Author Topic: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)  (Read 17230 times)


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    • Ardamus
LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:29:58 pm »

Targeting: Christine A. Varney (Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, U.S. Department of Justice)

Started by: John Breyault

There's a train wreck about to happen and consumer groups say YOU will be the victim if the two most powerful corporate interests in the live concert business get their way. But you can help stop the merger of Ticketmaster and Live Nation. The government needs to hear from live event fans now. Tell the Department of Justice that you're against these monopolies amassing illegal power over consumers - before it's too late.

As a concertgoer you have already felt the pain of high "convenience" fees, paired with inconvenient ticketing practices and poor service.  If Ticketmaster and Live Nation get their way, it will get worse.  History bears this fear out.  From 1996 to 2003, ticket prices shot up by 82% while the consumer price index increased by just 17% -- at the same time that Ticketmaster and Live Nation (then known as SFX Entertainment and later, Clear Channel Entertainment) were busy buying up rivals in the live event industry.  If these two live event industry behemoths are permitted to merge, the variety and quality of artists coming to local venues will be negatively affected, while the costs to consumers would shoot through the roof.

If you agree with the consumer groups and lawmakers, make a difference and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD NOW.

Send a message to the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice telling them you support President Obama's campaign promise to protect the American public from abusive monopolies.

You don't have to sign. I just want to get some thoughts on this issue.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 08:32:08 pm by Ardamus »


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2010, 08:50:49 pm »
Although I agree with the sentiment the petition as written is amateurish...


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2010, 09:07:56 pm »



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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2010, 09:16:04 pm »
The writing's not good....I agree. But if this blocks indie artists from being able to book certain venues....we have another issue on our hands.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2010, 09:21:56 pm »
Actually Ardamus, I'm completely with you as I don't have a problem with it. After all, it is the message that counts. Not the fluffy stuff. I just couldn't help but to take the piss on Mr. Natural above.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2010, 01:14:00 am »
I'd be shocked if the merger is not approved


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2010, 02:59:28 am »
I'd be shocked if the merger is not approved

Same here. After all, it's all part of the Nue-Fascism.

The bastards just passed a bill today (or yesterday, by my clock) that lifts limits on corporations for campaign donations but keeps them for individuals. If you truly know what Fascism is, than you understand how this gives them more power while repressing the common man.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2010, 10:41:37 am »
The bastards just passed a bill today (or yesterday, by my clock) that lifts limits on corporations for campaign donations but keeps them for individuals. If you truly know what Fascism is, than you understand how this gives them more power while repressing the common man.
I usually get my political commentary from someone who understands the difference between the Supreme Court ruling someway and "a bill [getting] passed."


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2010, 10:47:33 am »
People may already know this, but Seth gave his Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony about a year ago.  Read it if you haven't already, it provides a pretty interesting perspective:

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2010, 11:06:02 am »
People may already know this, but Seth gave his Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony about a year ago.  Read it if you haven't already, it provides a pretty interesting perspective:
No, it provides a biased perspective from someone who doesn't have any of our best interest in mind. We've been over this a thousand times.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2010, 11:11:50 am »
Are you sure?  Seth PM's me pretty regularly, reminding me that everything he does is solely for my enjoyment.  Except booking Cage the Elephant and State Radio on three consecutive nights...he did that just to piss me off.

People may already know this, but Seth gave his Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony about a year ago.  Read it if you haven't already, it provides a pretty interesting perspective:
No, it provides a biased perspective from someone who doesn't have any of our best interest in mind. We've been over this a thousand times.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2010, 11:20:19 am »
They should sell 3-day passes to that and call it Poopfest.

I'd buy a ticket and won't go just so that I can have a real ticket with "Poopfest" written on it.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2010, 11:26:27 am »
Are you sure?  Seth PM's me pretty regularly, reminding me that everything he does is solely for my enjoyment.
Clearly you're better in bed then the rest of us.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2010, 11:26:44 am »
from someone who doesn't have any of our best interest in mind. riously?

none?  seriously?  how about having good artists perform at the club?  ensuring patrons enjoy themselves and want to return?  providing a safe environment?  these are some of my best interests...

admittedly the price/revenue thing puts us in conflict, but the above ensures there is middle ground.


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Re: LiveNation/Ticketmaster merger (petition to block)
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2010, 11:42:12 am »
The bastards just passed a bill today (or yesterday, by my clock) that lifts limits on corporations for campaign donations but keeps them for individuals. If you truly know what Fascism is, than you understand how this gives them more power while repressing the common man.
I usually get my political commentary from someone who understands the difference between the Supreme Court ruling someway and "a bill [getting] passed."

Yet another one who misses the point and chooses to waste time on fluff rather than real issues that truly affect us all.  ::)

While Seth does watch out for his bottom line, at least he obviously cares about offering something of quality in return. Won't defend him in the least on the drink prices but I don't know all the particulars involved with his business so will remain a fan and respect what all he does for us. Besides, if he doesn't make some kind of profit, the club and IMP go out of business and we end up with nothing but the Clear Craps/Dead Nations/Ticketbastards and RNR Blowtels of the world.