thank you robert smith!
For your recent order for The Cure, you will receive a partial refund of $10.00 per ticket.
This is all thanks to Robert Smith.
Guys, I think we're doing it wrong

"Rapino argued that fans are willing to pay high prices, even those inflated by dynamic pricing, because they see “concerts as a really special moment in their life.”
“It’s a magic moment, maybe twice a year – way cheaper than Disneyland, or the Super Bowl, or the NFL or the NBA playoffs, or an expensive night out,” Rapino said. “So it’s really cheap overall considering.
“This is a great, great product that people will buy, as they’re gonna buy the Gucci bag. They’re gonna buy moments in life where they will step up, and spoil themselves – the big screen TV and or whatever it may be.”
He continued: “This is a business where we can charge a bit more. I’m not saying excessively, but it’s a great two-hour performance of a lifetime, that happens once every three, four years in that market. You don’t have to underprice yourself — low to middle income [people] will make their way to that arena for that special night.”