Author Topic: Rude Lissie Fans  (Read 5974 times)


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2011, 03:07:36 pm »
Encores for headliners are stupid if they're planned...the thought of openers doing them is just sickening.

Sir HC

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2011, 03:13:09 pm »
Encores for headliners are stupid if they're planned...the thought of openers doing them is just sickening.

Can be cool if the opener has the headliner (or members of the band) come out for a song.  Often bands have encores on the set list, but then if don't feel like it don't play those songs.  This I am okay with, but yeah, the contrived ones (unless it is bathroom break) just mean a longer show without more music.


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2011, 03:16:34 pm »
Weird how it is expected at nearly every concert now.

Sir HC

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2011, 03:38:48 pm »
Weird how it is expected at nearly every concert now.

Some of my all time favorite shows had no encore (Sex Pistols at the club and The Stone Roses when it was WUST). 

Christine Moritz

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2011, 02:02:27 pm »
I think Shadrach and Sir HC both put it very well.

It's annoying when people's talking reaches the level of a din, but this happens a lot during opening acts' sets and fairly often during headliners' sets.

I've been pleasantly surprised the times that I've seen a "quiet" act performing, like Kings of Convenience or Jonsi, and the audience is rapt and listening instead of chattering.

Sorry for your unfortunate experience, but the harsh reality is that this is generally the type of treatment opening acts often get and why most artists strive for headliner status. Additionally opening acts have a limited length of time allotted for their set and rarely if ever do an encore. In fact that would be rather rude and might be considered upstaging the main act. Also acts are almost never introduced or announced before coming on stage, that goes for headliners as well. Sometimes the lights will dim or some intro music will play, but again this is generally reserved for the main act. The opening acts job is mostly to warm up the room and the crowd, but unfortunately this is often the time in which people are filing in, getting drinks and catching up with friends. I can see where this might be frustrating for a hardcore fan of a support act, but it's pretty standard. I think perhaps you had unrealistic expectations coming in. That being said, ruling out 9:30 based on this experience means you'll be missing out on a ton of really great live music.

I have seen this happen with the headliners not just openers.  It is as if these people think that band they paid $20+ to see is background music.  It sucks when it happens, but sometimes if you work your way to the front, the PA drowns out the people.

As to introducing bands, that usually is when there is some radio station or the like involved with the show or some of these battle of the bands thing.  And an opener encore would have to be blessed by the headliner or the scam of leaving stage early to come back to fill their alotted time. 

Christine Moritz

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2011, 02:04:10 pm »
Some of my all time favorite shows had no encore (Sex Pistols at the club and The Stone Roses when it was WUST). 

Oh man... wish I had gotten to see that Stone Roses show!

(Sex Pistols too, for that matter, but that would be reaching back into the realm of impossibility.)

Sir HC

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #36 on: February 07, 2011, 02:08:12 pm »
Some of my all time favorite shows had no encore (Sex Pistols at the club and The Stone Roses when it was WUST). 

Oh man... wish I had gotten to see that Stone Roses show!

(Sex Pistols too, for that matter, but that would be reaching back into the realm of impossibility.)

Oh no, this was the 2003 Sex Pistols tour with all the original lineup.  It was great, they sounded great, the crew said it was the most enjoyable tour they have been on, and they were having fun. 

Christine Moritz

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2011, 02:19:56 pm »
Oh no, this was the 2003 Sex Pistols tour with all the original lineup.  It was great, they sounded great, the crew said it was the most enjoyable tour they have been on, and they were having fun. 
Ahhh, OK.  Somehow that one escaped my notice; maybe I was out of town or something.

Sir HC

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2011, 03:04:40 pm »
Oh no, this was the 2003 Sex Pistols tour with all the original lineup.  It was great, they sounded great, the crew said it was the most enjoyable tour they have been on, and they were having fun. 
Ahhh, OK.  Somehow that one escaped my notice; maybe I was out of town or something.

Think it was August, day after Ricky Iglesias played. 


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2011, 11:21:40 am »
Hey, look who is opening for Lucinda Williams.


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2011, 12:15:58 pm »
Sorry Sir HC, but the Stone Roses DID indeed play an encore, and it was one their very first at the time as a way of saying "sorry" for the fuckup at Gaston Hall the earlier night. They played "Fools Gold".

Sir HC

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2011, 03:31:21 pm »
Sorry Sir HC, but the Stone Roses DID indeed play an encore, and it was one their very first at the time as a way of saying "sorry" for the fuckup at Gaston Hall the earlier night. They played "Fools Gold".

Okay, I was there for Fools Gold, but I did not remember it being an encore.  But then again, my memories are a bit fuzzy on the whole thing.

At the time I knew some of the physical plant guys at Georgetown, and they said that Ian tried to push the PA off stage and toss the microphone through the stained glass window because he didn't want seats where they played. 


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2011, 04:49:17 pm »
I have a pretty classic story about that gig. I was one of the first few people in line, and was outside the hall when the Roses were sound-checking. At a certain point the music stopped and Ian came out and walked right up to me and says, "mate, you need to tell the crowd that the gig is off. The PA is crap, and we can't do the show. We'll do the gig tomorrow night somewhere else." I'm just like "EXCUSE ME?" I figure it's Ian Brown talking, so I turn around and yell at the top of my lungs to the now growing line and am greeted with shouts of "fuck you" and "you've got to be fucking kidding me". I was with 3 other people that I had somehow started to talk and bond with, and we ended up taking refuge with the Roses. Somehow I followed them as people start freaking out and started getting confrontational. Some had traveled from Atlanta and other places, and they were pissed. I manage to end up on the tour bus and they told me they were staying at the Ritz in Dupont Circle. They signed all my CDs I had with me, and Ian commented about my "Stand Still" bootleg and asked me where I got it because he wanted one. They asked what there was to do in DC, so I just said "well, there's an English-style pub around the corner from your hotel called the Brickskeller". So they suggested that we meet up there. I met back up with my other new "friends" and the band went back to the hotel to chill out for a bit. We walked by the hotel and recognized a couple roadies, who said "go fetch the band". I remember calling up to Ian's room and he said they were just going to chill with a big bag of weed. So we got to hang with their roadies instead. It was such a surreal evening. The next night was the show at WUST, which was fantastic. Mani was the coolest.


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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2011, 12:42:31 am »
Now THAT's a story!

I remember at Gaston Hall that night walking up a stairwell where I saw Ian Brown by himself . . . it was jarring.  He was SO British Rockstar-y with his big head on a tiny body, his kind of weathered but still boyish look and seemingly age inappropriate moddish (?) haircut.  That brush with greatness alone was awesome.

I thought I remembered them ending with Fool's Gold encore but wasn't positive.  If memory serves, like on the US album, it wouldn't have hurt to have ended with I Am The Resurrection (although I do love Fool's Gold) . . . I Am The Resurrection was Epic . . . and Fool's Gold was cool but a bit off - in particular I think I recall the imposter/antichrist in place of Reni and/or drum machine loop wasn't quite on point

« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 12:56:48 am by Mobius »

James Ford

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Re: Rude Lissie Fans
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2011, 08:48:11 am »
You guys are as bad as a bunch of blockheads worshipping their football jock heroes.