including a 3L bottle of RR beatification
Sounds like the perfect bottle to pair with the 930 forum outing at Case de Brennser. 4oz pours for everyone!
I'll bring the Unibroue and home blend of Founders beers!
We'll be in California in July. We'll be as far south as San Diego and as far north as San Luis Obispo/Paso Robles. Any must hit breweries (or wineries) in that geographic range? I'm not sure what will be open for in-person...and will probably only go to places that have outdoor areas.
I'm not sure I have up to date suggestions for any of these places but here goes
Paso Robles - Firestone Walker
LA - Smog City (outdoor space), Monkish (outdoor space - personally I think they are way overrated), Mumford (not sure if outdoor space), Bottle Logic (not sure if outdoor).
San Diego - too many to name - don't know what's hot or even still open - Alesmith, Societe, Bottlecraft at Liberty Station for great draft selection and great food options
Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll make it to Orange County (Bottle Logic), and our vacation schedule makes Monkish iffy (depends on if they go back to seven days a week, if not maybe we'll be able to grab some cans the day we land). Staying for a couple nights in Santa Monica, not sure if we'll make it into LA proper (though my kid wants to selfie the Hollywood sign)
Case Agria is another one I'd like to hit that's actually on our driving route, but i don't think our schedule matches up.
There are multiple Firestone Walkers and Modern Times in our line of fire, so we'll hit those for sure.
I've been to some of the old San Diego County classics before, so looking for new blood. North Park looks like it might fit the bill. I think I went to Toronado SD in that neighborhood previously, but they closed. I think we're also staying close to one of the Lost Abbey locations for a few days.
It's hard to plan a vacation in a state where so much is still closed.