Author Topic: Dear Elton John  (Read 2133 times)

James Ford

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Dear Elton John
« on: June 16, 2010, 02:24:50 pm »
This re-post from elsewhere on the net is dedicated to walkonby:

Homo / ??!! Dear Elton John...
Posted by Adrian Ryan on Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:30 AM
I despise you. I hate you so much. Every inch of me hates you. My hair hates you. My shoelaces hate you. Yes, you Elton John! You! Hate. I. hate. you. You make my gorge rise.

Don't look so surprised. You are a corpulent, wig-wearing manbag of pompous has-been homo pus. And you are a traitor. Pardon me...a filthy traitor. "Sell-out" is too good for you. My fondest ambition has become to throw a glass of pee in your eyes.

It makes me vomit the way we the, um, "gays" or whatever rally around you and lift your fat ass up like some kind of hero?a great Champion of the Cause! Courageous AIDS-money-giver! Gay-lanthropist! Friend of saucy old dames!

Bite me, you glitter sodden cow.

You waited until, what? You were 150 years old to come out of your rhinestone-studded closet? When you had your schmajlillions of pounds good and socked away, and there was absolutely no danger to you whatsoever because, hey, it was the flippin' 90s and everybody was coming out? There was money in it. And loads of attention! Enough attention to even perhaps renew interest in a sad bag of flatulent flab throwback from 40 years ago like you and let him drag his tragic ego along for a few...more...decades...

Oh, the bravery of you! What an inspiration to us all!

And all that is forgivable I guess. Who cares, really? A lot of weak and stupid and greedy famous people waited until they were safe in their rich midlives to finally capitalize on their sexuality. Whatever.

BUT! But. You played at Rush Limbaugh's wedding. That's right. Rush. Fucking. Pill-popping. Hate-mongering. Propaganda King for the Republican Right. Limbaugh. His FOURTH wedding, thank you very much. The man who has done everything in his power to ensure tha "people like you" (like me, fucker) can NEVER marry. The worst of the worst, the lowest of the low, the craziest of the craziest.

You are a cock-sucking court jester. You are a mockable paid dancing monkey that has spit in the face of gay people everywhere. I have no doubt at this point you would have bowled with Goebbels if there was fifty cents in it. You have made a fool out of all of us.

You're appalling. You disgust me. I hate you, Elton John.


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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 02:33:15 pm »
You just know that this letter gave Elton a boner.

James Ford

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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 02:45:34 pm »


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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2010, 02:56:43 pm »


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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2010, 06:08:57 pm »
this might be the best thread ever posted on the forum.  screw elton . . . now i have a boner.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 06:17:58 pm by walkonby »


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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2010, 06:30:20 pm »
So Elton came out later in life, big deal, George Takai was almost 70 when he did it.  And a performer who gets offered a lucrative gig would be foolish to turn it down because they didnt agree with the politics of the person who offered it.  Yeah its nice to have integrity, but people work with and for people with polar opposite views all of the time, and arent sell outs or hate mongers or anything bad for doing such. 

By the way, Im not a Rush fan or supporter or even an Elton John one for that matter, but I do believe people can exist in harmony in this world even with extreme opposite views of the world.  We have been doing it since humans learned to speak. 

Justin Tonation

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Re: Dear Elton John
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 07:22:22 pm »
A gig's a gig, as they say. On the other hand, Sir Elton has the luxury of saying no.
😐 🎶