Author Topic: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles  (Read 10389 times)


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2009, 03:25:05 pm »
I really only care about what effect this might have on my fantasy team.


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2009, 03:26:05 pm »


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2009, 03:30:59 pm »
And they will sell a lot of jerseys.

Didn't click the link, but does it say "Mexico" on the back?
Nope it says Vick with a big ol' #7.  Somewhere in the world underpaid child laborers are wearing their little hands to the bone to fill all the orders coming in....


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2009, 03:34:07 pm »
i feel bad for all future dogs.  now future fuckheads will look at past tense michael vick and future tense rebounded career/we forgive you/let's keep the gravy train rolling/a ring and fantasy leagues are what's important here folks . . . and think, "wow there really is a future in exploiting animals because you know, look at michael vick."

plus the fact that throwing and catching a ball =  a "career" to be debated on whether or not one deserves to have one . . . is fucking laughable.  try having a "career" where you bust your ass just to pay bills, feed your family, etc....
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 03:36:58 pm by walkonby »


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2009, 03:41:00 pm »

plus the fact that throwing and catching a ball =  a "career" to be debated on whether or not one deserves to have one . . . is fucking laughable.  try having a "career" where you bust your ass just to pay bills, feed your family, etc....
We can't all be ditch diggers and shit sweepers.  What would we watch on tv?


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2009, 03:47:46 pm »
oprah  ;D


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2009, 03:52:41 pm »

plus the fact that throwing and catching a ball =  a "career" to be debated on whether or not one deserves to have one . . . is fucking laughable.  try having a "career" where you bust your ass just to pay bills, feed your family, etc....
What would we watch on tv?

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2009, 04:59:43 pm »
A few more points.

First, cruelty to animals is a trait found in serial killers and other psychopaths.  It's not normal behavior, and it's not something that a couple of years of therapy will change.    It's not like being Catholic and going to confession, and all is forgiven.   He was a torturer before, and he still is that today, even if he controls his impulses.

And while I can't read his mind, if someone does something awful and truly feels repentant about it, they do something to atone.  I don't see him going to work to help abused animals.

I'm not saying he should rot in jail for life.  He's done his time and that should be it as far as the law goes.  But getting paid millions to throw a ball around is a privilege, and he does not deserve to return to a privileged station in life, either.   Even more than what it says about Vick, I don't like what it says about our society that so many people are willing to brush over this just to get back to the game.

It sounds from initial reactions like a lot of Eagles fans are unhappy with this decision too... I hope they make their feelings known strongly, and I hope more people make the effort to reflect on the enormity of what Vick did, rather than dismissing it as "just dogfighting."


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2009, 05:07:46 pm »
I agree with you in spirit, but this serial killer tangent is kinda ridiculous.

And this whole 'privilege' thing is stupid.  Sure, playing in the NFL is a privilege.  One granted by the commissioner and the owners who shell out the dollars.  Privilege granted.

Oh and btw, not that it matters to me personally, Vick is working with HSUS on programs preaching against dog fighting to inner city youth.  I don't know what amounts to atonement in peoples minds, but that's a start.

Don't get me wrong I think he's a shitbag, but all these whining arguments about him playing again just seem silly. 

Skins have the Eagles at home on a monday night this year.  One of my best friends has front row seats at the 50 yard line visitors side at Fed-Ex.  Not the best place to watch a game, but definately the best place to heckle the visiting team cuz they are like 10 feet from you.  I'll be at the Philly game and will probably get a giggle or two from all the taunts that are sure to be thrown at  vick.  I'll bet sideline security will be out the wazoo that game. 
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 05:18:43 pm by chaz »

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2009, 06:10:43 pm »
I agree with you in spirit, but this serial killer tangent is kinda ridiculous.
Yeah, he's really blowing away any desire any of us might have to continue having a civil discussion on the topic. We get it, he loves his puppy and killing a puppy is the same as raping children. Yeah, ok, buddy.

Just drop a hyperlink to doomlink and go already.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2009, 08:08:54 pm »
Yeah Vick who has paid the penalty prescribed by society should be banned from everything and not allowed to do shit, but Stallworth who knowingly drove drunk and killed a man should get a month in jail and no one is upset about it.  If you think people should protest why don't you grow a set and go do it yourself and not rely on someone else to do it?  I hope that anyone who disrupts a game gets sent to jail and when they get out they ought to lose their right to work and earn a living.

Wow!!!! you really need some anger management counselling, I mean seriously.

If you would like me to comment on Stallworth then why not start a thread about him fuckwit....this topic was referring to the dog murdering Vick.

If there was true justice then Vick would be put into a cage with  a dozen rabid dogs and have beef dripping wiped all over his nuts.......just say'n.

From what I've been hearing on the radio today it seems the majority of Eagles fans aren't too happy about him being on the team either.


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2009, 09:33:02 pm »
dogfighting . . . forum fighting.  which is worse?


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2009, 11:22:45 pm »
Yeah Vick who has paid the penalty prescribed by society should be banned from everything and not allowed to do shit, but Stallworth who knowingly drove drunk and killed a man should get a month in jail and no one is upset about it.  If you think people should protest why don't you grow a set and go do it yourself and not rely on someone else to do it?  I hope that anyone who disrupts a game gets sent to jail and when they get out they ought to lose their right to work and earn a living.

Wow!!!! you really need some anger management counselling, I mean seriously.

If you would like me to comment on Stallworth then why not start a thread about him fuckwit....this topic was referring to the dog murdering Vick.

If there was true justice then Vick would be put into a cage with  a dozen rabid dogs and have beef dripping wiped all over his nuts.......just say'n.

From what I've been hearing on the radio today it seems the majority of Eagles fans aren't too happy about him being on the team either.

I don't need anything managed.  For one thing I am not angered by this, I am more amused that someone would hold such moronic, holier than thou, and totally illogical views.  There WAS justice.  Society dictates what the penalty for ever crime is.  Vick was found guilty, sentenced, and has served his time.  If you or others feel so strongly that the prescribed punishment for doing what Vick did (or any other crime for that matter) get off you ass and get things changed.  What Mike did was fucked up, no doubt about that.  But he has indeed paid the full price that is called for.  End of story.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2009, 08:58:59 pm »
Yeah Vick who has paid the penalty prescribed by society should be banned from everything and not allowed to do shit, but Stallworth who knowingly drove drunk and killed a man should get a month in jail and no one is upset about it.  If you think people should protest why don't you grow a set and go do it yourself and not rely on someone else to do it?  I hope that anyone who disrupts a game gets sent to jail and when they get out they ought to lose their right to work and earn a living.

Wow!!!! you really need some anger management counselling, I mean seriously.

If you would like me to comment on Stallworth then why not start a thread about him fuckwit....this topic was referring to the dog murdering Vick.

If there was true justice then Vick would be put into a cage with  a dozen rabid dogs and have beef dripping wiped all over his nuts.......just say'n.

From what I've been hearing on the radio today it seems the majority of Eagles fans aren't too happy about him being on the team either.

I don't need anything managed.  For one thing I am not angered by this, I am more amused that someone would hold such moronic, holier than thou, and totally illogical views.  There WAS justice.  Society dictates what the penalty for ever crime is.  Vick was found guilty, sentenced, and has served his time.  If you or others feel so strongly that the prescribed punishment for doing what Vick did (or any other crime for that matter) get off you ass and get things changed.  What Mike did was fucked up, no doubt about that.  But he has indeed paid the full price that is called for.  End of story.

Fuck - Manson has been in prison for ever, about time we let him out too huh? After all, he didn't actually kill anybody or anything.

There's justice and then there's consequences, and the consequences for killing animals should not be offered the opportunity to make millions of dollars throwing a ball about 15 times a game, 16 games a year +- = 240 times a year. The only saving grace is that with all his evident talent only one team had such low morals to offer him a contract. Just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

If I had the inclination to attend the torture of such a tedious event I would make some form of protest  but in my mind that would be 3 1/2 hours of my life thrown away.

I am more amused that someone would hold such moronic, holier than thou, and totally illogical views.  

BTW - one of my pet peeves is people who think you're a holier than thou, illogical moron because you have different views than themselves......but there's plenty of those like you around, especially in DC at the moment
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 09:15:34 pm by Frank Gallagher »


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Re: Agent: Michael Vick signs with Philadelphia Eagles
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2009, 09:41:48 pm »
I don't get the whole 'he has a right to practice his profession' argument.  If he were a lawyer, he'd be disbarred and couldn't practice his profession.  I don't see why the National Football League can't hold players to the same standards that the Bar does.  Guys like Vick and Little and Stallworth that sh*t in the proverbial pool should be subject to permanent banishment.

The NBA banned Michael Ray Richardson and Roy Tarpley (two of favorite players ever) for cocaine . . . something much less sketchy than the Bad Newz Kennelz operation

« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 10:00:14 pm by Mobius »