeh, i think i'm done with ac.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2009, 10:45:11 am »
and poor grouper. i've been waiting so long to see her and from what little i could focus/hear, she was fantastic. someone book her for the velvet lounge!


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2009, 10:45:45 am »
The amount of people talking nonstop during the show last night was awesome.  Good job DC!


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2009, 10:47:44 am »
Grouper would sound amazing at the Lighthouse.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2009, 10:50:24 am »
Funny...for as much as I loved last night's set (Slippi?!?!), I was thinking that it really is a cross-roads for them in a way.  They've gotten to a point where the music is actually just shy of mainstream-friendly, and I'm guessing a lot of people that really dug the first bunch of records are viewing this as a parting of ways.  Also, I have no clue why so many college dudes are into them.  I was telling the same thing to BookerT on Radiohead, I have no clue how these guys are popular with that demographic.

but yeh, i think i'm done with ac.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2009, 11:15:43 am »
Well, me and all my friends are in college, all of us about 20-21 years old, and AC is one of their favorite bands right now. We've all been into experimental/shoegaze for a long time. I mean, who else is going to like Animal Collective? What kind of demographic do you think they fit into?

Also, what I found funny - I'm sure a majority of the fans there have only heard MPP. How can I tell? No one went crazy for them opening with Chocolate Girl (which was fucking fantastic).

But seriously though, AC fans kinda ruined the show. There was a ton of pushing and even some moshing too, which kinda surprised me given AC's music. I mean, dance all you want to, but for a band like AC, I'd rather not deal with getting someone thrown into me every other song. Combined with their terrible behavior during Grouper (at one point I asked the people behind me to please whisper because I was trying to take it in - she said ok... and then kept talking at a regular volume), AC fans managed to piss me off more than Radiohead fans.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2009, 11:22:28 am »
Should've been more specific.  I didn't mean any college kids...I mean the jockier/jammier kids.  So many dudes around me in frat shirts.  I'm not quite as judgmental as some on here as far as all frat guys being assholes, but it does surprise me.  It's like AC was on the cover of "Bands Frat Guys Need To Love" quarterly or some shit.

Well, me and all my friends are in college, all of us about 20-21 years old, and AC is one of their favorite bands right now. We've all been into experimental/shoegaze for a long time. I mean, who else is going to like Animal Collective? What kind of demographic do you think they fit into?


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2009, 11:25:12 am »
You could've just called them "bros."

Say that word and everyone conjures up the image of the type of person you're referring to.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #38 on: May 12, 2009, 11:31:20 am »
Should've been more specific.  I didn't mean any college kids...I mean the jockier/jammier kids.  So many dudes around me in frat shirts.  I'm not quite as judgmental as some on here as far as all frat guys being assholes, but it does surprise me.  It's like AC was on the cover of "Bands Frat Guys Need To Love" quarterly or some shit.

yeah as i was looking around last night i thought to myself, man, i bet a lot of people at this show will go see dave matthews later this summer. i think it's maybe because girls like AC because of all those sappy (but pretty awesome) new songs and because panda bear is so goddamn cute and then the guys will be into it to because the girls are into it and also it's "weird" and hey, they may be frat boys but they're not THOSE frat boys because they like animal collective and i mean, just look at the name, it's weird, right? also did i mention that panda bear looks like a pretty lady?

but seriously, good for AC. they spent 7 years playing little clubs and making weird music that, let's face it, wasn't always that great but was always pretty interesting and now it's less interesting and they've smoothed out all the rough edges and are making some bank. it's ok for a good band to get popular. once in a while.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2009, 11:40:58 am »
i bet a lot of people at this show will go see dave matthews later this summer

raises hand


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2009, 01:05:32 pm »
I think some of the jock fans have to do with the fact that AC is played alot on the Towson station, wtmd (88.5)


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #41 on: May 12, 2009, 01:22:03 pm »
Urban Outfitters stocks the new Animal Collective album.

True story.


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2009, 01:25:32 pm »
Urban Outfitters stocks the new Animal Collective album.

True story.

do they still sell penis pasta?


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2009, 01:39:18 pm »
What do you think he was there buy?  That, a day-glo Jesus lawn ornament.

Urban Outfitters stocks the new Animal Collective album.

True story.

do they still sell penis pasta?


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Re: Animal Collective Roll Call
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2009, 04:57:45 pm »
What do you think he was there buy?  That, a day-glo Jesus lawn ornament.

Urban Outfitters stocks the new Animal Collective album.

True story.

do they still sell penis pasta?

It's a great place to cruise for coeds looking for a sugar daddy.