Author Topic: So I go to Iota for the first time...  (Read 3844 times)


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So I go to Iota for the first time...
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:57:58 pm »
Sunday night Kim and I drove up from Richmond to see the Damnwells at Iota.  First time we had ventured to that club so we were not sure what to expect.  On my way out the door I asked my son Steven if he wanted to along and he did, so it ended up being three of us.  We avoided most of the heavy traffic on 95 so we go to Arlington around 6:00.  Found the club straight away and went inside.  First thing was that it just happened to be poetry reading night so we had to endure two hours of Arlington's own recite their poetic jabs at each other for about 90 minutes.  I almost slit my wrists!  Anyway I digress, as the bands are setting up, I go up to the door to pay the cover.  The guy asks for my ID which seemed odd to me (I am 54 and look every bit of it) I showed him my ID and then he pointed to Steven and asked "what about him".  Just then Steven pointed out to me a small sign at the very top of the wall that said "21+ only".  I said something about not realizing it was 21+ and that I must have just missed it (on the web or whatever) and somethign about coming up from Richmond.  So as I am walking back to get Kim and let her know that the wonder poetry we had seen was the limit of our entertainment for the evening, the guy at the door says something about "maybe we can make a one time exemption", went to talk with the bartender and came back telling me we could stay and enjoy the show.  Now I have been going to shows for a while and I never recall a club making exemptions of any sort to allow someone who was clearly under age to stay.  I have no idea if he figure I looked trustworthy or what or if maybe they do that sort of thing time to time, but I thought it was pretty cool.  So I guess the deal is that the folks at Iota showed a lot of trust in me (and Steven) we ended up having a really good time at the show.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 08:08:12 pm »
Quality post for #1000.  Great story.

But how does a girl named Kim marry a dude named "RatBastard" or did you just not feel like labeling your wife "RatBastardette"?

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 08:16:31 pm »
RatBitch would be kinda a cute board nickname. Not that it in any way speaks to the character of RatBastard's female companion, but purely on a linguistic level.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2009, 08:25:23 pm »
i take it that the Damnwells weren't that great, then?

that's def a cool story and all, but i would have hoped that the music was the highlight of the evening.

p.s. what was steven wearing?  maybe that helped out his case... did you have him decked out in a retro-cool zildjian t-shirt?  maybe paired with some JA-appropriate skinny jeans?


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 08:38:32 pm »
awesome post..when I opened this i was like "uh oh here it goes somebody is going to trash iotas"

so glad to be wrong


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 09:09:30 pm »
1) Well actually Kim is my best friend, not my wife.

2) Her usual forum name is AeroCat (the band she has been into longest is Aerosmith, well them and the Beatles).

3) The show was fantastic.  I just wanted mainly to get across the point of how the folks at Iota treated us.

4) Steven had on jean shorts and a almost nerdy shirt.  He does not at all look like the type who would even attempt to drink.

Neither of us got even slightly shitty when we noticed it was 21+.  In fact after I said something to myself about driving up from Richmond, I even made sure to say something about not being even slightly upset.  I think while they were obviously willing to be beyond cool and let us in, the fact that none of us acted like dicks played into it.  I'm sure that Josh has instances at the club where the action of the patron in question directly determines the outcome of the situation.  It's like a policeman friend once told me, "Many more people talk themselves INTO tickets than ever talk themselves OUT of one."  Anyway I thought it was a cool thing on their part and wanted to give credit where it was due.  But yeah the shows kicked ass.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 09:54:30 pm »
Thanks for sharing and glad you had a good time. I've worked merch a few times at IOTA and the staph there is great. I've seen them make an exception. There was a group with the artist and they had a friend join, who wasn't 21. The club said it would be okay if the artist agreed. They did and the person was put on the guest list so it was their "responsibility". (it was a Friday night show, not sure if that made a difference). I'm sure it's b/c you are the parent and drove up from Richmond.
Either way, they're good people over there. They love the Damnwells, too. I'm so glad it worked out for you. (and to be clear: I'm not saying IOTA will always make the exception, it was a one time thing many moons ago, and this person came pretty far, didn't know the age rule, but knew the artist / their friends)

How was the show?
I thought about going weeks ago, but I realize I'm not that into them. Plus, I thought there might be a line due to the poetry jam slam thing, and it might be crowded? I would think, the show was great though, nice size and setting to see them. And, great for your son to enjoy!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 10:00:23 pm by Sugartastic Tee »


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2009, 10:39:53 pm »
I think I saw the Damnwells at Iota like 6 or 7 years ago.  True story.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 12:05:57 am »
Damn.  I need to get me a best a friend named Kim....


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 12:08:24 am »
We all had a really good time.  We have seen them many times, the first being opening for Cheap Trick at the club I think.  Also have seen them in Charlottesville, Richmond, Annapolis and maybe a few others.  I know Ted and he knows me enough that he recognizes me and knows my sons.  We actually had the best seats in the house for the show.  We were at the bar in the three bar stools that wrap around the corner of the bar up near the stage.  They played a set list that I don't thin I would have changed even though it did leave off a song or two that I like a lot.  I think it was 15-16 songs before leaving stage and then back for another 4-5 song encore.  Well worth the $12 per person to see the show.  I am not sure of the capacity of the place but it was pretty darn close to full.  Anyway, like I was saying the main point was to share with the folks here that those guys did go out of their way to let us have a great time.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 12:39:11 am »
Those bar stools are so clutch.

Especially if you're seeing a classical/ambient ensemble that has no business playing a room like Iota. I think a few other boardies know the show to which I'm referring.

Sooooooooo awkward.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2009, 12:45:48 am »
I love Iotas but they used to get better acts.. I think what happened is that when there was still something left of the alternative country boom in the late 90s they got some of those acts and now thats gone and they're really not getting very much..on top of that some of their staple acts have bolted and play other places..

I just don't think they are getting that many great shows...Love the venue though...

But when the stars align and that act you've been dying to see is playing there its heaven.. I mean its so cozy you pretty much always get to speak to the band of what have you

In 2003 or 2004 I saw the Detroit Cobras there.. SWEET! got them all to sign my live love leaving LP... its that kind of place...


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2009, 12:49:15 am »
Yeah, the last Six Organs of Admittance show was great/a great time.
And booking Chasny in a room like that makes sense. But once in a while, they get an act that just does not work there.

And all that noise coming out of the cafe often detracts from the over all experience.


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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2009, 07:16:34 am »
I am SO reporting this to the ABC.

Then I'm reporting it to Bono.   ;)

Justin Tonation

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Re: So I go to Iota for the first time...
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2009, 08:25:25 am »
😐 🎶