Author Topic: PS3 vs Xbox  (Read 10300 times)


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PS3 vs Xbox
« on: November 18, 2009, 12:43:57 pm »
I have a feeling i know how people are going to vote on this, but considering delving into this realm, more for the additional perks than the gaming, per se. But I do like me some FIFA.

Yes, some interest in a media center and netflix streaming, but the blu ray built in is hard to pass up too.



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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2009, 12:50:45 pm »
xbox 360 is great for netflix streaming as that's what I use to watch my netflix.  PS3 has just come out with netflix streaming too but I haven't tried it on there to compare yet.  Both systems are good but with xbox you have to pay to play online and with the ps3 it's free.  I haven't really watched the Blu ray movies that much yet even though I got a bunch of free blu rays when I got my ps3.  Which one is better is hard to say.  They both have their unique things.  In the long run probably the PS3 since you don't hear about those breaking down all the time like the xbox.  ;D Walkonby had this same question a few months ago not sure which system he went with in the end.


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2009, 01:01:28 pm »
xbox 360 is great for netflix streaming as that's what I use to watch my netflix.  PS3 has just come out with netflix streaming too but I haven't tried it on there to compare yet.  Both systems are good but with xbox you have to pay to play online and with the ps3 it's free.  I haven't really watched the Blu ray movies that much yet even though I got a bunch of free blu rays when I got my ps3.  Which one is better is hard to say.  They both have their unique things.  In the long run probably the PS3 since you don't hear about those breaking down all the time like the xbox.  ;D Walkonby had this same question a few months ago not sure which system he went with in the end.

ah, sorry for the repeat, i'll search for that thread...


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2009, 01:14:22 pm »
I'm an Xbox man, have not expeirenced the dreaded RROD despite owning mine for almost 3 years , nor do I know anybody who's purchased their Xbox in the last year who has experienced the same problem.  I do know two folks who purchased the original run of Xbox production (a year before mine), and MS replaced it within a week, free of charge.

In my eyes, the PS3 always seems to be behind the xbox in terms of innovation.  All of the new features the PS3 has released this past fall have been on the xbox for almost a year.

As for Blu-Ray, it will likely never be on the Xbox as they have clearly gone the route of downloadable HD content.  I don't need to repeat the reasons why I think tangible media is dead, but a quick search of this forum or perusal of the Smackie thread will give you all the reasons why I think Blu-Ray is the last of the tangible video media and why I see no need to invest in it.


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2009, 01:52:08 pm »
still haven't gone either way . . . yet.  i'm working out my final days of playing the wii by exploiting the great games that the gamecube put out.  but from my extensive research, playing both in game stores, asking countless questions of many, serious gaming geeks, ps3 all the way when i go next gen. 


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2009, 02:09:28 pm »
ha I thought about buying a Wii.  They say they are very easy to mod and make a hack out of them no matter software version you have.  Meaning you can play all the old gamecube, nes, and even new games.  Pirates ha  ;D

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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2009, 02:14:33 pm »
I have both.

yes, you have to pay for 360 online stuff and ps3 is free...but it shows.  the online experience for xbox is light years ahead of the ps3 online experience.

if a game comes out for both the 360 and and ps3, i will always buy the 360 version hands down.  all of the extra features they add to the ps3 always feel like add-ons, rather than being integrated like they are on the 360.  take netflix streaming for example...on the ps3, in order to get netflix streaming, you need to send away for a special disc, and the disc must be inserted into the ps3 whenever you want to stream netflix.  totally ass backwards.

having blu-ray in the ps3 is nice, but the future of movie watching is digital distrubution.  that being said, for games, it can be a bonus since you can fit a ton of more content, and publishers are not always willing to ship on more than 1 disc for the 360 (i worked for a game developer for 3 years...released a game for the ps3 and 360).  horsepower wise, they are about equal.

but when it comes down to it...take a look at system exclusives and buy the system that has the most that you want to play


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2009, 02:42:39 pm »
As an owner of all three systems (adding in the wii even though it isnt being asked about) and i would have to cast my vote towards the PS3.  Better specs.  More reliable (Im on my third 360 due to the red ring issue).  A better controller.  Free online play (though i really dont game online, so its a moot point for me).  Ive compared a couple of games on the same tv using HDMI, and the PS3 has looked better each time.  Blu ray.  Net Flix now.  Plus the back catalouge of PS and PS2 has a few gems that are timeless and worth being played still.  You can swap the hard drives with a bigger capacity one that isnt  proprietary...

Darth Ed

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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 02:47:15 pm »
I agree that it mostly depends on what games you want to play. Multiplayer games are typically better on Xbox 360, but, if you're not a hardcore multiplayer gamer, I'd recommend the PS3. The PS3 has some great exclusive games of its own. I'm particularly fond of the Uncharted games. The PS3 works great as a media center extender (I routinely download TV shows on my computer and then watch them on the PS3) and it's just about the best Blu-ray player available. Digital distribution won't match Blu-ray 1080p quality for a very, very, very long time.

I've seen it speculated that the Netflix PS3 disc is a loophole to get around some kind of exclusive agreement Microsoft has with Netflix. Once that agreement expires, which rumors say is sometime next year, Netflix could be built-in to a future PS3 firmware update.


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 05:10:19 pm »
Why don't you kids go play outside?


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 05:42:22 pm »

kosmo vinyl

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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 05:48:19 pm »


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 07:29:39 pm »
The new season of Xbox 1 vs 100 starts tomorrow
Nice.  I had a good time playing it last season.  Hopefully one of these days i cna be in the mob or the one.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2010, 12:01:20 am »
This is sort of an Xbox vs PS3 entry....

The Rock Band Network Store launched today, which allows bands and labels to create their own tracks to be played on Rock Band.  It appears Xbox users get titles 30 days prior to PS3 users, which seems a bit silly but oh well, it's not like I'm likely to buy many of those tracks anyways...

So out of the gate I'm not recognizing a whole of lot of the bands, but given the RockBand Demographic, I'm guessin lots of metal... a couple interesting "indie" rock, etc titles

Flogging Molly
Drunken Lullabies (Live)
Requiem for a Dying Song

Juke Joint Jezebel
A Drug Against War

The Hold Steady
Sequestered in Memphis

The Shins

But heres the real head scratcher, not seeing too many hardcore RockBand players going for this one.

of Montreal
Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse


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Re: PS3 vs Xbox
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2010, 12:29:25 am »
of Montreal
Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse

that song would sell a whole lot better if they sub-titled it "(AKA the outback steakhouse song)".  boom.