I don't want to speak for any of the other veterans of the board, but I think the reason for the concern is all of the work that went into getting soft sales.
For years boardies asked (READ: bitched to/at) Seth for a solution to his most loyal customers (aka Boardies) being shut out of tickets to popular shows. The solution was originally the soft sales concept for up and coming bands and then the addition of Volume Presales for the most popular acts.
The more that information is not "soft" the less useful Seth's solution is for us. I like the concept of sharing that information with other boardies, but once it hits the public, it's self defeating. The old board was not searchable by the googles so I would have been less opposed to this concept, but this new board is searchable. In reality though, a typical google search turns up the ticket fly link before this thread, but I'm guessing that's only because this thread is new. Once it has a ton of oft used links, it will move up the Zeitgeist...
My preference would be a way to close the thread down to registered board users only (sorry lurkers, but lurking is for pussies anyway - take issue with that? Register and give me shit!), but I don't know if that's possible, or even the will of the rest of the group.