"Wow...since when is it a bad thing that females wear sundresses?"
Of course I have nothing against sundresses per se, but when those wearing them have no idea about half the songs, or lack the good sense not to be in toe-smash range of the pit (then complain when people are encroaching on their space 20 feet from the stage), well, that's what I was bemoaning. The sundress comment was just a metaphor for the decidedly mellow, more here for the drinks than the band crowd.
I think back to when the 'Tones last played the 9:30 in February of '03 and it just seemed like a crazier, more off the cuff show. Last night's was more of a "performance," more structured, if you will. Maybe because the band is older and less prone to, or tolerant of, chaos. The bulk of the crowd last night definitely seemed that way, at least. Maybe I've seen them too many times.