True, if you want to be "medically" correct.
The usual connotation of "herpes" is genital.
If I have oral herpes, I'd call it "cold sore" or "fever blister". I won't say to my friends, "hey guess what, I have herpes". That would freak them out.
Also, to finish it off, it may be the same virus, but they are from different strains. Oral herpes is HSV-1 and genital herpes is HSV-2, though HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
there is no such thing as "genital" herpes (vs. oral or any other type), according to Dr. Drew and other websites i've read. it's all the same virus, "genital" can only describe where a given outbreak is occuring. so if you have it up here, it can definitely spread down there. you're not immune from one just because you think you have the "other".