If any of y'all get a chance to taste Sweetcell's IPA, make sure you go for it. Damn, that stuff is tasty. My wife and I tasted it alongside the (excellent) Ska Modus Hoperandi, and both of us preferred Sweetcell's IPA.
His Belgian blonde is solid too.
thanks for you kind words, mr. ford. doubters take heed: there is such thing as good homebrew. don't get me wrong, there is plenty of crap being made too, i've made a few less than successful creations.... but sometimes the beer gods smile upon us.
i had back-to-back brew-days this past weekend. made a kolsch on saturday and did a vertical epic 09.09.09 clone on a buddy's brew system on sunday (stone has published all the recipes for the series). the vertical epic was such a big beer that we ended up with 3 gallons of rather strong second runnings. after the primary yeast is done on this "small" beer i'll throw in some brett. should be ready around early july.