Author Topic: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...  (Read 3140 times)

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« on: June 06, 2005, 10:45:00 am »
...and inform me.
 I'm thinking of going out today and buying an Ipod, but I have a few questions since I've never had one.
 First, is there any point in getting the photo ipods? Does anyone who has one actually use that feature? Also, they're not about to release like a 5th-gen version or anything in the next few months are they? Because, if so, I'll just wait so I don't have outdated stuff.
 This is probably my biggest question: how tied am I to the itunes software. I don't like itunes and I'm really, really picky about installing any software on my computer, so is there someway I can make send files and rip CDs over another way? Also, do I have to keep all the CDs I rip on my hard-drive forever so that they're still there when I "sync" up?
 Also, how good is this for jogging since that's going to be the primary use?
 Additionally, I know some people advocate another mp3 player (iriver?). Why do they feel that way? Thanks in advance for any and all help anyone wants to throw out there.


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 10:56:00 am »
I wish i had a photo ipod...not cuz i want to put pictures on it...I just like the nice color screen.
 You don't have to use Itunes if you don't want to.  There are loads of 3rd party music managers for your ipod.  I used to use one of them...but can't remember what it was called.  Pod something or other.  Music Match works too but I hate that.  I like itunes and started using it when it came out for pc.
 As far as next gen stuff goes - there will always be something newer coming down the pike.  fact of life, but i haven't heard of anything on the immediate horizon.

Chip Chanko

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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 11:09:00 am »
You might as well wait until tomorrow to make up your mind since today is Jobs' keynote at the Worldwide Developers Conference and who knows what he'll say (besides apple going intel).
 Other than that I have a 4th gen now and kind of wish I'd gotten a photo (might as has no drawbacks and may get Tetris added).
 You can use a billion different pieces of software to load songs. I think Kosmo uses Winamp with a new plugin for the ipod. I primarily use iTunes but have been known to use Ephpod and vPod on occasion. Go to ipodlounge and check out the software compedium.
 I know two people who jog with full sized ipods (not shuffle or mini) and wouldn't have it any other way.


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
Photos are nice, wish I'd have gone that route.
 If you're on Windows, I recommend's "Anapod Explorer" for iPod management. I really like it.
 Wait until Jobs' keynote is over for sure. I got burned in February. Bought Mrs. Tenfifteen a 4GB Mini for St. Val's Day, they came out with the 6GB and better battery model two weeks later.  :mad:


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2005, 11:15:00 am »
I love my iPod for working out.  It does have some awkward operating features.  Doesn't always turn off quickly or consistently; the touch pad is really qwirky at times depending on if your hands are cold/wet/etc.  On the other hand, the iPod mini (which I have) is SOOOO light, I can clip it even to the loosest pants and it doesn't drag 'em off...fellow gym rats appreciate THAT, I'm sure.  Unless there's a better MP3 player out there with regard to more user-friendly operating features, I'll say go with Apple's iPod mini.  I can't even image what applications I'd use the photo feature it wasn't worth the extra cash to me!  (PS:  Hoya recommended upgraded ear phones too; which is a great idea. The ones that come with the iPod SUCK - not necessarily quality-wise, but they don't stay in very well when working out...invest in a better pair:  I'm shopping for some.)


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2005, 11:19:00 am »
I believe you can run Ephpod off the Ipod, so you don't need to install any software on any machine - plug and play, drag and drop. Not as good as the Rio or RCA systems, where you drag files on to the drive and the machine self-profiles, but not bad.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2005, 11:39:00 am »
Originally posted by Chip Chanko:
 You can use a billion different pieces of software to load songs. I think Kosmo uses Winamp with a new plugin for the ipod.
actually no i was just passing along that tidbit of info... kosmette wears the ipod in the family and uses itunes on os x.
 i remember that where votes of confidence for the red chair software


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
Ephpod is what i used to use back before itunes for pc.  I liked it just fine..better than itunes in some ways but overall i like itunes better.


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2005, 01:11:00 pm »
I'd go for the photo iPod, not for the color screen, but for the larger hard drive. If you want anything greater than 20gb, you have no choice but to get a photo, and the 30gb photo is a really good deal compared to the 20gb non-photo iPod. It's $50 more, but you'll get 50% more capacity and the color screen. In my opinion, that extra 10gb by itself is worth more than the price difference, and the color screen comes as a free bonus.
 I use iTunes on OS X to manage my iPod so I'm not sure about other programs. But Wired had some news recently about a Winamp plugin called ml_iPod that might be a good alternative. It sounds like it's even got a lot of features that iTunes lacks.

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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2005, 01:29:00 pm »
 i hated itunes too, but once i got an ipod i succumbed to using it and it is not as bad as i thought.  also, every week the music store has free downloads which are sometimes good stuff.
 i have a 20 gig, which i haven't had very long and am already almost out of room on.  it holds around 5,000 and i'm up to 4,000 something...with STILL not all of my cds uploaded...em...figure out how much music you have and around how much you'd have with cds and stuff.
 also, as far as the synching itunes, you can choose something under preferences or whatever that lets you manually operate your ipod playlist, basically meaning that instead of it automatically updating, you can drag and drop from your library to your ipod.  thus enabling you to delete stuff from your hard drive as soon as it's on yer podular device.
 this also lets you plug in to somebody elses computer and library, and as long as they have the manually update option checked; you can drag and drop their music to your ipod as well.
 i was told when i got my ipod that you couldn't do this, but of course found a way around it and have found that it works quite awesomely.
 i am the type of person where, as long as i have my music i will play it in whatever device i have to play it with, which is why it took me so long to finally get an ipod.  i wanted one, but they were too expensive...and now that i have one, i must say.  i love this thing.
 i practically bathe with it.
 good luck with all of this mess


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
I'm also in the market for an mp3 player... not sure whether I should spring for an ipod or some other player instead, so just to make it clear, am i correct in assuming that everyone is pretty much advising ipod over other types of players?  I have close to 4,000 songs on my computer and a few hundred cd's to manage.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
if you have any plans to use napster-to-go or the new yahoo music service then one needs something other than an ipod


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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2005, 01:50:00 pm »
Im honestly a big fan of SONY's Hi-md format. the sound quality is better in my opinion, and I like having removable memeory. 1gb disks, that hold about 8hrs. Nice random feature that will not repeat a song untill all of them are played, even if you turn it off, replace a battery, etc. The display is not as cool, or easy to use, as an iPod, but having easy control of the type of music played is nice.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Ipod Owners Of The World, Unite...
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
Alot of people are saying on another board that I shouldn't even consider a hard drive based MP3 player if I'm going to jog with it. They say flash or the thing will crap out. Comments?