Author Topic: "Lady Gaga's tits explode during concert" (Source: Argentine newspaper)  (Read 44517 times)


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Le explotaron las lolas en pleno recital

Lady GaGa volvió a sorprender a los espectadores con un show de pirotecnia que salió desde sus propios pechos
La excéntrica cantante estadounidense Lady GaGa logró una vez más ser el centro de atención durante una entrega de premios en Canada.
Anoche durante la ceremonia de los Much Music Awards Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, así es su nombre completo, sorprendió al público presente con un traje del que salieron fuegos artificiales a la altura de sus lolas.
La cantante interpretó un popurrí de sus éxitos como Poker Face y Love Game, mientras sus bailarines realizaban una coreografía disfrazados de policías.
Más allá del espectáculo pirotécnico que dio la cantante, Lady GaGA logró ganar el premio, al Mejor Video Internacional, por su clip de Poker Face.

Fuente: The Sun y Daily Mail


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that is in some funny language that i don't understand.  i feel like i am at walmart.

oh yeah . . . poor perez.  nobody cares that will i am no talented maybe had his manager beat you up.  i only mention it here because he was with lady ga ga when it happened.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 03:06:05 pm by walkonby »


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lolas is tits in argentinean


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lolas is tits in argentinean

now the next time i am in argentinea, all i need to know how to say is "show me your . . ."


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Oy volundaro, senora eest really a senor sa lolas go koblamdo und mi seesta somethinga or othera

Christine Moritz

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Lady GaGa's fiery performance gets the party started at music awards show
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:39 AM on 22nd June 2009

Lady GaGa stole the show at the Much Music awards in Canada as she gave an electrifying performance in more ways than one.

The electro-pop diva took to the stage in an exploding Madonna-style bustier armed with pyrotechnics, which went off as she performed a racy routine with dancers dressed as police officers. 

GaGa, real name Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, gyrated on stage in the barely-there ensemble - which she teamed with tiny black knickers, studded gloves and  knee-high spiked boots - as she sang a medley  of her hits Love Game and Poker Face.

The 23-year-old later took home the award for best international video artist award for Poker Face.


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  • I don't belong here.
seems as good a place as any for:

GOP's new youth ambassador: Lady Gaga?
WASHINGTON (CNN) ? Politics may make for strange bedfellows ? but even for this town, this may be the oddest couple to ever make beautiful music together: House Republicans?and pop diva Lady Gaga.

At Tuesday morning's weekly GOP conference meeting, Republicans were shown a clip of a video parody of the Lady Gaga hit, "Just Dance" that replaces the popular song's refrain with "Just Tax."

The parody video was developed by Peter Cowman, a 23-year-old who just graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle, outside Rep Dave Reichert's district. A spokeswoman for Reichert said the congressman wanted to show his colleagues the video to encourage them to get young people involved using new media, and noted his district is home to a cluster of technology companies.

"He wanted them to encourage the youth in their district, and share the message on a level that young people can relate to," Reichert's spokeswoman told CNN.

Asked about the video, House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence, R-Ind, laughed and said "it's part of the Pence youth initiative."

Pence admitted that very few members were familiar with the original Lady Gaga song.

commentary is full of the usual republicans are stupid & evil/ no democrats are stupid & evil, but there are a few gems like "The irony of this is that Lady Gaga is an ardent supporter of the gay community and gay rights, something that your average Republican is against. The fact that they picked this song so blindly to parody just makes that irony so much sweeter."


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one of the interns that works on the howard stern show, called her . . . get ready for this, "our generation's freddie mercury."

thirsty moore

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Donde es mi churipan.


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Donde es mi churipan.

choripan and wine, the best :D

thirsty moore

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  • I don't belong here.
i've eaten more than my share of mystery meat outside of bars in south & central america.  my fav was in ecuador, where native women in colorful clothes would set up their coals on the sidewalk and grill "meat" on skewers made from old coat hangers.  when asked what they were selling they'd invariably say res but i always wondered... but never for long.  slap some of that tasty spicy sauce on it and i'd have eaten just about anything at that hour.  i probably did.


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Joe, meet Sweetcell.  Sweetcell, Joe.  Based on this post, I think you two will get along swimmingly.

i've eaten more than my share of mystery meat outside of bars.