Well not to get all Spacey, but who cares? There are plenty of other great, cheaper options in the world. We pretty much *only* drank hoppy beers the last three days. Ranked in order of preference:
1. Lagunitas Born Yesterday (best new mass produced beer since ?)
2. Three Floyds Zombie Dust (last of a three month old case, but still damn good).
3. Ocelot Watch Me Disappear (growlers at Whole Foods notably cheaper than at brewery, this *might* be their best IPA)
4. Founders Harvest Ale (overpriced compared to #1 and #2 but still glad I picked up a four pack)
5. Lagunitas Sucks (still a fan, but its not quite as good as it used to me and it can't beat those above)
Tonight, Sierra Nevada Celebration.
Interesting that my two favorites are allegedly pale ales, and not IPA's.