if use ugly little corporate following bastards are going to be fat, we will be the fattest! and like most problems, we'll find someone to blame and are lazy, protective, "think my kid is perfect" parents will get together and sue them to try to rid this country of happiness and causeing more kids to want to rebel and wear anti flag shirts. then are fat chicks will wear all black, die their hair purple, and write crappy poetry about pain and suffering and be alone, then will go out with all their friends and be complete and total retards giving us little bitches more troubles and sterotypes. ::gasps for breath::
im just mad cause of madden2004.....bastard team fucking up.....going upstairs and eat cake, suposedly need to get fat....and watch tenacious D dvd....then listen to my new BDM cd......(used abrievation cuz i cant spell middle word...